huit (VIII)

honey drip and tattooed lips

Wendy awoke to soft lips on her cheek, Joohyun’s nose brushing against her face. The lips on Seungwan’s cheek curled up into a small smile.


“Good morning babygirl.” Irene said breathily. Wendy slowly opened her eyes, and Joohyun cupped the side of Wendy’s face and smiled brightly, despite the evident grogginess on her face.


Wendy was comfortably nestled in the crook of Irene’s arm from the night before, and she wiggled to look up at Irene, leaning in to plant a chaste kiss on her girlfriend’s lips.


“Good morning to you too, beautiful.” She said, a thousand watt smile plastered on her face.


“You know, pumpkin, no matter how many times I wake up with you in my arms I don’t think I’m ever gonna get sick of it.” Irene said, her voice husky from the sleepiness.


Wendy responded by interlacing their fingers together, a joking smile making its way onto her face. “And you tease me for being greasy.”


Irene sighed loudly and used her only free hand to tickle Seungwan, rolling over and pinning her in place with the weight of her body.


“Says the girl who cried when I told you I loved you for the first time.” Irene said, poking Wendy’s cheek and showering her with kisses.


“Hyunnie, I think anyone with half a brain cell would have cried if a goddess among mortals said ‘I love you’ to them.”


Irene blushed intensely, and lightly slapped Wendy’s arm.


“And it helps that you have a great , too.” Wendy added, a wicked grin on her face. She wrenched her arm out from under Irene, and pinched her playfully.


“Oh you’ve really done it now.” Irene says, exasperated. She removes Wendy’s hand from her behind, and pins it by the side of the younger girl’s head.


Irene’s eyes went dark, and she leaned into Wendy’s ear and whispered “We just woke up and you’re already being a bad girl? What am I gonna do with you…” she trailed off, planting a light kiss to the pulse point on Wendy’s neck.


She notices the blush creeping on Seungwan’s neck, knowing she had already won. She placed her lips at the shell of Wendy’s ear once again and whispered “I love you, Seungwan.”


She removed her grip on Wendy’s arms and snuggled into her chest, wrapping her arms around Wendy’s midsection.


Wendy draped her arms around Joohyun, who looked as tiny as ever in her arms, and kissed the crown of her head.

“I love you so much, Joohyun.”


Joohyun responded with a small hum, and swung her leg over Wendy’s, forcing them closer together.


Both women fell asleep for a while longer, until the warm rays of mid-afternoon August sunshine had invaded their apartment.




It wasn’t long after they started dating that Irene had slyly been bringing her own things to Wendy’s barren apartment. She’d stay the night, and ‘accidentally’ leave her toothbrush over at Wendy’s, making another excuse to come over again with more of her belongings in tow.


Wendy didn’t mind, of course. Her lackluster decorating skills were overshadowed completely by Joohyun’s natural eye for interior design. Wendy always jibed that she was the 50’s housewife to Joohyun’s jack-of-all-trades husband.


On days that they lazed around the house, Wendy could be found in the kitchen, baking Joohyun’s favorite snacks as the older woman fixed a broken lock on the door, or rearranged the living room for the umpteenth time. They both thrived on domesticity when they weren’t otherwise preoccupied.


Sometimes when Wendy would come home late from the shop, she would return to an excess of food that Joohyun had stress-cooked waiting for her. Always with a bouquet of flowers on the table, too. And in turn, Wendy sometimes took off of work to visit Joohyun at her university, surprising her with lunch and a stuffed animal. Irene would never admit it to her, but she secretly loved the small collection she was amassing from their lunch dates.


They had begun to hang out with the other couples in their group more often, especially after Seulgi and Sunmi had finally gotten married.


It was a quiet ceremony, aside from Joy and Yeri getting absolutely smashed. The others wouldn’t let them live it down, both of the women were found at the reception drunkenly crying in each other’s arms telling each other how much they loved each other and how happy they were for Seulgi and Sunmi (Irene and Wendy of course, were complete messes as well, but in private). The two recoiled whenever the situation was brought up, reluctant to lose their joint apathetic image, but all the other women found it incredibly endearing regardless.


All 6 women had made a habit of camping over at Seungwan and Joohyun’s apartment on Sunday nights, usually to watch movies and catch up. There were some initial arguments about certainarrangements, though. Namely, Joy’s dog, Songie.


Songie was a new addition in Yeri and Joy’s household. Sooyoung, after a long day at work, had walked into find Yeri frantically trying to chase after the energetic puppy. Yeri, slumped over and tired, was in absolute awe as Sooyoung started crying in pure happiness and shock at the sight of the dog, who had immediately loped over to her. Joy likes to tell this story quite a bit: Yeri, the absolute hardass, wheezing in exhaustion over this small dog that she had tried to corral for her puppy-sick girlfriend.


Naturally, Joy had bullied Irene and Wendy into letting Songie attend movie nights, too.


“She’s my CHILD! Don’t be mean… she just wants to watch too.” Joy said, her bottom lip stuck out in a bratty pout.


It took some convincing, but Songie was another member of their group at this point, much to Irene and Yeri’s chagrin.


Wendy, however, had never been more content in her life. Her shop was doing well, she had the love of her life by her side, and her friends were happy too. The only real pain was the literal one on her thigh, thanks to her new tattoo.



It was Wendy’s very first tattoo, and she knew it had to match with Joohyun’s. Irene had gotten so accustomed to the nickname ‘princess’ that she had lovingly started calling her girlfriend her ‘knight’ or her ‘beautiful little baroness.’ To put it blatantly, Irene loved Wendy just as much as she loved cheesy royal nomenclature. It was their inside joke, and every time Irene cooed for Wendy using one of those nicknames, Wendy melted.


So naturally, when Irene had fell asleep early one night on the other side of the bed, curled into Wendy, she grazed her eyes over Irene’s sleeping form. Wendy couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she looked, radiating serenity and fragility, her lips parted slightly and her fanned eyelashes framing her gently closed eyes. Wendy’s gaze had drifted to the lower half of Joohyun’s body, which was only covered by an oversized and raggedy t-shirt. Wendy’s handiwork, the crimson brand of youth and love that had blossomed from the end of a tattoo gun, made her heart swell. The tattoo had intimacy and meaning, a brush- on the landscape of Joohyun’s canvas that only Wendy had partaken in.


She, in that night, drafted a tattoo that would represent Joohyun in her life: a sword. It was, stylistically, the same as Joohyun’s tattoo. Except, the sword was placed inside of a crown: the same red hue, and the same crown as the one etched onto Joohyun’s thigh. It was everything representative of Irene, and of the effervescent love that spread through Wendy because of her.


Wendy had kissed her awake the next morning, and handed her the journal for the second time in her life (but certainly not the last) and waited for quiet approval.


Irene groaned upon waking up, and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes to inspect what Wendy had given her. “Baby what’s this?” she said, her voice low.


“It’s mine,” Wendy said, brushing her fingers over Irene’s own tattoo, hoping Joohyun would understand the brevity of what she was suggesting; a silent admission of love.


Irene’s face spread into a soft smile, and she looked up at Wendy. Her slender fingers grazed Wendy’s thigh, the mirror image of where Joohyun’s own tattoo was.


“I love you, Seungwan.” it was quiet, but the words were ringing in Wendy’s ears. It was the first time either of them had said it.


Wendy had started crying, a subdued smile on her face. She bent down to kiss Joohyun, slow and tenderly, and Joohyun melded under her touch like a blade under flame.


“I love you too, Joohyun.”

an;  thanks so much for supporting this fic! it means so much to me, and i'm glad to see that you all enjoyed it :) seriously, reading through the comments was so so fun and i really hope you all liked the super fluffy ending!!! thanks a ton :) follow me on twitter if you wanna @sapphicirene hhhhhh

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Chapter 8: Great work! They are so in love with each other!
Chapter 1: Wendy is so soft here 🥺
Chapter 8: beautiful <3 love it<3 thanks u<3
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 1: Oh
Chapter 8: Everything fits perfectly, beautifully.
-WenRene15- #6
Chapter 8: I loved it. =)
this is the third time overall I've finished this one (I first saw it on AO3) and it was so, so amazing? I like the whole concept about how Joohyun didn't mean anything malicious, she was just a drunk dummy and their slow story of falling for one another. I really hope you write another one like this, preferably wenrene hehehe I'll be on the lookout for more of your stories <3
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 2: I smile like crazy ppl
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 1: Will just read this