Chapter 3



"The weekly report on Kang Seulgi, ma'am", I heard the man say and motioned him to set the file on the desk.

"Thank you', I said without any gratefulness whatsoever and dismissed her out of my office. I opened the file to find a bunch of photographs of Seulgi, as usual. But, I found someone else sitting beside her and they seemed to be having an animated conversation.
I recognised the other person instantly. 

Wendy, what are you up to?

Seeing Seulgi and Wendy together put me in a bad mood. I called, or rather, summoned my assistant to let her know that I'll be going out. 
"Ms.Bae, c-can I know where you're going?", asked Yeri, only to be met by a pair of fierce eyes, which made her stutter even more.

"I- I just want to make sure your safe, m-ma'am" she mumbled.

"I can take care of myself thank you", I said curtly and left the building. 

I have to take care of this myself, I thought to myself and revved up my car towards Wendy's apartment.








Note(?): Just wanted to let y'all know that Seulgi, Wendy, Joy, Irene and Yeri will have their own POV

Also, this is short bc this chapter is only an introduction to Irene's character. 

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