cold than ice

The Coldblooded Vampire
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                COLD THAN ICE           That night gwayoung was having a hard time getting sleep because she was still thinking about gwi and she can't stop talking about gwi in her mind so gwayoung forcing her eyes to close while talk to herself " it's nothing to worry about ,, he's alright . After all he's vampire so he might be strong and not weak like me .. " a while later she felt sleepy and then she was asleep . Gwi who is standing on the roof of the palace was still unsatisfied with kim sungyeol when he recalled about their match , then he rushes off into the woods in the place where they are both fighting while sniffing the scent of kim sungyeol to make sure if he is still wandering around there but his scent can't be traced again , gwi dry laugh while saying " that's right .. hide yourself from me like a mouse ". All of sudden gwi getting mad when he realize that he failed to kill kim sungyeol that night because he was sensitive to the sunlight , Then he cursed on kim sunyeol " Damn you kim sungyeol ! maybe that day you survived , but don't think you'll be safe anymore when we meet again , I'll make sure that you'll die in my hands ! . " After that Gwi broke back to his cave .


    The next morning , Gwayoung wakes up early from the usual , she take a bath and manages herself as in a hurry . After that , Gwayoung didn't forget to take breakfast because she didn't want to be scolded by gwi again if she forgot to take care of herself so she was more careful this time , after gwayoung finished her breakfast , with her feeling impatiently she rushed to go to the cave for visit gwi to make sure he didn't go out from the cave during the daytime again . While on the way to the palace , somehow gwayoung was very pleased to not see the presence of the crown prince  in front of her , and gwayoung hoped she would never meet again with the crown prince because she felt it was difficult for her to mingle with anyone because she had set up herself to be gwi's servant for the rest of her life and thought that she don't have a time to other things . A few minutes later Gwayoung had arrived in the cave and she was very grateful to see gwi sitting on his throne chair while reading a book and his condition was just fine , gwayoung smiled and bowed to gwi . Gwi feels weird because gwayoung comes to serve him earlier than usual and he curious about what makes gwayoung looks so happy , so he throws the book he reads to the edge and walk straight to gwayoung while asking her . " What made you come early to serve me today ? " . Gwayoung gave a glaring smile to gwi and replied " because I wanted to " . Gwi approached gwayoung and cup her chin while tell her " stop smiling like that , you look ugly ". Gwayoung made a pouting face " ugly ? didn't you the one who said that I always look pretty before ? " then she gives him a small laugh . Gwi turned his face from gwayoung and went back to his throne chair and said to gwayoung " Stop joking like a fool , because now i don't have time for that ". After seeing gwi's reaction , gwayoung knew that he was still angry with kim sungyeol , gwayoung seems like she didn't like to see gwi behave like that so she tried to cheer him and wanted to make him forget about kim sungyeol for the moment , because she was scared if gwi would be injured again if he fought with kim sungyeol and she worries most about gwi's life safety . " fine .. I'm not going to smile like that and joking like a fool anymore , so what do you want me to do today to make you happy ? Do you want me to read the storybook for you ? " gwayoung asks him while picking up the book that had been thrown by gwi just a while ago . Gwi with no hesitation responding to her " I want your blood " . After saying those words to her , gwi looks at her eyes as if he wants to see her fear face . For him , seeing the fear face of gwayoung was more pleasurable than seeing her smile and joy . After hearing the request from Gwi , Gwayoung was stunned for a moment and felt herself was stupid because she was hoped that she was a different person than anyone else to gwi , but in fact , she would still be rated as food in gwi eyes . With the volunteers gwayoung approaches herself and handed her neck to gwi while saying to him "nobody can stop you , if you want my blood .. then just take it , I don't mind ". After seeing  gwayoung's expression that didn't feel frightened of him , gwi sigh and pushed gwayoung slowly away from him and asked her " are you not afraid of me ? ". Gwayoung stepped one step back and replied " yes, I'm afraid .. but the longer I live with you I start to feel that you're not a scary person . " After hearing the answer from gwayoung , gwi laughing loudly as if he didn't believe that gwayoung really meant it or not . "so you think like that about me even though I always let you live in fear all this time ? Are you sure I
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Chapter 1: I'm writing a story about GwixOC, I hope you read it, I promise it will be a good one.
Amatea #2
Chapter 22: It’s such a great story.
I hope the auther will continue to her or his story
yayme1996 #3
When will u upload next chapter ?? Can’t wait anymore :(((
timike74 #4
Chapter 1: Good. Very good. I love it.
Chapter 20: Can you tell us when the next chapter will be out? Because I'm very exited!
Chapter 20: Your fanfiction is very good, specially when you use Kim tae hyung as the crown prince??. I can't wait for the next chapters, hope i can read them soon??.
Skylovers98 #7
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Wow I can't believe you use kim dani in this fanfic ♡ i really adore her and hoping she will debut soon ♡ anyway such a great fanfic ❤ ! Can't wait for the next chapter ~
Jungkooktrash9797 #8
Chapter 20: This chapter was so touching ❤ but I'm dying to read about kim taehyung and gwayoung , I hope you will write more about them in the next chapter .
Jungkooktrash9797 #9
Chapter 19: I only read this fanfic because you add kim taehyung in this fanfic . i hope you will made another fanfic about kim taehyung .
Stfu_202co #10
Chapter 14: Yeay ~ finally the crown prince appeared ! Can't wait to read about kimtaehyung and gwayoung