
The General's Bride


Strong hands rested on my arms lightly, their slight force moving me along and out of the way through the thick crowd. They could have grabbed me but they didn’t; perhaps a sign of my new status. The word sowon was foreign to me; I only knew that I now belonged to someone, to the General. The soft rustle of people shifting in silk clothing filtered through to my jumbled mind, the bright colors reflecting blindingly in the sunlight, dazzling my strained eyes until I had to look away. Stares and whispers followed me but I could barely think past the dizziness and nausea that I felt, let alone make out any of the antiquated speech. My stomach rumbled feebly and I remembered it was my fourth day without food, it was no wonder I was weak.

I snuck covert glances at the two men at my side, but if they had heard the noise then they’d chosen to ignore it. Their faces were stone masks, no hint of emotion in their eyes. It seemed I would be going hungry for a little while longer and I stuffed back a sigh of defeat.

Though I had come in through the front gates in the future and now the back gates here in the past, we were going yet another way to wherever they were taking me, but instead of thinking too hard about what awaited me, I let myself be guided along. I took in the richness around me, so different from the Gyeongbokgung palace of the present day. While time had only diminished some of its splendor, seeing it in full use was even more inspiring.


Flags waved on the tops of the roofs and palace maids and eunuchs hustled to and fro, all intent on their respective tasks. As we passed by they looked up and then quickly away, clearly well-trained not to attract attention or to see too much. None of them spoke above a dull murmur to each other but I knew they were all aware of my presence and my strangeness.

It wasn’t dissimilar to how I’d felt during my first year in Korea in the future, the present’s homogenous society still very much removed from the outside world in terms of foreign residents. People stared in 2019; it didn’t surprise me that they stared now in... Well, whenever I was. I didn’t exactly know and it dawned on me anew that I had no idea how I’d come to be here or how all this had happened. But I knew it had to do with the man in white, and now I was forced even further into his life. Just who was he and why had our fates crossed?


We weren’t walking slowly, but the guards on either side of me had matched my pace, content to take their time now that we were out of sight of the courtyard’s gardens and the mass of servants. Even still it didn’t take long to get where we were going which, for all intents and purposes, seemed to be an ancient parking lot. Possibly some fifty carriages lined the huge open area, the winding road that led into it and out of it paved. Here then was where the court kept their guests’ modes of transport, the whinnies of horses breaking the silence now and again. Funnily enough, each conveyance seemed to be organized by status; smaller and less impressive carriages went to the back in the harder to reach places, while some truly lavish ones took up the front spots. And it was to the most grandiose one that I was led.

A footman stood to attention when we came close, his face unchanging despite the fact that he had to be feeling some type of shock at my presence. Gesturing instead of bothering to speak, my guards and the footman helped me to step into the carriage. I sat down lightly on the thick silk cushions underneath me, reminded again that I was filthy next to the wealth that was evident here. The General was clearly no slouch when it came to luxury. Spacious and smelling lightly of pine, the inside of the hansom was lined with silk and wood paneling, depictions of forests covering the walls in morose tones of grey, black and white.


Closing the door firmly behind me after checking that I was seated, the footman left and moved towards a seat in the front. A small window box let me see out towards the area where he and a driver sat. With a call, the chauffeur, because there was no way this wasn’t the ancient version of a stretch limo, spurred into action the two horses that would pull us forward. The ride was the least bumpy of any that I’d taken since my arrival in Korea’s past, and I was almost comfortable in comparison to what I’d been through previously. Looking out of the window, I saw large expanses of cleared land and huge homes that could have been villages in and of themselves roll past. I wanted to think on my predicament, wanted to make plans somehow, but there was nothing that came to mind.


I had no idea why I was here, no idea of how to get back home, and I was seriously about to keel over from hunger. Taking another look around, the carriage was devoid of any sustenance or magical portals back to my own time and I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I was at a loss, but there was little I could really do. I sat quietly in my seat until the horses began to slow and once more calls were shouted. Looking out, I could see that we were in front of a large structure, grander than many of the houses we had already passed. A gate obscured a better view of the place and two men rushed to open the doors the closer we came to the entrance. A breathless gasp left my lips unconsciously as I took in the full view of what had to be the greatly respected General’s estate.

A stone pathway led to the covered entryway, more stone steps went up until the enclosure swallowed you in. Fully protected by a high wall on every side, this was an elegant stronghold rather than something made purely for beauty. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t awe-inspiring. Eager to see more, when the carriage stopped and my door opened, I didn’t hesitate to step down. Somehow both of my guards had managed to make it here before I did, and they took up their posts on either side of me yet again. This time I walked with much more purpose to my step, already overflowing with curiosity. I didn’t have long to wait; we were past the main entrance soon enough, and what I saw made me in a deep breath of wonder.

The main courtyard, for that’s what it was, was surrounded on all sides by six other buildings, each one with their own backyard space that was raised up higher and higher the further back it went, with each new level separated by stairs that led upwards. Slanted roofs that were a representation of oriental style in general, were here covered with some kind of fired clay shingles, the black pieces laid with a precision that shouldn’t have existed in such a distant past. To one side lay something like a shrine and to its left was a large open space, both the back and the front end entirely exposed to the elements. Though it wasn’t enclosed now, I knew enough of the architectural style to understand that the large openings boasted sliding doors that were pocketed into the huge posts every few feet that held it up.


Nestled to the right was one large building but this one was closed. Smoke rose from the roof, and a wonderful smell of cooking meat lingered in the air; it was no hard guess to determine this was the kitchen area. My stomach grumbled again insistently but I ignored it, too busy taking everything in. Other smaller buildings dotted the area, these covered with the white screens that were missing from the hallowed out hall. More maids bustled through them, their heads lowered and eyes to the front, none acknowledging my presence beyond a head bowed in my direction. I wanted to explore every nook and cranny, do a slow tour of my surroundings, but my guards had other ideas. They began to walk once again and I followed, wanting to stay but just as ready to see more.

Moving together, we went through the large open space that led even deeper into the next courtyard. Beyond it and set on a hill, another two buildings in the same style as the ones down below rested. One was just slightly bigger than the other, and it was to the smaller structure that they led me to. Large trees stood proudly in its yard, both in the front and back, a stone bench next to its entryway. Though of a lesser size, as I made my way inside I was shocked by what I saw. It was the same structure raised onto a platform, the same white screen covering the outside, but inside was an open area that looked as though it was meant to be a study. With vaulted ceilings and hung candles burning, the space was lit up and almost cheery in feeling. More wood covered every surface in reddish color though I didn’t know what kind it was and a thick rug covered the floor. I ached to run my bare feet over the plush surface.

My eyes saw a large dresser that was closed, a table that rested on the floor along with seating to go with it, ink and paper sitting on old-school writing tablet. My pulse sped up in anticipation of using the items, but I continued on, this time alone as neither guard followed me in the deeper I went. What I saw next had to be a dining area, this one made even more comfortable than the last room, with cushions everywhere and wooden backed chairs made to rest on the floor placed around an even lower table. It was wooden again, but this piece was curved and carved beautifully, pictures of a pond and swimming fish outlined in great detail. In love with the piece, I ran my hands over it gently, enjoying the depicted scene.


There was one final room and this was the largest of all three. One large bed rested against the far wall, and it was a bed in truth though much lower than its typical modern counterpart. Its mattress rested on the floor itself, possibly queen-sized, and covered with the most beautifully embroidered blanket that I had ever seen in a gentle light-purple pigment. A smaller table was in front of the bed and painted white, along with yet another dresser in the same color. One richly made tapestry hung on the wall to the left and on the right wall was a large window. It looked out into the front yard and directly opposite it were large doors. These I knew must lead to the backyard outside. A screen reminiscent of the Japanese ones used indoors to separate spaces was here as well and I peeked around it, wondering if there was more to see.



With a startled yell and a slight jerk backward, my body reacted in surprise, the two people just behind the screen not having said a word as I took in the room. Both were bowing low now that I had acknowledged their presence, and they surveyed me with curious eyes and smiles gracing their lips. The younger girl fairly hummed with excitement but the older one was much more serene and she looked to be about thirty to forty, but there was really no telling; I had never been good at guessing ages.

Making comforting noises the older woman began to speak. Though she couldn’t have known that I understood, her tone was gentle.

“Ai, look at our mistress! Nothing but skin and bones, so delicate. NaRi-yah bring over some water, I know our mistress must be thirsty.”


Clucking her tongue in sympathy, she moved towards me with slow steps, telegraphing her every move so that I wouldn’t be scared. But honestly how could I have been? Despite being increasingly alien in both culture and language, the older woman was just barely five feet, the girl had to be no more than five-three and rail thin to boot. I could take them both on and win if I wanted to, even in my weakened state. But the soft press of her hands were warm and light as she touched my arm, leading me past the screen and further into the section of the room behind it. I didn’t resist as she brought me along and a huge tub sat in the middle of the space, each side enclosed in a wooden structure that was see-through but had shelving on either side. NaRi returned with a cup of water and the older woman placed it in my hands. I drank it down gratefully, the fresh taste gliding down my throat deliciously.


The bath water was a milky white, pink flower petals floated gently on top of the rippling surface while steam drifted lightly in the air above the huge basin. It was big enough to easily hold three people in its enclosure, the bronze bottom shining brightly in the light of the candles. The young girl prodded me gently and motioned towards the water, her almond eyes wide. I realized belatedly that it was for me and understanding what they wanted, I walked towards it on unsteady legs. NaRi saw my problem, and taking my arm in hers, she helped me the rest of the way.


I gingerly put in one foot first and then finding it a tolerable heat, sank gracelessly into the murky water. Some of it splashed over the side, but NaRi only giggled at my exuberance and handed me a bar of soap, pantomiming the act of washing. Nodding my head slowly, I took the bar of surprisingly fine-milled soap and wondered at the expense. Just how much money did General Min have; it didn’t seem totally right that he lived this well. Though maybe he had done more for the country than I understood. It had been enough to gain me anyways, and I shut down that train of thought as anger bloomed in me again; it didn’t set well that I was helpless and at the mercy of others. My need to escape hadn’t left my mind but the odds were stacked depressingly high against me.



As I sank further into the water, a sharp hiss escaped my mouth through clenched teeth as my wrists came into contact the hot liquid. With a start I stopped my descent and stood straight up, my arms burning. In all the excitement and no small amount of fear, I had forgotten the wounds on body. Nearer to my wrist bones, the worst parts of the torn flesh showed that the skin peeled jaggedly to reveal the pink underneath and the edges rimmed with dried blood.

Gasps came from both sides had the two women finished lowering me into the tub with my hands raised, and the older one spoke quickly, her words too fast for me to understand but the younger girl had caught their meaning and moved into the other room with brisk steps. Clucking her tongue again but with what sounded like anger this time, the older woman grabbed a clean linen cloth and gently dabbed at the indentations in my flesh. She was extremely gentle but the direct pressure still stung and I bit my lip at the pain.


The other maid returned with a wooden box in her hands and quickly pulled out several glass bottles. Strips of fabric were also removed and she poured the contents of the bottles over them all evenly. A last bottle she brought to the tub and using another clean cloth, dabbed it onto my wrists. I tensed for pain but I felt nothing but coolness to the areas she applied it and I wondered at the medicine. My hurts weren’t too deep, had only removed a few outer layers of skin but I thought about scars as she wrapped the medicated rags around my damaged joints. I wondered how many more I would suffer in this foreign place, out of my own time.

I nodded my head into a bow as thanks when the girl had finished and her cheeks flushed a pretty pink. She bowed back a full ninety degrees. This level of formality grated on my nerves. But perhaps there was a way to ease it.


“Kaia,” I said while pointing at myself. A startled gasp left the lips of NaRi, while the other woman turned sharply to face me.

Je ireumeun Kaia,” I said again, more insistently. As I watched, just like the older man in his taxi, confusion and happiness lit up both their faces and for a moment they seemed too stunned to reply.

“I am NaRi!” The younger maid said, her voice high and sweet. I knew it by now but I smiled and repeated it after her, doing my best to mimic her accent. She giggled into her peach-colored sleeves and bounced on her toes in excitement when I said it aloud.


Choneun Iseul inminda,” the older woman said clearly and slowly, her tone serious but her eyes sparkling. She bowed low to me and I felt a twinge go through me at the sight. I knew she was older than me and it felt wrong somehow to have her respect and deference. I reasoned that there was little I could do about their formality for now. My grasp of the rules here was also precarious; I was their superior but how low was my own station? The good news was that I wasn’t completely ignorant of ancient Korea thanks to modern dramas, but just how much had those shows really gotten right? Not to mention that I’d intentionally watched them for fun and not historical accuracy, who knew if what I had seen held any truth. And nothing could have prepared me to be into the past myself.


I rested my arms on the sides of the tub, took a deep breath and submerged my head fully under the water. My hair itched like crazy; I was so used to washing it weekly and that had been before I’d been subjected to my dirty and sweaty stay in the confines of a rickety carriage. I was sure my poor strands were beyond abused and I stayed under a bit longer to try and clarify them as best as I could. Only when I felt my chest start to tighten in warning did I bring myself back up slowly, enjoying the slight burn.


I raked my fingers through my hair in a vain attempt at finger detangling and cursed my lack of competence in Hangul. What the hell was “comb” in Korean anyways? Thankfully understanding lit NaRi’s face and she smiled as she searched the dresser in the corner of the room. Making a pleased sound, with two hands outstretched in a gesture of politeness, she handed me a wide toothed comb. I said a quick thank you to all the hair gods and tackled the knots with a renewed energy. As I worked, I would’ve given my left tit for some jojoba oil but there was a good chance that there wasn’t a bit of the stuff on the whole continent.


I breathed deeply to calm my pounding heart, the constant reminders of just how perilous my situation was hitting me with every small change. With effort I kept my hands from shaking as I parted my hair in sections and created big twists that would dry quickly in the humid room. I had never been one to take long baths or showers, and after my hair was done the best I could, I washed the rest of myself quickly. I missed running water already as I rinsed the suds off into the already murky water I sat in. And once I’d thought about how dirty the water was, I couldn’t sit in it any longer. I stood and looked for a towel, but Iseul was there and already holding an extremely thick one out to me.

Thanks to my travels in Africa, I’d become used to my own around others in bathing situations, and I toweled my body dry without embarrassment as the two watched, ready to hand me sweet-smelling oils once I was finished. Pantomiming the action of rubbing it all over, Iseul also spoke, saying that it would keep my skin soft. I had no lotion alternatives and took the oil gratefully, slicking it on liberally. When I was finished it was time to dress and NaRi seemed especially giddy, though from what I’d seen of her, this may have been a permanent state of being.

Several pieces were brought out for me that would comprise my first hanbok and I could tell the material would’ve been expensive in this time. Both lightweight and finely woven, there was no doubt it would take weeks to complete the textile’s production. All of the underthings were made from the same material and when they saw my hands fumble to put the pieces on, they did it for me. The thin cloth used as a wrapping was more comfortable then a bra at least, though it lacked in general support. Luckily, or unluckily as I’d always thought, I was not so well endowed.


After two varying types of underwear, a top was put on me that NaRi called a jeoksam. Next came the neoreun baji, a wide legged pair of pants that went over a thinner pair of inner pants. The chima or skirt came next which had two layers to it, both stiffer full creations that I had to step into. Finally the upper part of my hanbok was the jeogori which was short but curved perfectly to fit along the chima. The whole look was a cream top and bright pink outer skirt, the bottom of it embroidered with green vines. I had always imagined the Korean formal wear to be heavy but on the whole I could still move and breathe well, even if I couldn’t exactly run away in all the finery. I was a bit disappointed because of that, along with the fact that my standards of dress were obviously different from that of my maids. They seemed to wear only two layers and then their chima and jeogori.


I wished to be just as free and already I missed my casual jeans and oversized shirts and hoodies. I walked barefoot throughout my rooms as Iseul led the way, and she sat me down at a desk and chair combo, this wooden piece topped with a pristine bronze mirror. It was wildly clearer than I’d thought it’d be and with more mutterings and soft clicks of her tongue, Iseul went to work on my locks with the occasional help of NaRi. She added several products to it and braided, twisted and pulled, but honestly I barely reacted. I was still much too hungry and tired to do more than fall asleep under her ministrations and I passed out until gentle hands pressed against my shoulders.

Drowsy and weak, I was led along like a lamb into the second of my rooms, which I now knew to be a dining area. Laid out on the beautifully carved table was one large main dish of something that resembled a red-tinged meat and several side dishes. Each was on its own beautifully decorated plate, and I was as eager to look at them as I was to eat what they held. Sitting myself down onto a cushion, I wasted no time in picking up the wooden chopsticks and falling to my meal. I’d had low expectations when it came to any food from this time, but I was pleasantly surprised. Though some of it was greasy, on the whole the taste was wonderful and fresh, unpolluted by over- processing like too much of modern food. The meat was indeed spicy and I could only eat a small portion of it before my mouth was on fire. I resigned myself to the various other options, ones that reminded me of kimchi pa jeon, white rice and a type of steamed fish I had no name for but was exceedingly delicious. I was full too quickly after my starvation and regretfully left most of the food on the table. Mere seconds after I placed my utensils down, more maids came in and quickly cleared the table.

Iseul watched them move with an air of sternness she hadn’t shown to me, and I realized just how much higher status she would have as a personal maid versus ones who served or did other menial tasks. I wanted to think on all that had transpired today at court, but my body was clean and warm and my belly now sated; everything began to blur around the edges as sleep threatened once again. Noticing my nodding head, NaRi came to my side and led me back into my bedroom, the covers of my bed were already turned down. She helped me undress until only three layers of my clothing remained, the ramie fabric loose and comfortable. I muttered a ‘thank you’ but I didn’t know if I said it in Korean or English as my lids drooped even further. Among the thick pillows and soft sheets, I drifted into an easy slumber.




A/N: Ok so here me out....I'm back!!! It took well...months to come back but here I am. Y'all know by now that this is inevitable but I will sincerely try to be better with updates. Especially since technically this chapter isn't done, it was just getting way too long!! I literally had several more scenes to go and I went back and out 12 pages. I told myself when I had this idea it would be an epic of a fanfic and in that aspect I haven't disappointed myself lol. Tell  me what you guys liked and what you didn't, tell me what you think will happen next! I love hearing from all of you, so please remeber to COMMENT, UPVOTE and SUBSCRIBE for more content. Much love as always, <3!

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Chapter 10: So glad you had a chance to update . I enjoy this story so much
sysychou #2
Chapter 10: Thank you soooo much. I really enjoy the story i was worried that you would not update.keep up the good work
ThinkPinkTink #3
Chapter 10: Yes! Thank you for the update! It’s nice to see them convene and interact lol
741 streak #4
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update, I’ve really missed this story. I love that they are communicating without words and making so much progress. They simply ‘get’ each other. It was also great that he did not take offense at her forthright manner. He treats her like an equal. Lastly, it sounds like court intrigue will be invading on their time soon.

P.s. I picked up Keys to Happiness.👍
gnoboange #5
Chapter 9: Please update
Chapter 7: I love the premise of the story! I’m a few chapters in and ready for General Min and Kaia to finally converse with one another. Please update when you have time!
sysychou #7
Chapter 9: Oh my god. Finally.i was waiting for this update. It always seems too short. This is my favorite story. Keep uploading don't leave us waiting too long
741 streak #8
Chapter 9: Welcome back, and thank you so much for the wonderful update. This is one of my favorite stories.😊

Kaia is resourceful, I could never have imagined that she would find a way to cook breakfast, much less pancakes and bacon . Even better than all the yummy fare, was the fact that the general joined her. I would say their first meeting went very well. One quick question though. How is it that he referred to himself as her husband? I didn’t think a concubine was usually considered a wife? Anyway, can’t wait for them to have another encounter, as each one is already finding the other of interest.
Chapter 9: Thank god your back I have been waiting for a new chapter.. I love this story can't wait till you upload more chapters.. Be well and have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving..
sisdels #10
Chapter 9: Thank you for the update! Please don't leave us hanging so long again. I really like this story, and would like to see it through to the end.

Also, I really enjoyed your book. 💜