The idol's wife

The Popstar's Bodyguard

A/N: Hi guys. This oneshot is about joy being idol Yeri’s bodyguard, while they’re secretly married and no one knows about. Please enjoy.


Sooyoung was bored out of her mind as she watched Yeri’s current photo shoot. The idol was naturally beautiful, and breathtaking as always. She was dressed so nicely in a red dress, and white heels, as she modeled a bag. The taller red-haired bodyguard could think of other places she would like to be. However, this is where she wanted to be. Right here to offer any support she could to the game singer. Whether it was a smile, nod, or look showing her encouragement.


“She's beautiful, isn't she?” A makeup artist says from beside her. Sooyoung tries not to look anything other than disinterested. She can’t show too much interest here while Yeri is working. One thing for sure is that she agrees how beautiful Yeri is.


“Yes, she’s beautiful.”


“Have you known Yeri a long time, Sooyoung-ssi?”


Sooyoung pauses at the question. She has certainly known Yeri a long time. It’s going on 10 years now since they first met as teenagers. She’s been her bodyguard for half of those years, and even more than that.


“Yeah, I’ve known her forever.”


As soon as Yeri’s photoshoot ends. Sooyoung makes her way to where she’s in the changing room. People don’t stop her, as if Sooyoung would let anyone tell her she couldn’t see Yeri. That won’t ever happen. The singer is out of the clothes from the photoshoot and dressed back in regular street clothing. She is checking her phone messages when Sooyoung wraps her arms around the smaller dark-haired woman’s waist.


“Soo, hey,” Yeri turns and kisses the side of her face.


“Hi, babe. How are you feeling?” The redhead runs her fingers through her hair.


“I’m fine. Don’t worry.”


“I worry about you,” she then kisses her hand. The dark-haired woman gives a nod. She knows Sooyoung worries about her. It’s more than the fact that she’s one of her bodyguards. Yeri doesn’t like to worry her if she can help it. Sometimes it can’t be helped.


“I’m okay, Soo. Are you ready to go?”


The redhead nods. She is ready to get out of here. She grabs Yeri’s coat for her, and then lends the way out the side exit to the car. They have to do this because there are times Yeri’s fans surround the singer like crazy, obsessed weirdos. They make it safely to Sooyoung’s SUV, and head towards home. The singer reaches for her free hand when she is able to. It’s times like this where they can be alone Yeri really treasures.


“You have another schedule in a few days, right?”


“Yea,” Yeri gives her hand a slight squeeze. “Photoshoot for the album.”


That’s right. The company is in the process of releasing her next album. It means comeback times, and hectic schedules all over again. She hates how Yeri gets so tired and running around from place to place. She just knows she’ll do her best to be there for her. No matter what she needs. Once they make it home. Yeri is about to sink right down in the couch and sleep. Sooyoung tells her she needs to eat something first.


“But I’m tired,” she pouts some.


“Yea, but you need to eat. You didn’t have time to earlier.”


That’s true. She was so guys earlier she only had time for snacks and some water. It was because Sooyoung made sure she had them. The redhead is always there for her whenever she needs. She gets up from the couch and leans into her for a kiss. Sooyoung immediately wraps her arms around the shorter woman. She can’t believe it’s been so many hours now since they have kissed. She deepens their kiss some. God, does she love Yeri so much. They break away after a few more soft kisses.


“Finally, I was getting tired of not being able to kiss you earlier,” Sooyoung grins and places another kiss to her forehead.


“I was too. I wanted to kiss you too much, baby,” Yeri pushes some of her red locks away. To the outside world, Park Sooyoung is just Kim Yeri’s main bodyguard. She watches over her and looks out for any danger. Behind closed doors, Kim Yeri is actually Park Yeri. She is very in love with and married to the redhead. For publicity reasons it was recommended they keep it quiet. Not that either of them want to. Sooyoung hates how they must hide things. She doesn’t like whenever Yeri takes off her ring before work. She knows her wife hates it too. That’s why she has taken to wearing it as a necklace sometimes, anything to keep it close.


“I know we agreed it be better for you to not tell anyone your my wife. But I really do hate how we have to hide this.”


Yeri understands. She hates having to hide the marriage as well. She isn’t ashamed to be in love with Sooyoung. This woman has been by her side for such a long time. She can still remember how they first met back in school.




Yeri was starving. She didn’t get the chance to eat breakfast. She had to fight through her boring classes without as much as a piece of gum. She wanted chicken and she was going to get her chicken. She bravely fought her way through the crowd, and when her eyes landed on the only chicken dish. She knew it was meant to be. That is until a tall, giant of a girl reaches over her and grabs the chicken.


“What the hell?” Yeri looks like someone has stabbed her.


The taller girl is about to walk away. Yeri will not stand for it. She’s not going to let this girl take what she loves most.


“Hey!” She shouts.


The girl turns them and sends her a curious look. She wonders what the shorter girl wants.


“What do you want, shorty?”


“Shorty,” Yeri fumed. “Listen, giant! That’s my chicken. You have no right to try to take it.”


“Your chicken?” She laughs out loud. “I don’t see your name on it, so it’s mine now, little one.”


“What, you know….”


“Bye, maybe I’ll see you around,” and she proceeds to take a bite out of the chicken. Yeri can feel her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach.


“Oh, you have made an enemy today, you giant!”




There was no reason for them to ever be friends after that. Yeri swore she would never see the girl ever again. It didn’t quite work out that way. Yeri saw her more and often. They went from acquaintances. Then to sharing food with one another. That soon turned into friends. Soon after best friends, and Yeri told her she was training to be an idol. But she needed to keep it quiet. That friendship developed over time and turned romantic. They got married before Yeri’s career really took off. It has been quiet for years.


“I know, Soo. But you know how much I love you, right?” The dark-haired woman gestures to the wedding ring that is back on her finger. Sooyoung smiles and kisses her hand.


“It’s back where it should be. Come on, let’s go eat.”


They’re both tired from the day they had. All they want to do is eat dinner and get ready for bed. The couple finish up their remaining leftovers from the take out of yesterday. Then get showers and change into pajamas. Sooyoung is ready in bed wearing a red oversized T-shirt as she waits for her other half. She wonders if there will ever be a time where she and Yeri don’t have to hide their relationship. It would be nice to be able to hold her hand in public. She wishes that one day they can kiss without it always having to be behind closed doors.


The redhead is so into her thoughts. She doesn’t right away feel her wife back hugging her. But she does feel those soft lips touching her own when we are he turns her face towards hers. She says gas she doesn’t right away feel her wife back hugging her. But she does feel those soft lips touching her own when Yeri turns her face towards hers. They spend several minutes kissing. Before breaking away together.


“Hey, are you okay?”


“I’m fine, Yerimie. Ready for bed?”


“Yes, I’m ready for bed. Love you.”


“Love you too.”


Something that Sooyoung has always hated is when her wife is paired up with other idols. It angers her to see how flirty Yeri must pretend to be. She’s always had a bit of a jealous streak. The redhead likes everything that is hers to remain hers. She currently watches from the break room As Yeri’s partner touches her hand. Of course the audience eats it all up, and she is boiling inside.


“Touch her again, someone’s getting knocked out.”


Sooyoung doesn’t even care. The next male idol who gets a bit too close to her. She will fight them, and not even care what happens after. Yeri is hers. That woman belongs to her. She’s the one who goes to bed with her every night, and can touch her in those intimate ways these guys wish they could. In fact, she remains so grumpy that even later on when they are finally alone. The idol can tell from one look that her wife is furious.


“Hey, why so grumpy, babe?” The dark-haired woman sits in her lap, and playfully pokes her cheeks.


“Stop it,” Sooyoung gently pushes her hand away.


“No, why are you so upset, hm?”


The taller woman mumbles something out. Yeri misses much of what is said. She grabs her face in her hands.


“Park Sooyoung, you will tell me what’s wrong.”


“He shouldn’t be touching you.”


“Oh, that. Come on baby, you know he couldn’t have stood a chance against you.” She pulls Sooyoung by the tie she’s wearing and kisses her. As usual the taller woman cannot resist her kisses. Her wife’s kisses have always made her weak. She places her hands to her hips.


“You’re mine,” Sooyoung says aggressively and kisses her neck. It makes the shorter woman laugh.


“Of course, Soo. I’m always yours.”


The couple can only be themselves around close friends and family. They try to go every weekend to Yeri’s parents house for dinner. Where Sooyoung is greeted warmly by her in laws, and her sister-in laws as well. They try to go to her own parents house in Jeju as well. But that is a bit harder to do with Yeri’s schedules. That’s also why they spend time with their married friends Kang Seulgi and Joohyun. They’re a slightly older couple but they get along well and have fun as friends. There are often times where Sooyoung has asked Joohyun for advice.


Seulgi is in the entertainment business too. She is a well known dance choreographer and acts in her spare time. Sooyoung knows for awhile they had to hide their own relationship. Which she knows had not been easy on the couple. Joohyun’s advice to her was to not let go of Yeri. That if they love each other deeply. Then it’s worth fighting for always. The redhead agreed. There was no one more perfect for her than Kim Yerim. She can still think back to when they first told each other they loved one another. It was silly, fun, and so them.




They were dating for a few years now. No one has said the big I love you. But Sooyoung figures it was because they both know how they feel. Yeri has also been getting busier too. Sometimes she doesn’t get to see her much. Tonight they’re together at her place, and watching some romance comedy. Sooyoung is watching as Yeri is trying her best to stay awake.


“Hey,” she lightly smacks her face.


“Soo,” Yeri yawns. “Stop.”


“Don’t go to sleep yet. We need to talk,” the taller girl taps her again. She wanted to sleep but since her girlfriend wants to talk. There will be no sleeping not until after they talk.


“Why don’t you love me?” Sooyoung begins dramatically.




“You heard me. Why the hell don’t you love me!”


“Excuse me, what are you even talking about, Soo?”


“We’ve been together for years, and you haven’t told me you loved me.”


Yeri is looking at her like she’s crazy. If anyone should be crazy because she’s tired it’s her, and not her silly girlfriend.


“Oh yea. Well you haven’t exactly said you love me either, Soo.”


“I just assumed we weren’t saying it. But of course I love you! You’re the only one for me.”


“What?” Yeri blinks.


“Nothing, I said nothing,” she backtracks in case Yeri doesn’t love her back. However, the shorter girl turns her face back to her own.


“I love you too, Soo.”


“You do?”


“Uh, yes, you idiot. It’s been years. Why else do you think I’m still with you?”


“I don’t know. You need someone to drive you places?”


“That too,” Yeri deadpans. Yet, still leans forward to kiss her. Sooyoung wraps her arms around her waist to deepen their kiss. She doesn’t think she can ever get tired of kissing this girl. It’s sometimes all she can think about.


“You love me,” the redhead grins and kisses her lips.


“I love you, Park Sooyoung.”




No matter what she knew she would always love Kim Yerim. She never would let her go, and would be with her always. It’s why she chose to work as her bodyguard. There is no one who would protect her more than she will. It makes her happy to be close by. She likes to know that she can keep her wife safe and protected. Yeri is always worth it for her. She just wishes they didn’t have to hide it so. Her album is soon released and it does very well. It sells so well that her company is talking about a tour soon.


Sooyoung waits for her to finish the meeting. Yeri tells her the second she is able about what the company said. They sit down and talk it over. Sooyoung grabs her hand.


“Hey, sweetie, I’m happy for you. You deserve this.”


“It could be a three month thing. I don’t want you to put your own things on hold.”


The redhead shakes her head. “I’m where I want to be. Where you go, I go, okay?”


“Okay,” Yeri then sneaks a quick kiss. Her management knows they’re married. But it’s just better to be careful anyway.


“Thanks, Soo.”


“You don’t need to thank me. You’re my wife.”


For the most part the redhead does a good job of not exposing them. She keeps her face as this disinterested as possible. Sooyoung tries not to overreact when other idols get flirty. She’s proud of herself for doing so well for so long. It’s not always effective because people do pay attention. Like the time where fans got out on control, and neither she or any of the bodyguards were able to get to her in time. When Sooyoung saw Yeri fall. It was like her world stopped then. She doesn’t remember moving. But she does remember getting to her as fast as possible.


“Baby, are you okay?” The redhead whispers softly as she helps her up. Yeri doesn’t respond. She just holds onto the taller woman for dear life. Sooyoung made sure she got her away from that and to the hospital. People took notice and the speculation began. Why did Sooyoung seem to care so much more than the others? There were witness accounts of how she protected her, and even how she looked pissed off about Yeri being hurt. She stayed at the hospital to be the first person to see her wife.


“Are you and Yeri-ssi a thing?” One of the other bodyguard’s questioned.


What could she say to that? They’re supposed to be keeping it quiet. It doesn’t feel right to lie that they’re not. Still, Sooyoung goes ahead and says no they’re not. That doesn’t mean she isn’t the first person there to make sure she’s fine.


“Hey, babe. Are you alright?” She squeezes her hands. Yeri gives a squeeze right back. She then touches the side of her face.


“I’m fine. I was just shaken up.”


It’s one of the worst parts of being famous as far as Sooyoung is concerned. A lot of the fans are nice and respectful. That doesn’t apply to all. There are some who are overzealous and too excited. They are the ones who overstepped and her wife was hurt from it. Yeri can tell she's still upset.


“Soo, look at me,” she carefully turns her face to her own. The taller woman does look down into those concerned bright eyes.


“I’m fine. Don’t be angry.”


“You got hurt, and you want me to not be angry.”


“I’m fine, because you were there for me, okay. I love you, and it’s going to be alright.”


Sooyoung wraps her arms around her tightly. She kisses the top of her head. She just knows she won’t let anything like that happen again. She wanted to be her wife’s bodyguard to protect her. The taller woman will do everything she can to make sure she never lets her get hurt again. That incident isn’t what really exposes them. It’s when another male idol publicly announces his feelings for her wife when she loses it.


“No!” The redhead shouts and storms over to where the two are in the middle of an interview.


“Yeri-ssi, you should really talk to the people who work for you.”


“No, listen to me!” Sooyoung angrily taps him in the arm. “Stop coming onto my wife! She’s mine, and not you or anyone else will get her away from me. Do you hear me?”


Everyone is shocked when they see the bodyguard announce this. There proceeds to be a media storm. Reporters want to know everything. When did this start? How long have they been married for? Why all the secrecy? Sooyoung just does what she does best, and that is to get her wife out of there. She picks her up bridal style and carries her out. It’s far from over as naturally the company wants to talk to Yeri in particular. Sooyoung barely has time to apologize for her outburst.


“Yerimie, I’m sorry,” she mouths. The darker haired woman gives a soft nod, and tells her it’s going to be okay. Sooyoung just hopes that her career won’t be trashed from her outburst.


“Me and my big mouth,” the taller woman sighs as she sinks down into the couch of the waiting room. Yeri isn’t going to pretend that she’s not nervous. Her company can tell her anything. She sits down with the head of the company.


“Yeri, I thought we had this taken care of. No one was supposed to know about your marriage.”


“Sir, I’m sorry it was found out that way. But I don’t regret that it’s out there now. She’s my wife and I love her.”


“Yeri…” he sighs. This isn’t ideal. But he also can’t imagine losing one of their biggest selling artists. There must be something to do where it works out for everyone.


“You can fire me if you want, sir. I won’t deny anything that happened her, or my wife. Do you understand?”


Sooyoung doesn’t know for how long she’s pacing in that room. Before she knows it the door is opening and there’s Yeri. The redhead stops pacing and hurried over to her.


“Oh my god. Did he fire you? Are you going to be in some sort of huge legal trouble?”




“We’ll call Seungwan-unnie. She’s a lawyer she can fix this.”




“I’m sorry. I just got so jealous. I mean, you’re mine baby, you know.”




“Me and my big mouth. I’m so…”


Yeri is finally able to silence her with a kiss. The taller woman responds to it, and kisses her back. Well if she’s getting kisses then maybe it’s not so bad? Yeri ends the kiss first and tells her to sit with her.


“Um, is everything okay?”


“It will be. Don’t worry, Soo. My boss was more worried about the media coverage. I told him I won’t take anything back. You’re mine and everyone will know that.”


“What? You did that, for me?”


Yeri nods and kisses her again. She’s only sorry they hid it for so long. She won’t be hiding anything else ever again.


“You’re my wife, Mrs. Park. We’ll figure this out together, right?”


Sooyoung smiles. She is so relieved and happy to hear Yeri saying this. She loves her more than anything and it would be good to not hide anymore. That’s why they don’t anymore. The company agrees to the joint public statement from the couple. The reaction isn’t bad as the company feared. People overall seem happy with the news. No one is more relieved than the couple themselves. They don’t have to hide anymore. It’s three weeks later when they’re having breakfast together and Sooyoung is reading the news.


“Babe, look. Idol Yeri’s hot bodyguard wife!” She laughs and shows her the article that is off her wearing a dark suit, and shielding her from the crowds. Yeri laughs at the excited expression on her face.


“Yeah, don’t let that get to your head, you,” Yeri playfully taps her in the shoulder.


“How long have people been calling me hot, hm?” She wonders half seriously. Yeri rolls her eyes at the silly redhead that she loves. She just watches as Sooyoung goes on and on about how she’s some super hot bodyguard wife with a smile on her face. This is her wife alright, and doesn’t regret a single thing about it.


A/N: I think it’s not bad. I really liked writing this oneshot so hopefully you guys liked it too.


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Chapter 1: Into the depth of the internet, those fans who shipped Yeri with her hot bodyguard from the start are celebrating because of how right they were XD
Chapter 1: It's nice that this ended on a happy note with Sooyoung's ego puffed up lol.
132 streak #3
Chapter 1: Koot, ohmehgirdle.
Chapter 1: This is gold! Thou im a huge seulrene shipper.joyri and their crazy antics always has a special place in my heart.
Chapter 1: Thats it! JoyRi banner coming right up! Love it!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: I gotta say I am really liking bodyguard Joy. Even though they didn't necessarily want to reveal their relationship I think it was bound to happen at some point. Good thing the company was okay and that the reaction was positive. Great read!
cutey111 147 streak #7
Chapter 1: Your joyri oneshots are so cute and fresh, please write more!
Chapter 1: I love this, thank you for writing joyri

They're the best
Chapter 1: This is adorable. Yeri lucky to have jealous Joy.
Yerinator #10
Chapter 1: awww body guard joy! and protective over yerim ahhhhh so cuteee