

The Smtown workshop in Pyeongchang was finally over. In the ending ceremony it was similar to a banquet, it was a banquet. 


There was food, deserts and most importantly, alcohol.

Both Seulgi and Wendy worked a lot, traveling to many places.The trip to Austria really put a number on them. 

They thought they had deserved a good drink.

Shot after shot, drink after drink.

Seungwan was surprisingly has a high alcohol tolerance but Seulgi, can only take 5 shots before she was drunk. 

The brunette took way more than 5 that night. It was like she wanted to forget something, is what Seungwan noted.


One of the mangers took a photo of them, they had to pretend they didn’t drink much. 

Trying to look as sober as they can. 

But Wendy didn’t have to try, she was just buzzed. 

The blonde even tried covering the empty bottles behind her. 





Soon it was time for them to leave. 

Luckily the other members weren’t drunk, mostly just a bit.

Unluckily they were on the way to the plane back home. 

So Seulgi is gonna be on the plane drunk.

The nice person Seungwan is, she saved the other members from having to deal with drunk Seulgi. 

Seungwan took Seulgi’s arm and put it behind her nape, then held her hand. She then placed her hand on the latter’s toned waist. 

 Wendy held and lead her friend to the car, with the help of the other members. They were in the very back, Seulgi on the right side of the blonde, Joy on the left. Joohyun was on the drivers side while Yeri was on the passenger’s. 

As Red Velvet was heading to the airport, Seulgi fell asleep on her best friend, head placed on the latter’s shoulder. 

Seungwan noticed the unnatural movements and sweat from the older. 

‘She must be having a nightmare’ after knowing her for a long time, she knows when Seulgi is having a bad dream.

Wendy took Seulgi’s left hand and held it, drawing circles with her thumb onto the top of the bear’s hand. 

Then used her right hand to pat the brunettes hair. The movements stopped and eventually the sweat beads evaporated. 

 ´It must be over now’ The darkness took over but the moonlight provided enough light to see the smile on Seungwan’s face.


The car was about an hour away from the airport. Wendy decided to take a nap, her head found itself on top of Seulgi’s. And she halted the petting (Seulgi was really slouched, so much Wendy’s head was able to rest on top).


The sudden shuffle caused Seulgi to think they were leaving, she didn’t want to. It was too comfortable. 


At that moment she used her free right hand to grip at Wendy’s love handles. Then Seulgi twisted to the side so she could nuzzle into her neck, resting her chin on the shoulder. 


The whisper was low, “Please don’t go...”


The hot air went onto Wendy’s neck, effectively making her get goosebumps.


The blonde gently placed her hand on her upper thigh and squeezed the bears hand.


“I won’t” she whispered into her ear. As she retreated her face she quietly muttered. 


“I won’t ever leave you.”




“Unnies! wake up! We’re at the airport now!!”


Yeri yelled as Joy shook the two sleepy heads awake.


The 94 liners both let go of each other and got up, not forgetting to unbuckle the seat belts. 


Seulgi was still a bit groggy and out of it.  She tripped but the younger caught her and helped her regain her balance and acted as a leverage, holding the bear.


They were safely out of the car and walked in the airport.




Seulgi, never letting go of Wendy’s hand, pulled her to the first class seats and sat her and Wendy in a pair of seats. 


She acted on impulse, spending more time brought her happiness and pain.


She should’ve thought it through. But she knew if she didn’t have her sit beside her in the plane. 


Wendy would sit with Joohyun. Not that she had a problem with the leader, just that she would get jealous of her. 


Spending more time with her best friend and unintentional crush. 




Wendy sensed something wrong with Seulgi, she wasn’t being herself recently. 


Now she violently dragged her to the seats with a tight hold on her hand. 


So many questions but no answers.


She needed answers.


“Is anything wrong Seul?”


‘Seul’ once a word that was fondly heard by Seulgi, but now it pangs her heart every time she heard it.


“No... I just want to sleep” She lied, her drunken self doesn’t think. But then again she thinks way too much of things that don’t matter.


The touches from Wendy hurt. She knows it fan service. 


It feels real.


But it’s probably not in the way she wants to to be.




Seulgi turned her head to look through the window. 


Wendy can tell she’s lying. She tends to look away and avoid eye contact when she does.


She doesn’t like it when she can tell her beloved friend is in pain.


“Hey, if anything is on your mind, that’s bothering you, you can tell me I’ll listen”


She softly placed her hand on Seulgi’s.


“You always do.” Wendy heard that almost silent whisper.


“Seulgi look at me” The blonde tried to pull her shoulder, but got shrugged off.


“No I’m going to sleep” she roughly put the side of her head on Seungwans shoulder.


In an instant when she closed her eyes, tear drops fell onto the blonde’s pants making them wet.   ( ;) )


“B-but.... Seulgi you’re crying, it pains me to see you like this, how do I help? how do I fix it?” Seulgi heard the worry in her friend’s voice. 


Wendy cupped the brunettes face and brought it up close to hers. 


Seulgi slowly opened her eyes to see a Seungwan on the brink of tears.


“It’s...” a lump formed in preventing her to say ‘it’s you, wan, you do this.’


It was swallowed, but only this came out,


“Can we talk about this when I’m sober and at home? I want to sleep off the head ache”


“Of course Seul, here I’ll be your pillow” Seungwan patted her shoulder. 


“What about you?”


“I’ll be fine sleep well” She winked.


‘Wan, if you keep being this nice I won’t stop falling.’ Thoughts were clouding the bears mind, she decided to sleep it off and take Wendy’s offer for the ‘pillow’.




Dreams of being happy with Wendy filled up her brain and thoughts. But it was soon interrupted by none other that herself; Wendy.


“Wakey wakey” 


‘Her voice is so soothing can I just stay like this for a couple more hours?’ Seulgi thought against it and asked,


“Wan? Are we home?”


“Yup in South Korea, not at the dorms yet.

But come on let’s help the others with the luggages”


The brunettes eyes opened lazily to see Wendy motioning her to come and stand. She was right in front of her.


“I don’t wanna” Seulgi’s arm circled around Wendy’s waist. Then hugged her and pulled her close.


Wendy put her leg in between Seulgi’s. The chair caused the leg to bend and she grabbed on the head of the chairs for support. 


Seungwan turned as red as tomato. 


“Seul we are in public” she whispered into her ear.


“It’s fine, it’s fan service and you’re really soft” she replied quietly.


“But we still need to help” 


“Fine” Seulgi let go and stood up, then pushed her way out of the plane. Leaving Wendy puzzled.


‘She’s so touchy all of a sudden, not that I’m complaining’ Wendy brushed it off and got the luggages.




Time flew and before you knew it, day turned into night and it was time to sleep.  


It was basically summer. But the night was chilly. Kind of unusual.


But many things are.


Seulgi’s roomie found her tucked in bed and turned in the other direction.


She was done showering, hair dried from the blow dryer. White oversized shirt and cute black loose short shorts.


“Seul are you gonna shower?”


“I did that already when you were helping Joohyun-unnie”


‘She didn’t even bother to look at me, I didn’t plan this outfit for her not even to look’ Seungwan bitterly thought.


Seungwan strolled over to her roommate and poked her cheek.


“Why won’t you look at me?” She added a bit of aegyo in there because she knew it would bother Seul.


But it didn’t. It was the complete opposite.


The quick movement of Seulgi turning made Seungwan trip backwards.


Good for her, Seulgi grabbed onto her hips pulling Seungwan on her and the bed.


Their faces were only a few centimetres away.

They could feel each other’s breath.


Seulgi’s eyes crescented. 


“You’re too cute for your own good.”


Wendy felt the familiar feeling of warmth in her cheeks and that pitter patter located in her chest.


Seulgi smiled brightly.  Wendy rolled off Seul and laid right beside her. She laid on her side. The side view was... breath taking.


The way her brown mane spread out on the bed, to the way her crew neck shirt rid up so high her stomach was out to the world, which Wendy thought was absolutely criminal.


Unfortunately it didn’t last long.


“I’m gonna go get a drink” As she got up she felt a tug on her black shirt,


“You haven’t told me what’s wrong”


“I’ll tell you after. Let me get some soju”


“We drank yesterday, don’t drink too much”


“We don’t have a shoot tomorrow, I wanna drink before we can’t anymore”


The reason was pretty valid. So Seungwan let her go.


“Alright but you’re drinking only a little bit”



Seulgi didn’t tell her the true reason she wanted to drink. She didn’t want to. It was as simple as that.



With a bottle of soju in one hand and two shot glasses in her hand she walked into the shared room. 


They got comfortable and set things up on the hard wood floor.




Three shots were already drunk at this point.


Seulgi’s cheeks were flushed and so were Wendy’s.


“So what is it? Is it about something or someone?” She thought it was a good opportunity to ask.


“Someone” fourth shot was downed. 


“What happened?” The blonde scooted closer to the brunette.


“It’s complicated” fifth shot.


“Can you explain?” Now they were only 10 cm away.


Seulgi was drunk. Her filter left. Her usual concealing self, left. 


“I think I fell in love” She said it so bitterly it surprised Seungwan.


“Do I know her?”


“Yeah” she wanted to say ‘it’s you’ 


She turned away. She doesn’t know how much longer she can go without telling her the truth.


“Oh is it one of the members?” Wendy keeps on pushing. She needs answers.


“It’s......” Seulgi hesitated. Then took a shot. The alcohol really got to her this time.


Seulgi turned to Wendy looking her straight in her eyes only 5 cm away. 


She s her arms around Wendy’s waist and whispered into her ear.


“It’s you Seungwan, you make me go crazy, I just want you by my side forever, I want to hold on to you forever.”


Silence was everywhere. It quickly filled the once laughter filled place.


“Oh... I....” Seulgi didn’t let her continue her sentence.


“It’s just you do too much skinship and I feel you care too much.”




“It probably just fan service and you’re just so nice to everyone”


“I... I’m sorry, but I think I-“


“It’s okay, I knew you didn’t feel the same anyway.”


Seulgi got up and headed for the door. 


“Wait, where are you going?”


“Fresh air, I’ll be on the roof”


Seulgi was crying again.  And it was because of Seungwan. 


Wendy hated hurting someone she loved. 


The tears kept spilling, they couldn’t stop. 

Seulgi’s view was blocked by tears.


She was on the ledge. 


She took a seat, looking out into the night sky. 


“Am I not good enough?” Seulgi said while looking up into the night sky.


“You are. I don’t deserve you. You deserve better.” The blonde gently spoke. It was like she did love her.


It was Wendy. She sat right beside the crying girl, both on the ledge, one wrong move and they could die.


Legs dangling over the stone cold SM building. Over looking the busy streets. The bright lights were mesmerizing but Wendy still filled Seulgi’s mind.


“I’m really sorry, you really do deserve someone better. There’s so many things wrong with me it would take years to finish”


“Wan dont put yourself down. You are good enough, I’m not enough for you.”


“Seulgi...” Wendy placed her hand on Seulgi’s but Seulgi retracted away. 


She was about to leave.



“Wait Seul, where are you going?”



“There.” Seulgi said it in such a way it sounded like only hate was in her heart.


And the way she was pointing was at the ground. The busy street.


“n-NO SEULGI NO!” Wendy raised her voice. That was the first time Seulgi has ever heard it.


“But what is there to live for?” Seulgi looked like she lost her purpose. It was hurting Wendy.


“I can’t- Seulgi listen to me okay?”


“Why should I? You broke my heart.”


Just as Seulgi moved half of her body down.


Wendy found a new courage to confess.


“Wait Seulgi I... I LOVE YOU OKAY??”


She immediately climbed back up taking a seat beside the younger.


“What? Why haven’t you told me?”


“I was... you didn’t let me I wanted to give you space.”


Wendy hung her head low.


Seulgi got closer and pulled Wendy into a hug.


“You should of just told me” Seulgi’s chin was resting on the latters shoulder. 


“I’m sorry-“ Tears flooded Seungwans vision and Seulgi heard the cry and shifted backwards.


Things took and unexpected turn and Seulgi connected lips.


The kiss was short. Making both of them want more.


“Girlfriends?” Wendy cautiously said avoiding eye contact.


“Girlfriends.” Seulgi pinched Wendy’s cheek.


“Ow what was that for?” The later immediately turned to Seulgi.


“To check if I was awake” Seulgi smirked, looking dazed.


“Idiot, you pinch yourself” Seungwan said matter of factly.


Laughter was heard from the Rooftop. 


This night was the start to many more spent together. As girlfriends.



a/n: hey yo readers I’m back with a slight angst but a happy ending. I’ll try doing an actual angst next time, but I’ll need chocolate milk. thank you for reading ^~^


and until next time, bye y’all <3 










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Chapter 1: so cute ? i love wenseul so much thank you. you’re an amazing writer
Chapter 1: Oh gosh! This is really adorable! I loved it! Thank you for writing this author :')
chocolate_holic25 #3
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh. Why so cute seuldy??? I need moreeee seuldy fluff. Thank you for making one in this drought. I am so forever grateful for you.