Stupid, hot Yeri

The less clothes, the better

A/N: I’m writing this based on how Yeri said when she’s sleeping. She likes to sleep with as little clothing as possible. I thought it be fun to do this, with Joyri as college roommates. Enjoy


It was an exciting time for Park Sooyoung. The young woman was all set for moving into her dorm. She just really arrived from Jeju to Seoul. She can’t wait to get started with college life. She had originally asked her older friends Kang Seulgi and her wife Joohyun to help her move into her dorm. Unfortunately, the couple were both otherwise held up in other engagements, that left Sooyoung to move her own things.


“I can’t believe my unnies are seriously making me move my own boxes,” the redhead mutters under her breath as she grabs another box. Luckily her dorm is on the second floor, so she’s not going too far. The room itself is also spacious for two people. Someone else has already moved in from what she can see. There is a neatly made bed on the left, with a lot of pink bedding, and pink pillows. There are cute plushies lined up against the wall, and on the desk by the bed is a stack of various textbooks. Curiously, Sooyoung picks up one of the textbooks. It’s an introduction to economics course.


“Probably a business major,” The redhead thinks as she places the book back down. Then gets to moving the remainder of her boxes. It’s almost an hour later when she’s finished, and there is still no sign of the mysterious business major. Sooyoung was hoping that they would show up by now. She would like the chance to say hi to whoever is her roommate.


“As long as she’s not some creepy weirdo girl,” she shudders at the possibilities. She would like to lay in bed and rest for the rest of her day. But she does have to get to her first class. She grabs her bag and places what she needs inside, then hurries to go. The class ends up being fun, interesting as the teacher was hilarious, and made them feel less anxious about their first day. She even had a few people obviously checking her out. Something she didn’t mind too much. Maybe she could find someone to do some assignments for her.  


When the redhead returns to her room. There is still no sign of this roommate. It is evident that someone had been there, however. There is a plaid shirt on the bed now when there wasn’t one before. Sooyoung is more curious more than ever. She has to know who this roommate is. Not only is she curious. She is also a little concerned.


“I’m not living with a ghost am I?” She laughs nervously.


Before she can speculate. She’s getting a call from her friend Seulgi. The older woman calls to apologize for not being able to help her move earlier. Then suggests she and Joohyun take her out to dinner.


“Unnie, you had me at dinner!” The redhead says cheerfully, and tells Seulgi she will meet her soon. It will also be good to meet up with her friends. She hasn’t had the chance to meet potential friends as of yet. She wonders if her roommate will be a friend. She hopes so. The last thing she wants to do is make an enemy out of her roommate, whoever she actually is.


In fact, Sooyoung goes to several classes on her first day, and returns to no sign of her roommate. She even goes to have dinner with her friends, and gets back late. There doesn’t seem to be anyone there. When she falls asleep and wakes around 2 am. It’s to see a girl with blonde hair. Not only that but she is practically . She’s only wearing a thin shirt but there’s so much legs exposed and is that…


“s!” Sooyoung screams when she realizes she’s seeing s.


“What’s your problem?” The girl asks while sipping a soda, like it’s an everyday thing.


“Why am I seeing your s?”


“Why the hell are you looking at them? See something you like?” The blonde gestures to herself again. Sooyoung is wide awake and just in shock. Who is this half girl, and why is she so damn bold?


“Um, well I should know your name at least?”


“Yerim, Kim Yerim. But you can call me Yeri, and you’re my new roommate.”


“Yes, Park Sooyoung. It’s nice to meet you,” she tries to keep her eyes on the blonde’s face and not her nicely shaped body in anyway.


“Nice to meet you too.”


“Um, so are you gonna put clothes on?”


Yeri looks down to herself. She thinks she’s overdressed actually. This is much more than what she usually wears to bed. She’s just being nice for her new roommate.


“No. This is too many clothes as it is.”


“What?” The redhead shouts in disbelief. Is this Yeri girl being serious. Sooyoung finds out that she was being completely serious. The girl just refuses to dress for bed. Instead of pajamas or long shirts. The girl was always basically half . Sooyoung didn’t think she could take it. She was saying way too much skin for someone who wasn’t even her girlfriend. She doesn’t necessarily mind that Yeri is essentially a nudist. It just would be a hell of a lot easier if Yeri wasn’t so hot. The girl is so gorgeous and it’s very distracting for the redhead.


Like tonight, Yeri is just walking around in a long sleeveless shirt and all she sees is legs. Sooyoung has to bite down on her bottom lip, and bury her nose back into her text book. Why did she have to get such a y but nudist roommate. She hears a slight moan escape Yeri because she’s stretching.


“What the hell! She’s stretching now of all times.”


That is it. Sooyoung thinks she knows exactly what’s going on here. Yeri is a tease who is trying to frustrate her. She will confront the girl, but not right now. She’s too busy staring at those legs.


“Stupid, hot Yeri!”


She can barely focus in her classes she has too much thoughts of her pretty roommate on her mind. She is positive Yeri is doing much of her behavior on purpose. There’s no way she’s truly a nudist. It has to be to get her attention. Why else would she be so distractingly hot in her semi clothing. Sooyoung will get to the bottom of it. She asks Yeri out to lunch. It’s mostly to gauge her reactions.


“Thanks for lunch, Sooyoung.”


“Yeah, you’re welcome, Yeri. If that’s your real name.”


“What?” The blonde looks at her with a questioning look.


“Nothing, so are you a business major?”


“Yes, my dad is paying for this, so I can take over the family business one day.”


“I see, and what would this family business be, hm?”


“Um, are you okay?” The shorter girl wonders. She has found Sooyoung to be a little bit on edge. But she thought that was because she was probably nervous about being new around the university. Maybe there’s just something wrong with Sooyoung.


“I’m fine. Are you fine,” the redhead wonders.


“I think you need to get laid,” Yeri says it so straightforward. That Sooyoung practically falls out of her chair. Oh, Yeri is good. She’s better than the redhead thought. It’s why Sooyoung steps up her game. She becomes flirty. She starts to be very flirty. She compliments Yeri left and right. Again, hoping to gauge her reaction.


“Do you work out?” Sooyoung smiles suggestively.


“Um, no,” Yeri scoffs while eating her instant noodles. She really doesn’t know what’s wrong with this girl. Every time she looks around the redhead is getting weirder and weirder. Yeri decides that she will try to figure out what’s going on with the girl too.


“Are you sure? Because you really look like you work out?”


“Why are you checking me out, Ms. Park?”


Sooyoung spits out her tea at that very moment. That wasn’t supposed to happen. She was supposed to be messing with Yeri. The blonde wasn’t supposed to get involved too.


“Excuse me! I’m the one checking you out?”


“Why are you so interested in my body then?” Yeri wonders.


“You’re the one trying to tease me. With all this nudist crap, and then you’re all y too, I just…” the redhead stops talking because the way Yeri is looking at her like she’s totally insane.


“See, you’re the one who wants me. I wasn’t trying to seduce you.”


“Oh,” Sooyoung sounds disappointed. She wanted Yeri to be purposely trying to get her attention.


“You sound disappointed.”


“Well, you’re always sleeping with such little clothes and it’s very distracting. I thought for sure you had to be teasing me, or you’re not really a nudist.”


“Oh, I am. I really sleep in as little clothing as possible. I was just being considerate to you and wearing more,” the blonde tells her. Now she just has images of an even more roommate, and she can’t believe this is her actual life.


“Are you serious?”


Yeri nods and gives a suggestive wink. “Sure, maybe you’ll see it one night.”


“Oh my god, Kim Yerim! You nudist freak of nature.”


When she sees the expression on Sooyoung’s face she immediately starts laughing. Sooyoung is too easy to mess with. She thinks she will enjoy having this girl for a roommate.


“You’re too easy, Sooyoung.”


“No I’m not! I go out on dates first before…” again she stops herself from saying more. Yeri takes another look at her before laughing again. Yes, she’s going to enjoy Park Sooyoung as her roommate.


“Yeri, so this nudist thing?”


“What about it?”


“When did it start?”


Yeri shrugs. “Clothes are so restraining. Don’t you think, Sooyoung?” She walks over to her with a y stare and slightly lower voice. The redhead tries to avoid that gaze. How is she so weak for this girl already? It makes no sense to her. But damn if she’s not willingly falling for it.


“Yes, I guess,” she whispers.


“Now how often are you checking me out at night?”




“My eyes are up here,” Yeri gently pulls her face up, so they’re looking at each other.


“Every single night! You and your stupid, hot, self. You’re driving me absolutely crazy!”


“Oh, hot am I?” The blonde teases. “Well, if I’m so hot. Then you will take me out on a real date, right?”


Again the redhead doesn’t know why she’s so weak. She also doesn’t understand how she’s so weak so fast. The only thing she knows is that Kim Yeri is her weakness. Because she actually agrees to going out on a date with the blonde. Then she feels her kiss her cheek.


“Good, I knew you wanted me.”


“Hey, Yeri?” Sooyoung pulls herself together long enough to ask.


“Yes,” the shorter girl wonders.


“How long before I see you totally ?” She teases back, as well she’s Park Sooyoung. She can’t look too weak in front of this beautiful girl. It’s just not to be done. She smiles internally at Yeri’s surprised face.


“Oh, and what makes you think you’ll see me totally ?”


“I’m Park Sooyoung. I get what I want.”


“I’m Kim Yeri, and I always get what I want. Don’t you forget it.”


“Ooh…” the redhead laughs. Oh, yeah she’s going to really like this girl. She can already feel it. Kim Yeri just might be the one.


A/N: This was fun actually and a perfect plot for joyri. Hope this was a decent read.


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Chapter 1: oh hehe😳
Chapter 1: Lmao s !
I laughed so much at this , thank you :)
dkdldb #3
Chapter 1: Haha nice
Chapter 1: I love everything about this ^_^, thank you very much, sorry this isn’t much but that’s all I want say.
cjmoo_ #5
Chapter 1: This is a very decent read! Too funny to see Sooyoung so flustered and unsure of what to say when she's usually collected. How does that work, both of them getting what they want... Thank you for this story! :)
cutey111 147 streak #6
Chapter 1: Their first meeting was so hilarious, joy was like a lightning has hit her with that "s" line! And Teri was so chill: I am making you a favor by wearing this! And it's rare to see joy being stupefied by someone and that because yeri is one of a kind.
supremeee #7
Chapter 1: I wish for you to continue this! It has lots of potential and I like it so far. With that being said, I'd like to give some friendly advive: I recommended using more commas and less fragmented sentences; at times the phrasing is too much like a list. Good work so far. (:
Chapter 1: Aww this is cute! I find it hilarious how both of them were trying to find out what was wrong with the other person. These two are trouble and they are even worse trouble when they are together. I'm glad they decided to get together. I love how Joyri can be so fluffy but then they can immediately be savage to others especially their unnies.
Chapter 1: Yes I'm cackling so hard to that line "s?!" Ahahahah

I love joyri so much. Thank you for this
Chapter 1: amd we always get what we want too xD