You're my home

Home, is where you are (Joyri version)

A/N: Hi so this was originally another fic that I actually didn’t think this would fit for joyri but at the same time I think it might work, enjoy please.


Being, two young 19-year-olds, Park Sooyoung and her girlfriend Kim Yerim, should be at home living with their parents. At least, until they have figured out what it is they want to do with their lives, only they are together in a 1 bedroom apartment. It is a small space, that is equipped with all the essentials, a stove, microwave, all the really important furniture like a bed, couch, and kitchen table. The living room itself is where you could basically walk in and out to get straight to the bedroom. They didn’t mind the small apartment, because what mattered most was that they were together.


It hadn’t been either of their intentions to move out from their parent’s homes so suddenly, only the couple could see no other option at the time. Sooyoung’s parent’s didn’t feel as if she should be Yeri, and for Sooyoung it was the same. It had nothing to do with the fact that they were both girls, which was what both girls assumed they would be upset about. Yeri’s family were more upper middle class, and Sooyoung’s family weren’t exactly poor, but they definitely had to struggle a lot harder. The reason why neither of their parents wanted them to be together was for social class reasons. That was also why both girls decided they wouldn’t be broken up for such a reason. Sooyoung remembers meeting at their spot, inside of a nearby park by some swings. It was where they had their very first kiss.


Sooyoung, the taller , dark-haired,teen spots her smaller girlfriend immediately. The brunette is sitting, looking down at her phone. She has a worried expression on her face, and is no doubt anxious if Sooyoung  is even coming to meet her. The taller teen knows her girlfriend very well.


“Yerimie, hey babe. Sorry, were you waiting long?”


That’s when the shorter girl looks up and moves quickly so she can hug her. The dark-haired girl just wraps her arms around her tight. She’s upset and she just wants to be able to comfort her.


“Are you okay?”


“No,” Yeri admits. She is definitely not okay, and Sooyoung is positive on why that is.


“Your parents asked you to break up with me too?”


Yeri nods against her. She is fairly certain that she and Sooyoung had the same talk given to them, more or less. The talk that said the two of them shouldn’t be together, and it would be in both their best interests to end said relationship.


“They do, but I won’t break up with you, Soo. There is no way I’m going to just end our relationship,” The brunette assures her, pressing both hands to her girlfriend’s face. They have been together for 4 years already, and this isn’t just some fun passing time together. They are really in love with one another, despite what their parent’s believe.


“Yerimie, hey sweetie. I’m not going to break up with you either. My parents didn’t even give me a good reason.”


“Mine either, hey I know what we can do. Let’s move out and get our own place. We both have jobs, and we can make it work together.”


It would have sounded crazy, two teenagers moving out on their own. But, there is no way Sooyoung can be without Yeri, and she doesn’t want to be without Sooyoung either.


“Yes, okay,” Sooyoung agrees right away, “as long as I’m with you,Yeri,” she promises with a smile that the smaller girl returns.


“I feel the same, Soo, as long as we’re together.”


That was a year ago now. The couple had jobs, Sooyoung working in a clothing department store, and Yeri as a waitress in a restaurant. They managed well enough, both their parents just laughed them off for being two crazy kids, and said they were two kids who thought they were in love with one another. Yeri’s parents had given them 3 months to last, and Sooyoung’s parent’s even less. That was a full year ago and they were still very much together.


“Hey, Sooyoung, you can go. I’ll close the store today.” Her friend and coworker Seulgi offers.


“Oh, are you sure unnie?”


“Yes, go on, and go home to your girlfriend.”


The taller teen nods eagerly, and the smile on her face is priceless. She could never tire of hearing or saying go home to her girlfriend. Because, going home to Yeri meant everything to her. Sure, the situation wasn’t very ideal. But, they were together and that was what mattered the most to them. Sooyoung still remembers well that first night in the apartment.


The places was definitely small, the bedroom being one of the larger rooms. But, they had each other. Sooyoung had just finished setting up the air mattress for them. They did manage to move some of their own personal belongings from their respective homes. Items like clothes, blankets, and whatever money they had both been saving up.


“Whoa, the water is super cold right now Soo, just a heads up.” The shorter girl shivers in her flannel sweatshirt and sweats.


“Guess, when it gets dark out the hot water goes too,” Sooyoung teases, but then goes over to hug her. Yeri is definitely cold to the touch.


“Babe, you’re freezing,” she tries to rub her arm in an effort to warm her up some, then hurries to get her under the covers. They are definitely glad for these really warm blankets right about now. The brunette quickly cuddles up to her slightly taller girlfriend.


“Are you okay?” Sooyoung whispers.


“Yea, I’m better now next to you, Soo.”


“Well, I’m glad. I get paid next week so we can probably start getting some furniture in here soon.”


The shorter girl gives a nod. She gets paid soon too, so they can start piecing together furniture that they need.


“We’ll be fine, Soo. We’re together and even if we have a small apartment it’s fine, because I’m with you.”


“I’m happy you’re here with me too, so how long did your parents say we’d be here before coming to our senses,” Sooyoung asks with a soft smile.


“Three months, and then I’d come home crying to them that they were of course right all along. How long did your parents say you’d be here?”


“I’ll be back in a month, when I realize I made a mistake.”


“Wow, that long,” Yeri laughs, amused. But then pushes some of her dark locks from her face. “Hey,” she begins. “I love you Soo, and I did bring a bunch of my mom’s baking equipment. It might not be as good as hers, but we can see what happens, and I have some stuff from my parents house. We do have a stove, so we’ll definitely have some sort of breakfast in the morning.”

Sooyoung wraps both her arms around her waist. “Sounds great, Yerimie, and I love you too.”


Sooyoung remembers that following morning well too. They did have breakfast.  The eggs were burnt, and so was the toast too. Somehow, neither of them seemed to care then. They were just so happy to be together it didn’t matter, and they ended up going out for breakfast. But the couple knew one of them had to learn how to cook or they would surely starve. Yeri took it upon herself to learn, especially since she took on the waitress job. Now a full year later and the couple had all the major furniture that they needed, such as a couch for the living room, bed for their bedroom, a few dressers, microwave, and they were pretty much set.


The dark-haired girl walks the 3 flights up to their apartment. She’s almost there when she smells food being cooked, chicken japchae and something sweet too. Yeri is home earlier than she’d expect. Sometimes she ends up working late hours at the restaurant, and Sooyoung’s hours also vary. They always try to find time to be together, though. When the dark-haired girl gets through the door. The food smells even better.


“Hey babe, you’re home early,” The brunette calls out from the kitchen.


“Yea, Seulgi-unnie closed up for me,” Sooyoung goes to hug her from behind, kissing her cheek in the process. “Have you been home long?”


“Hm, maybe an hour.”


“You had time to do all this?” She refers to dinner and the cookies being baked in the oven.


Yeri laughs. “It’s only some japchae and cookies, it’s not an entire 4 course meal, Soo. Also, these are store bought cookies, go wash your hands, and we’ll eat okay.”




Dinners are usually always pretty animated. They’d discuss their work days, like if Sooyoung had any particularly weird or frustrating customers who don’t know what they want, or talk to her for endless amounts of time about stuff that isn’t clothing related. They would talk about Yeri, if she had to patiently take someone’s crazy long and difficult orders, and boxing all of those takeout boxes accordingly.


“That guy, he wasn’t flirting with you again, was he?” Sooyoung questions, because there is this one particular guy she sees on several occasions, trying to talk to her girl, and she is definitely not happy about that.


“What guy, baby?”


“You know, the really big-eared one.”


That makes Yeri laugh out loud. “Oh, you’re talking about Chanyeol, no he doesn’t flirt with me.”


“He does too.”


“No, he really doesn’t. He’s only at the restaurant so often, because he buys food for his boyfriend Baekhyun. You’d like him, he’s really fun and nice. We should double date.”


“Oh,” Sooyoung says, very relieved. “Well, good then.”


Her slight frown is only adorable though, so Yeri squeezes her cheeks. “You’re so cute when you get jealous baby, but there’s no reason for you to be. You know that I’m yours,” The brunette assures, giving her hand a squeeze.


"I’m yours too, Yerimie.”


After dinner, the couple retreat to the living room. Sooyoung has had the lingering feeling that her girlfriend wants to talk. She can always tell when Yeri has something she has to say. That works both ways though, as there is very little Sooyoung can hide from Yeri.


“Hey, Soo, can we talk.”


“Sure, what’s going on?”


“Well, I got a letter from my parents today.”


“Oh,” the dark-haired teen whispers. It could mean anything, maybe they want her to come home. She feels a soft kiss against her cheek.


“You’re thinking again, just let me tell you what it said, so you remember how they set aside some money for me? That trust I told you about.”


“Yes, I remember.”


“Yea, so this whole time I thought they cut it off, or disowned me, but they didn’t, see.” The shorter girl shows her the letter and Sooyoung quickly reads through it.


“Yerimie, you’re basically pretty rich again.”


“No, not rich but this,” she gestures to the letter. “We could definitely use the money. We’ve already been saving up our own money to get us a bigger place down the line. With this, we don’t have to…”


Sooyoung cuts her off by squeezing her fingers. “Hey, it's your money. I don’t want for you to have to spend it on us. You can use some of it to enroll in college.Yeri, you’re so smart, and you shouldn’t waste your brilliant mind.”


The shorter girl gives her a curious look, but she isn’t surprised by what Sooyoung is telling her.


“It’s not mine, Soo this is for us, and  if I want to use some of the money to help take care of us, then I can, and more importantly I want to.”


The dark-haired girl lets out a sigh. She doesn’t want for her girlfriend to feel like she has to take care of them.


“Babe,” Yeri gently presses.


“It’s just, I feel like because of me, you’ve already had to sacrifice so much. I mean you’re not exactly used to having to live in this small place, we could probably fit our entire apartment in your bedroom at home,” Sooyoung teases, “I know with your family, things aren’t that great with them for you, and I know leaving wasn’t easy.”


That’s when Yeri gently cups her face in her hands. “Soo, you didn’t make me give up anything. I chose to leave to be with you, because that’s what I wanted. I wanted to be with you, no matter what, and so what if our apartment is small. It’s not so tiny that we don’t have everything we need, and more importantly we have each other, baby. My room at my parents house wasn’t that big, so I know you’re exaggerating,” she smiles softly, running her fingers through dark locks.


“Yerimie, your room was like 2 of my own and my parents.”


“Silly,” Yeri shakes her head. “You know I would live anywhere with you. Even if we had to live in your car for a while, we’d still be together, and that’s what I care about.” She promises, with several soft kisses to the dark-haired girl’s lips.


Yeri is being too sweet and Sooyoung  feels incredibly lucky to have this amazing, wonderful girl in her life.


“I love you so much, Yerimie.”


‘I love you too, and we’ll be okay no matter what. Don’t feel bad about the money, it’s only a good thing. This makes me feel like maybe one day my parents can fully accept that we’re going to be together no matter what.”


“Maybe, mine will too, but even if they don’t nothing will change the way I feel about you, Yeri,” Sooyoung tells her, and wraps her arms warmly around her. The shorter girl leans into her and they lay out on the couch. Sooyoung is just running her fingers through brown locks, when Yeri decides to ask.


“Hey, remember when my parents so wonderfully said we’d only last three months?”


“Yeah,” Sooyoung chuckles. “Now it’s a year later.”


Yeri nods and squeezes her free hand. They have already shown that the three month thing was wrong. Hopefully one day their parents would understand that they are in love with one another, and that will not change ever.


“How long are you giving us, Soo?”


The taller teen doesn’t even have to think. She leans down to kiss her girlfriend’s lips.


“I give us forever, Yerimie,” She tells her seriously, so warm that it makes the shorter girl agree readily.


“Forever,” she nods. “That sounds amazing to me.”


“It sounds perfect.”


A/N: I think it wasn’t necessarily the best fic to convert but it was also okay too I think. I don’t know. Hope this was an okay read.


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Chapter 1: Aww that was so adorable and I love how no matter what they made it work within the small space. I honestly believe you don’t need a large space to begin with but the extra space can be nice. I love how Joyri are always running away from home but damn 19 years is young, I’m glad they made it off well. I could tell this wasn’t an original written for Joyri fic from seeing how they dealt with that mini jealous scene but otherwise this really suited Joyri so thank you for converting this into joyri :)
Chapter 1: im sobbing this is a really good fanfic
Chapter 1: That was so cute ^_^, fantastic joyri like always, thank you
cutey111 147 streak #4
Chapter 1: I never thought of joyri as main characters of a -us-against-the- world- type of story but they really fit in your plot and add freshness to it!
Chapter 1: I mostly read SeulRene but I gotta say I'm kinda falling for Joyri they're too cute and I love how savage they are together. This brings up a really good point though that no matter what you can get through pretty much anything as long as you are with your loved one. Plus against all odds especially their parents they are still going strong. I hope their parents realize how much they love each other though.
Faiqahkrystal #6
Chapter 1: hands down one of the best fic i've read so far
Chapter 1: awwwe joryri is the sweetest uwu. thank you o much for this author. it was fantastic.
One of the sweetest stories ever.
emmanuellelin #9
Chapter 1: Love this Joyride fic! Thank you author-nim!
Chapter 1: Goshhhhh- fluffy Joyri was all I needed today! :D
Thank you for this cute fic <3