
Single Parent Myoui
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Mina was killing herself studying for her finals that were coming in a little less than a month. Being a dance major, her finals were much easier than other majors, but that didn't mean that they were easy. Mina's major was only for 3 years and next year would be her final. Mina was bent determined on maintaining her 'first in class' status for all 3 years, she had already accomplished that last year, 2 years more to go. For her finals, Mina had to do a written test for the syllabus she learned that year, as well as choreograph her own dance and come up with a 50 page report about her dance, such as it's origins, inspirations, why she chose the moves she did, and the symbolism of the dance. It was hard, but Mina can take it. Usually.

Usually, these type of tasks could be handled by Mina with near minimal effot, but it was a different story with Chaeyoung. Mina now had to spend time with Chaeyoung and take care of her, time that she could've spent on studying and working on her dance. Mina could spend her time after school dancing and doing her report and studying, but she has to spend 30 minutes to and hour to pick Chaeyoung up, cook for her ot eat out with her, play and entertain her, and coo and cuddle her to sleep becuase Chaeyoung can't sleep otherwise. All this time totals to around 4 hours and that is 4 hours wasted. This didn't mean that Mina didn't love Chaeyoung, she absolutely does with all her heart, but she can't fail this. She needs to do well not just for her parents, but to provide Chaeyoung a better future as well.

Somehow, Mina managed to to balance it all and managed to study for it all and finish her report and choreography. However, her exams were held on Sunday and she would have to be away from home for the whole day. Since Mina couldn't take care of Chaeyoung, she called Sana, Momo, Nayeon, Jihyo and Jeongyeon to take care of Chaeyoung for the day since Sana and Momo have already completed thheir finals and Jeongyeon had Sundays off. She called all 5 of them because she knew how much trouble Chaeyoung can be on a sunday, especially if Mina wasn't there. Mina told Chaeyoung about her plan the night before her exam.

"Chaeyoungie, Mommy's gonna be gone for her test at school tomorrow. The unnies will take care of you" Mina said, getting in bed with Chaeyoung

"But tomowwow's sunday~" Chaeyoung whined as she got into Mina's arms

"I know, but it's a test that I need to pass. I'll bring you out when I get back tomorrow okay? I promise" Mina said, petting Chaeyoung's back to try to coo her to sleep

"Okay" Chaeyoung pouted

The next morning, Mina woke up early since Mina's exam was in the morning and would last till late in the afternoon. Mina kissed Chaeyoung on the forehead and left for her exam. While on the bus, she texted her friends that there was a spare key under the welcome mat. Cheyoung woke up half and hour after Mina left to an empty bed. Chaeyoung panicked for a while before remembering that Mina had her exam. Just then, she heard the door open and went to see, being met with her unnies.

The whole day, Chaeyoung tried her best to behave, but she found it increasingly difficult as all the unnies were doing things to annoy her and making her mad. Sana and Momo unnie were being crackheads, Nayeon unnie was too bu

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Still here re reading untill... 😍
poplarbear #2
Chapter 25: Wendy? :')
Chapter 22: i...shed tears omg
Vincenttjoa #4
Chapter 1: One of the best michaeng fanfic even without couple's love, great work!
Chapter 37: Yo I feel you I was put on it also for no reason
Chapter 32: Hey I was wondering are you still making the sequel?
soncelfeu #8
Chapter 35: my heart just hurts so much, I hope she will get well soon, we, once, never go anywhere
Chapter 35: I hope Mina can see those people that love her and supports her at whatever she do. May she find her strength in facing her problems by knowing that us, ONCE will be always cheering for her.
Chapter 35: I agree with everything you’ve said and I hope everyone decides to be respectful about this situation as well.Also as someone who deals with depression and so on I hope she’ll get the treatment and rest she deserves.

Waiting till she gets better before publishing is the right thing to do, so I’ll wait as well!