C 019

A Second Chance at Love
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The week passed by much sooner than Misun would have liked and before she knew it, it was already Thursday. Just two more days to go for the party. To be honest, Misun was nervous about the whole deal. She had never attended a formal party like this before in her life and she felt even more nervous and uncomfortable when Sehun casually said over dinner one night that they have invited all their business partners and all other prominent business tycoons from all of Korea. At times, especially when she was alone, she felt like running away and hiding somewhere until the party was over, but she out of all people knew that it was a lost cause because she had already given her word, that she would most certainly attend the party. Besides, she couldn’t imagine the look of hurt on Mrs.Oh’s face if she were to know that Misun wanted to bail. She was genuinely gushing with excitement and happiness that Misun would be visiting them all soon. The only comfort Misun had was the fact that her brother would be accompanying her to the party. At least she wouldn’t be alone and out of place.

But everything seemed to go against Misun’s expectations when they received a call on Friday morning from Hadong Hospital that Mr.Lee’s health was deteriorating fast. Kris decided that it would be better if he stayed back in Damyang and help Mr.Lee as much as he could. According to the doctors at the hospital, the chances for Mr.Lee’s recovery seemed very slim and Kris wanted to make sure that the poor old man won’t be alone  during the last days of his life. Both Sehun and Misun went to visit Mr.Lee that afternoon. The old man was propped against his pillows and he looked extremely thin and frail. His eyes were only half open as they surveyed Sehun and Misun, who had by then sat themselves beside the bed. He raised one shivering hand and clamped them firmly on Sehun’s palm, who quickly rubbed his other hand against the old man’s wrinkled skin to give them some warmth.

“I’m alright.” Mr.Lee chuckled. “it’s time for my heart to take a bit of rest after the toiling it did all these years.”

Misun’s eyes slightly teared up and she looked around for a distraction and spotted Kris standing by the window with an expressionless face.

“Nothing’s going to happen to you, Mr.Lee.” Sehun said in a soothing voice. “You are not going anywhere until you hit a century. You got me?”

“Let’s see what He has decided.” Mr.lee said , pointing upwards. “If he wants me to go, then who am I to stand against His will?” Both Sehun and Misun looked at eachother, at a loss to come up with a reply.

“Oh, I totally forgot.” Mr.Lee suddenly exclaimed. He opened a drawer on the bed side table and pulled something out. He grabbed Sehun’s hand and dropped the thing he had taken out from the drawer previously on his outstretched palm. Misun looked curiously at  it  and  realized that it seemed to be a key.

“It’s my scooter’s key. Take care of it when I’m not around okay? it’s my most priced possession.” Mr.Lee said.

“Sure, Mr.Lee.” Sehun said as he carefully placed the key on his jacket pocket.

“And all the very best to you two.” Mr.Lee continued as he looked at Misun and Sehun with a toothy grin.

Misun had heard enough. She stood up and ran out of the room towards the corridor, hitting people at random, but she didn’t care. She was disturbed and she felt the pain. It’s true that she didn’t know Mr.Lee that well, having met only a couple of times. But the man genuinely liked her and was pouring his love out for her and even wished his best for her and this very person is going to leave this world very soon. Why is it that people who had her best interests at heart kept leaving her? first it was her parents, then it was Jongin and now this person who just revealed that he actually cared for Misun.

Misun just wandered aimlessly wherever her legs took her and it was when the harsh wind bit at her exposed cheeks that she realized that she was out in the garden adjacent to the hospital. There were a lot of patients around with their loved ones, strolling with IV bags attached to them or sitting on the wooden benches, holding hands. Before she could turn away and go back in, she felt someone placing a warm jacket on her shoulders from behind. The familiar citrusy scent emanating from the jacket was enough for Misun to realize who it was standing behind her. She turned around, clutching on the jacket tightly and saw the love of her life standing before her, with his face clouded over with concern and worry. Sehun wordlessly placed his warm hands on both her cheeks and rubbed the wetness on them with his thumb making Misun realize that she had been crying for a while now.

“Shhh…” Sehun whispered gently. “Don’t cry.” He mumbled as he continued to dry her cheeks.

“Sehun, he is going to die and I can’t…” Misun trailed off not knowing how to complete her sentence.

“I know, Sweet heart.” Sehun said. “Mr.Lee has lived a full happy life and he knows very well that his time is up. The only thing we can now do is send him off well. We should not make him feel sad by crying in front of him.”

Misun nodded her head in acceptance.

“let’s get you in now.” Sehun smiled and gently squeezed her hand before entwining their fingers toghether and leading her back to the hospital. As soon as they turned towards Mr.Lee’s corridor, Misun saw kris standing outside the room as though he was waiting for them both.

“I’m sorry Misun. I don’t think I can make it to the party considering the current situation. You have to go with Sehun it seems.” Kris said apologetically. Misun knew it coming the moment they received the call that morning. She again nodded her head to show that she understood.

“Sehun, can you run back home and pack me some clothes real quick?” Kris asked.

“Sure Kris.” Sehun clapped Kris on the shoulder. “I’m taking her home too.” He continued nodding his head towards Misun who was standing behind him.

“Yeah.” Kris replied, before disappearing back into the room, shutting the door behind him.

“Let’s go.” Sehun said and wrapped his arm securely around Misun’s waist. Misun slightly felt better on the way back home mostly because Sehun never let go of her hand as he drove one handed. The way he was drawing soothing circles on the back of her hand made her breathing come back to normal. There were only three people in this world that could calm her down like this. First was Kris and the second was Jongin who of course mastered it after quite a bit of struggle and third was the angel sitting beside her and the thing that surprised her was the fact that Sehun didn’t even have to try. It was like he knew her inside out ever since the time they met.

 As soon as they reached home, Sehun escorted Misun to his living room and made her sit there.

“I will be back soon, alright?” He ruffled her hair just as she gave him a grin and dashed out towards the other house to pack Kris’s clothes.

Misun watched Sehun’s car vanishing around the corner through the windows and as soon as the car sped out of sight, the feeling of loneliness swept over her. She was definitely not someone who believed in superstition, but ever since the day Seo Yeon came to see her, things were definitely going down hill. Desperate for some space for her mind to rest, Misun pulled a shovel from Sehun’s shed and made her way towards the half made flower bed on one side of his garden. During her time here in Damyang, Misun had learned how to make flowerbeds under the guidance of Sehun and it was a good pastime and a great way to numb the mind for a while when thinking became a pain in the . By the time she was finished, she was sweating profusely and the sun was going down, splashing a reddish pink hue over the sky, still Sehun had not returned. Misun dragged her feet back into Sehun’s house and took a cold shower. It was when she was preparing dinner that Sehun came into the house.

“Oh good.” He smiled as he saw Misun cutting up vegetables for stew. “I’m starving.”

“What took you so long?” Misun questi

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Chapter 1: This story is a hidden gem. Short and sweet. She got a second chance at love. It's sweet and has simple but heartwarming moments. I have already read it twice.
Re- reading this again ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. I can't express how much i love this story. I absolutely adore non- toxic male leads. Thank you for giving us this cute Sehun authornim ❤️
Chapter 24: This story is soooo good!
I read it in one go~~
I like how you captured everything perfectly~~
The lifestyle and sehun's job as a scientist!
And also the romance was so lovely and warm~~
I've melted down completely!
Thank you for such a great story!
967 streak #4
Chapter 24: I finally finished reading this besutiful story of a writer nursing a broken heart and a scientist nursing hybrid plants.
Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak #5
Chapter 7: I love the scientists and their friendliness. I love the way Sehun took care of Misun.
It seems that Seoul really has a way of keeping Misun so aware of Jongin.
I'm enjoying this.
967 streak #6
Chapter 1: I just started reading this.
A long distance relationship isn't easy and Jongin really asked her to go with him.
Misun should have discussed this with Kris before deciding.
Jongin must have so angry or disappointed that he left that night and even changed his number.
I'm enjoying this. Thank you so much.
JiLin1998 #7
Chapter 1: What? Why is he breaking up with her through Text message? I hate it when someone does this.
Chapter 24: This was such a beautifull story !!
i am glad it was recomanded thanks for writing this great one
loveexoxbts #9
Chapter 24: By any chance can I request a special chapter where Jongin finds his love and these dorks get married? ?
demigodmanoban #10