Chapter 5: Could This Be Fate?


Author's Note


I will mention Cheng Xiao a few times in the story but she will never make an appearance in the story.


Eunseo's POV

Jiyeon, Luda, and I always meet up for lunch. I hate that I had to miss walking with them this morning but I had to practice for my upcoming track meet. At least that's what I told Jiyeon. In reality I was secretly meeting up with my girlfriend Cheng Xiao.  I hate to keep that secret from Luda and Jiyeon but they would flip if they found out I had a girlfriend. I skip to lunch feeling bubbly as usual. I was a few minutes later because I met up with Xiao after class. I sit down at the table where Luda and Jiyeon are already waiting for me. Jiyeon looks at me "Eunseo you're later than usual might I ask why?". She raises her eyebrow slightly as I calmly make up an excuse  "I had to talk to the teacher after class chill Bona". Luda smiles at me "I missed you this morning I hate that you had to practice". I smile back at her as I take out my lunch for the day "Ah I missed you too Luda I'm sorry coach wants me to practice so much". Jiyeon turns to Luda "Tell her what happened to you during your first class today". Luda gasps as she nods "Ah, yes so I was minding my own business taking notes like I usually do and i look up and someone was staring at me." Luda goes on to explain "She was blushing afterwards I found it so cute". Jiyeon elbows Luda "Ooh does Luda have a secret admirer?". I see Luda's face turn bright red  "P-Probably not I barely know her". Jiyeon and I both giggle at Luda's red face. 


  Luda's POV

After we all finish lunch Juyeon tells us she's gonna go ahead and walk to her next class. We smile and wave goodbye to her as she walks away.  Jiyeon and I then decide just to roam the halls. "So Luda, what is the name of your secret admirer?" Jiyeon turns to me and teases me with the question. I slap Jiyeon's arm playfully "She's not my secret admirer we barely know each other Bona and her name is Dawon". Jiyeon chuckles "You get so defensive about it that's cute". She stops walking and pauses "I just thought of your ship name Ludawon" She smiles in satisfaction. "Hey no need for ship names we're not dating. Jiyeon pulls out her phone "Not yet at least". She turns it on and checks the time "I gotta blast, but have fun with your girlfriend Luda". she starts to walk away and I shout after her "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND BONA". I start to walk alone again looking down at my feet not paying attention to where I'm going Then suddenly I bump into someone. I'm so light the force from the impact causes me to fall backwards onto my . I look up to see I had bumped into. It was no other than Nam Dawon herself. she extends her hand to help me up. I grab it and pull myself up "Ah I'm so sorry Dawon I wasn't paying attention to where I was going". She looks me in the eyes  "I-It's no problem Luda just be more careful next time okay?". I could tell she was shaking slightly because of the tone of her voice. "I'm surprised you know my name we barely talk not even in class" I notice that her cheeks were slightly pink. "Y-Yeah I guess I just heard your name elsewhere and remembered it" I smile at her hopefully to make her feel less nervous "I'll see you in class Dawon". I wave goodbye to her and start to walk away "I-I'll see you in class Luda".


Dawon's POV 

As soon as Luda walked away I breathed a sigh of relief. I can't believe that just happened. What a coincidence that Luda just happens to bump into me after I had that dream last night. could this be fate? I felt awkward the whole time though. I was frozen in place, flustered, and stuttering like an idiot. I immediately turn to Mei Qi who had been standing behind me the whole time. she saw the whole thing. I sigh "I looked like a  fool in front of Luda didn't I?". She shakes her head "No you didn't you were just a little bit nervous that's all". She puts her hand on my shoulder reassuring me it was okay "Frankly I found it cute Dawon".  I laugh my embarrassment off "You're just saying that because you're my friend Mei Qi". Mei Qi takes her hand off my shoulder and pulls me into a tight hug "I might be your friend but I also wanna help you be  more confident Dawon, Meet me at my house afterschool I'll give you tips on how to be less nervous okay?" I hug her back smiling widely "Alright sounds like a plan Mei Qi thank you". She pulls away "No problem Dawon I would do anything for you". The bell rings and Mei Qi grabs her stuff "Now I'll see you afterschool Dawon". I nod "See you afterschool" we wave goodbye and walk to our classes.



Author's Note 

I hope you enjoyed that chapter! I tried to make this chapter longer and more interesting. thank you for reading. I really appreciate it. - Author~

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Unknown_User_12 #1
Chapter 19: I hope you will update here but on Twitter is fine too :D
Chapter 18: long time no see, thank you so much for your update~ btw... will you write a rated M chapter? OwO *hoping*
Unknown_User_12 #3
Chapter 18: Meiqi third wheel :D
sone_kissme #4
Chapter 18: Nice chapter <33
Chapter 16: Bona needs a Wu Xuan Yi in her life ^^
Chapter 16: how can that kim-jiyeon-creature have feelings for 2 people at the same time...
Unknown_User_12 #7
Chapter 16: Ohh Bona I feel bad
Nice chapter
Chapter 15: hoho it's 4 am in the morning already and my heart is beating sooo hard because of their goodbye kisses //_// so adorable ahhhh thank you for updatinggggg this cute fanfiction
Chapter 14: lol kim jiyeon is sooooo extra. how can luda's mom chew her right away? nowadays, having a girlfriend is really hard tho keke
Unknown_User_12 #10
Chapter 13: This is beautiful!