Chapter 2 - Long Time No Sea

Tightrope [ Yoonmin/Jikook FF]


Someone grabbed the end of Hoesok's blanket and , ripped it off of him."HOBI GET UP WE HAVE TO LEAVE!!" Taehyung yelled into his hyung's face."Your house is two hours away, so we have to hurry if we want to make it there on time." Seokjin added while putting his stuff by the door."Alright then...What time is it?" Hoesok asked, to him it seemed pretty early."Only seven, but we don't be there until twelve, because of traffic.Now stop asking me questions and take a shower!" 

"Fine." Hoesok then got out of bed, grabbed an outfit and shoes from his suitcase, and got into the shower. When he got out he put his dirty clothes into his suitcase, and put it next to the door along with everyone else's stuff." Did anyone think they forgot something?" Namjoon asked when the were walking in the hallway." No we are good. How long are we going to be on the road for?" Jungkook asked

"Only about two to three, so not that long. Anyone want to get a quick something from the buffet before we leave?" Seokjin asked."Pancakes!!" Taehyung and Hoesok shouted as the ran to the beautiful stack of them at the buffet table. They packed about twenty in two little boxes for the road. 

"Let's go now. I don't want to be on the road longer than I have to." Yoongi said, while his arms were burning from carrying a huge bag." Yeah let's go. Come on, get in the camper van." The sight of the camper van surprised the rest of the members. They rode into the hotel from the airport in a limo, but now a camper van?!

"Where did this come from?!" Jungkook asked. 

" The people from the airport called me last night and gave us this. Since we will be on the road for awhile." Namjoon said.

"Cool! I call dibs on the top bunk!" Taehyung ran inside and sat on the top bunk of the bead that were inside the camper van. " I all the other bed!" Yoongi said while walking inside and put his bags on the bottom bunk. 

Everyone else walked inside and sat down."Guys! Get ready for a long ride, so get comfy!" Namjoon said from behind the wheel. He started to drive away from the hotel parking lot, and fallowed the route the Google Maps told him to go. 

His alarm clock rang and the sun peered through his curtains in his room. Jimin looked at the clock and saw that it was seven. He steched his arms out wide to lossen them.  

Jimin got up from his bed and his phone. He saw today's date and smiled a bit. He got a text from his mom thirty minutes ago, when she left the house to go to work. He opened "Messages" and clicked on his mom's profile. On the text screan of his phone, ballons and confetti spinkled the screen.

"Happy Birthday Jiminie!! I'm sorry i had to leave early :(  Love you ". She texted him. Jimin repsonded with an 'I love you too' beofre leaving to get dressed or the day. 

When Jimin walked outside, and the cold morning air hit him as he walked to the bus stop. Random strangers were sitting down on the bench, so he stood up alone. At least he was, until Sungmin came around the coner of the street. Jimin gave him and kind smile and wave as Sungmin jogged to see his friend." How it going birthday boy?" He asked while putting an arm around Jimin." My little dongsang is growing up so fast!" He wiped away a fake tear from his cheek. "Your such a drama queen hyung." Jimin said while pulling Sungmin's arm away. 

" Whatever...We still have like an hour until school starts so should we walk?" He and Jimin didn't have to take the bus, but they wanted to be warm inside it most of the time. School was only a little far walk away from the bus stop. " I guess so. Do you wanna?" 

"Why would I have asked if I didn't want to?" Sungmin asked while walking to school, with Jimin at his side. " I don't know...Let's just walk and talk about things other than me failing to speak please?" Jimin said. " Sure. What ever you want." 

Hoseok knocked on the door with the rest of Bangtan behind him."Hello-OH MY GOD! Hoseok!" A woman looking about in the sixty's hugged the man in front of her."You've grown uo so much since I have seen you! My wittle baby had grown up so fast!" She gave Hoseok a little kiss on the fore head. 

"Mom! Not in front of the guys!" Hoseok could here most of the members snickering, but he heard Seokjin cooed at the cuteness. 

"Alright.Jimin should be here in about twelve or nine minutes, since he rides to bus, you still have a bit of time. How long are you going to be here for?" Mrs. Jung asked."Over the flight our manager scheduled some fan meets and three concerts each month. So I guess three months...?" Hoseok said. Since they had never been to Busan, they wanted to make the best out of it.

"Hold on for a second Jimin texted me."Mrs. Jung opened up her phone"It says he'll be here in two minuets?! Hurry hide and get ready!" Mrs. Jung turned off the lights to the rooms downstairs, and everyone hid away. Taehyung went into the kitchen, and held up the cake. Hoseok stood by the door to surprise his little brother, as soon has he walked into the house. Everyone hid, and waited quietly. Their excitement picked up as they heard keys rattling outside.


"SURPRISE!!!" The lights and everyone jumped out f their hiding spots. Hoseok got out of his, and hugged Jimin as tight as he could, while jumping up and down.Jimin stood still in shock. He couldn't speak, thing, or comprehend who has hugging him. After three years, Hoseok is here? Jimin couldn't believe it. 

He backed away and got a full view of who was in his house."Is this a dream...?" 

"No. Jiminie, it's not a dream. I'm here." Hoseok pinched Jimin's arm, to convince him that this really wasn't a dream."Your here...You are really here!" Jimin started to cry as he jumped up and hugged his big brother. Mrs. Jung started to tearing up and join them in on the hug. The lights then turned off again and singing filled the air. 

"Happy birthday to you~! Happy birthday to you ~! Happy birthday dear Jimin! Happy birthday to you~~" Taehyung held onto the cake, which was lit with candles." Make a wish!" Hoseok whispered to Jimin as he stared at the cake. 

Jimin nodded and took a moment to think about his wish, and blew out the candels. Everyone cheered and Hoseok put his arm around Jimin's shoulders.

"What did you wish for?" Taehyung asked." If you say your wish out loud, it won't come true." Jimin said. He grabbed a fork and started eat the cake along with others. They started to have music playing, and it became a full on party. 

"Jimin! Come here!" Mrs. Jung said while walking into the kitchen, with Jimin behind her. 

"How your you Jiminie? Does your head hurt anywhere?' She asked while taking his meds out of the cabinet. " It only hurt a bit during fourth period, and after that not so much." Jimin took his medication with water. 

" You can go back to your party. I love you" 

"I love you too.." 

"So, three months?" Jimin asked, after Hoseok told him Bangtan's situation." Yeah. Do you mind if me and of the members stay here? At least for one month?" 

"I would always!" Jimin said. "So... Did you miss this place?" He said while looking around the house with Hoseok." Why wouldn't I? This is home after all. What are those picture of you for?" Hoseok said while pointing to Jimin's pictures of him in the hospital.  Theirmom in the kitchen froze in place when cutting the carrots, almost missing her finger.

"Um...Cosplay." JImin said while fiddling with his fingers. 

" Tell me the truth~" 

"I'm not lying!" Jimin said while messing with his thumb." I've known you long enough to know that when you lie, you play with your fingers. Tell me." Jimin put his hands underneath his to stop the, from playing with each other. 

" Jimin! Come here." Mrs. Jung yelled for Jimin to come over. When he did she pushes him into the dining room, away from Hoseok's ears. " Jimin. I'm sorry I forgot to take the pictures down. But now he's getting suspicious. we have to tell him soon. You know that right?" 

" But mom! He will-" 

"Or he may not. He can also continue with his career,  and help us out. So what if you are a bit far from where he is? We are family, and we help each other out. No matter if we are far away. Remember that." Mrs. Jung said. " So are we going to tell him?" 

" I don't know... I'm just scared. What if s judge me? What if HE judges me?" Jimin said while tearing up. " Besides you and him, you are both the only family I have. Or at least know of..."Jimin said. " I can't lose either of you" 

"I know Jimin. I know. Do you want to go outside?" Jimin nodded. He walked away from the dining room and walked out the door. 


" There you are! Mom and me where looking all over for you!" Hoseok said when he found Jimin. He sat next to him while looking out at the sunset. They both sat on a little cliff, that was only a few feet high from the ground. The ocean waves glittered from the sun's glare. It was calm, and beautiful. 

"So, what was that about?" 

"I don't really want to say...I'm just not ready." 

'How bad could it be?" Hoseok asked.

"I don't know. But when me and mom tell you, do you promise to do nothing stupid?" Jimin said." I promise." Hoseok said while holding out his pinky for Jimin to hold. 


1726 Words that are not in this font. 

Chapter 2's OUT!!

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