"Park...park yoona...her name is park yoona"  


Yoona and grandma both turned towards chang wook...seeing him standing their with a towel hanging around is neck.

"Oh, ..you are here...well ..i came here to call you both for breakfast...you too yoona get ready and come down..okay.." grandma said and given a sweet smile before heading out of the room.

"Why did you lied ...my name is Im yoona not Park yoona " Yoona asked chang wook while facing him.

"I have my own reason...all you need to know..is that..you will be acting like my girlfriend in front of my grandparents" Chang said while walking around her towards the closet.

"Its nothing new...you always introduce..me as your girlfriend...but, you never mean it" Yoona whispered last part to herself.

By saying that she went into the bathroom to get ready and for breakfast.


All were sitting in a dinning room having their breakfast...when suddenly grandma spoke breaking the silence.

"So, yoona how did you meet chang wook ?" Grandma questioned looking towards yoona.

"Oh, ...we...we met in Austin USA ..i helped him and given him a place to stay" Yoona answered while stuttering a little...she was nervous.

"hmmm" Grandma just hummed and continued eating with others.

After everyone was done chang wook , in sung and their grandfather went out for a stroll leaving yoona and grandma alone in the house.

Yoona was sitting beside grandma in their garden which was mostly covered with snow...."So, yoona ...do really love chang wook a lot" Grandma asked bluntly.

Yoona sighed before answering "I ...i really love him a lot...he was the first one whom i really loved this much but.." Yoona stopped in midway..knowing that she is going over limits.

"But, what child ? " Grandma asked with concern look on her face.

"Nothing..its nothing" Yoona said while trying to smile.

"You know what...i can sense sadness in your words...i will not force you to tell me " She said looking towards yoona with love.

"It is really nothing special grandma" Yoona tried to convince her.

"No, it is...and i know it is about chang wook...i can see in your eyes...but, child ..you know he went through a lot in past...so, if he is somewhat cold or rude just bear with it..he really gone through a lot of pain in past" Grandma said with a sad smile on her face.

"What happened to chang wook's parents ? where are they ?" Yoona asked being curious.

"He didn't tell you ?" Grandma asked with a sigh. To which yoona just shook her head.

"He lost his parents when he was five" She answered...."What happened to them ?" Yoona asked.

"They were murdered by jae wook's...my son's best friend ...and the worst part...chang wook witnessed it...by his own eyes...he seen them getting murdered...by his own eyes...he was filled with fear, at that time...he didn't talked for a month after that incident." Grandma explained.

"Who killed them ?" Yoona asked as she was getting her own answers with these questions.

"I can never forget that beast's name... Im song" Grandma said with hatred in her voice.

Yoona gasped listening the name she instantly stood up and ran inside saying she have to use washroom.

Yoona closed the door and puked ....not knowing what made her to throw up......tears started escaping her eyes "That's why he hates me ...this much " Yoona mumbled to herself....while tears were still rolling down her cheeks.

Yoona washed her face and walked out of the washroom keeping smile on her face. Grandma came towards her and asked "Are you okay child ?...i heard you puke " She said with concern.

"No i am fine...just need a little rest " She said and walked towards her and chang wook's room.

Yoona came inside the room and sat by the window watching beautiful  view in front of her ...thinking "I don't think i will ever get his love...after what my so called father did with his parents....I will just end up paying for their sins...cause blood pays for blood and i know i have to pay for it." Yoona thought to herself while wiping the tears away.

Yoona walked towards the closet and searched for her clothes...suddenly yoona's eys fell on old diary kept at very end of the closet ...or basically hidden..at the end of closet.




"What is this ?" Yoona asked to herself before picking up the diary and going towards the bed she sat down on the bed and opened the diary.

Yoona gasped reading the name on front page...JI CHANG WOOK...."It is his diary" Yoona mumbled before opening the first page.


I started to read the diary and can't help but to laugh at some parts....of it...sometimes he written how lonely he was after his parents died while some parts were full of humour...like when first time a girl asked him for a date when he was 16.

When he broke up with his first girlfriend ...she cheated in him..when he was in high school...and how he cried whole night like a baby....i can't believe it is same chang wook...whom...i am seeing today.

Their were many stories ...but, what caught me off guard was the last page of the diary.

It has a date of 1 year ago 3 days after he met me. The page says.

My dear best friend.  (He called his diary )

Today its the last time...i am writing and  sharing something with you. You know i met one girl in AUSTIN her name is IM YOONA it is first time i met someone so innocent , so sweet..and for some reason brave and not to forget stupid. She was really stupid . she allowed an complete stranger  to stay in her house.She helped me when she was not even knowing my name. I don't know what to call her an idiot or an angel. she was really beautiful and kinda cute. And you know what she fallen in first sight love with me...i kissed her to confirm that and she didn't pushed me away. I don't know what was she but, i really liked her...if only i can have her forever with me but i know that's not possible.

Still she is one of the most beautiful memory of my life .

Okay, goodbye...forever best friend.

My heart jumped out of my body after reading that page...he really liked me back then...it was not planned ..i always thought that whatever happened in austin was already planned..but it wasn't which means i still have a chance.

"Yes...i will not loose this chance and will make you mine forever...chang wook just wait "I jumped in happiness.



It was already evening yoona was helping grandma to cook dinner and suddenly, door bell rang grandma went to answer the door...while yoona continued her work.

She opened a door just to see chang wook , ji in sung and grandpa standing their "Aigoo, why you all are so late ?" Grandma asked while frowning .

"We took a long stroll grandma and had a very tasty lunch " Chang said while coming inside .

"Yes, we enjoyed a lot " In sung said acting like a child.

"I am tired " Grandpa said and headed towards his room.

"You two go and fresh up dinner is just going to be ready " Grandma said to which both brothers answered "yes " In chorus.

Chang came back and asked "Grandma where is yoona ?" 

"Do you even care about her ?" Grandma asked not looking towards chang wook.

"W..what do you mean ?" Chang asked stuttering he was kinda afraid that yoona told her about something.

"Why ?...just look at her  she is so sad you left her alone here and went to have fun..she don't seem happy...even, i doubt it that she is really your girlfriend " Grandma said or rather scolded chang wook.

"Now, go and talk to her she is in kitchen ...at least give her a hug ...she is your girlfriend don't be so cold to her " Grandma said .

"I am going " Chang wook said, walking towards the kitchen ...where he seen yoona cooking completely unaware of his presence..she was singing a song while lightly moving her hips.

He smiled seeing her like this..he was about to just stand their when he suddenly, seen grandma's reflection...he instantly walked towards yoona and back hugged her tightly.

Yoona jumped with fear but calmed down when she heard chang wook whisper "Stay still, grandma is seeing ".

Yoona stood still and continued cooking ...chang wook watched her while still hugging her from behind....suddenly he pecked her cheek and yoona gasped then she thought that it is just to show.

Suddenly, chang whispered in her ear "Don't stand like a statue do something ...grandma is still here " And it took a minute for yoona before she turned around and smirked towards chang wook.

Before pinching chang wook's cheek ...he winced when she does that hardly..."Oh my...cutie honey bear...you know you look so cute today " Yoona said pouting while chang wook was trying to smile even in pain.

"Let go" Chang whispered while smiling in pain.

"Why...don't you want me to act sweet honey " Yoona said doing aigoo.

While grandma smiled seeing their childishness and left ...as she left chang slapped yoona's hand away from his cheek and glared at her 

He looked towards yoona like a predator while yoona turned her back towards him and continued to cook.

Chang once more hugged yoona tightly from back and whispered in her ear "This is my revenge" He said and began tickling her ...yoona squealed in his grasp.

"YAH...HA....HA.....stop...HA..." Yoona said while laughing trying to push him away...why you were also enjoying while i was in pain ..."Chang...ha..ha...sorry...p..please stop " She said and he finally stopped.

Yoona glared at him and too did the same before they both burst out laughing ..."That was fun " Yoona said with a huge smile...chang too smiled before he could say anything yoona encircled her both arms around chang wook's neck.

"What are you doing ?" Chang wook asked looking at her arms which were encircled around his neck.

Yoona given chang wook  a seducing gaze before speaking "I am trying to seduce...my kidnapper" 

Chang looked in her eyes and encircled his arms around his waist and pulled her closer "You...know what...you look like a hot...clingy ...chicken right now " He whispered and burst out in laughter, pushing her away.

"What ?" Yoona yelled and glared at him....he was still laughing when suddenly, yoona tip toed and pecked his lips lightly making him stop.

"Laugh...it was also a joke " Yoona said sarcastically before heading out of the kitchen to call grandma..leaving chang wook shocked once...again..he his lips and cursed under his breath before heading out.


All were at dinner table yoona served dinner to everyone and she too set down to have dinner "Wah...food tastes awesome " Grandpa said said while eating another ...spoon full of rice

"Yoona cooked it all by herself " Grandma said with a huge smile on her face.

"I see chang wook searched a beautiful girl who is a good cook too....i am pleased....come here yoona " Chang's grandpa called her near to him.

She stood up and walked towards his seat..he took out something from his pocket which was wrapped in a gift wrap and handed it to her "I and grandma be both bought it for chang's girl and now i think he found a right one...so here...it is for you " He said and handed small box to her.

"I...can't take it ..please " Yoona said she felt bad for lying to them...when she knows that chang wook didn't accepted her.

"No, you have to take it ..otherwise we are not eating..any of your food " Grandma said and yoona looked towards chang wook...he nodded towards yoona and she accepted it with a small thank you.

After having dinner when all were about to leave chang suddenly said "I am thinking to take yoona to mom and dad's house for rest of the time till we are here " 

As chang said those words grandma's smile dropped ...and she said "You can visit their but, you should not take yoona their " 

"Ahmmm..why ?" Chang wook asked raising his eye brows and yoona too looked towards her curiously.

"I still want to stay with her " Grandma answered and her voice said that she is hiding something.

"But, grandma i am thinking to stay their rest of the weekend.... it is not far you can visit her their ..please...be will leave tomorrow morning " Chang whined like a baby.

She sighed and said "Okay, you can" chang smiled and after sometime all of them left to sleep in their rooms.

Grandma and In sung were still their in dinning room ...grandma sat down beside In sung and said "You know ...what is wrong their ...right ?" Grandma asked to which in sung nodded.

"I want you to go with them and take care you yoona...she will not be happy to see her and i don't want her to hurt yoona in anyway...she is not  good...you know " Grndma said with worried expressions on her face .

"Don't worry grandma" In sung said and hugged her tightly.


Chang came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed beside yoona ...She slowly pushed the gift box towards chang wook while chang wook given her confused look.

"It is for you ...why are you giving it to me ? " chang asked.

"I can't take it ...everything is just a lie...and...you know they will hate..once they will know who i am ?...who is my father ?" Yoona said and hunged her head low while chang wook raised his eyebrows.

 "How do you know ?" Was only thing chang asked .

"Grandma told me about it .... ...she will hate me once she will know the truth..she didn't even know my real name " She said and lied down on the bed with her back facing chang.

Chang wook sighed before keeping the box in a drawer and turning off the lights. He too lied down beside her.

He looked towards yoona , he can see her body vibrating a little..he knows she is crying....he kept his hand on yoona's shoulder and turned her around.

He pulled her into his arms "Stop crying and sleep " Chang said and closed his eyes...after sometime ...chang opened his eyes while yoona was asleep ....he caressed her face and whispered "It was not your fault....but...still...i have to hurt him and for that...i have to hurt...you....I AM SORRY..." 


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Hey i am new and sorry for all the mistakes in the story.


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Chapter 24: Hi Authornim
Are you on Wattpad too?Because I think I have read this entire story there recently and I loved it too.