

I sat down in the corner of the cafe. I looked out to  the window. It’s raining hard in the middle of a windy  day. The weather is cold and kind of humid. I don’t really like this kind of weather. It just remind me so much of him.

“Here you go , miss.  Enjoy your drink! "

" Thank you " I snapped back to the reality and smiled to the waitress.

I take a sip of my latte cup and it always taste the same every time I came here. It's different from other cafe like starbucks or coffee bean. This taste reminds me so much about him. His face. His perfect features.  His fresh scent. His soft dark-brown hair. Everything about him. 

It's been a while since he left me. I don't know why, but I'm sure he has a certain reason.


As usual, I plugged my earphones in and listened to my favourite song. Because to me, it's you by Hyorin.

Then, I opened my laptop and logged in to my e-mail. 

you've got a new mail


Hmm.. That must be from our class-professor. I wonder what's the next material for this semester. I checked my inbox and opened the new mail. Weird. It isn't from the professor. But instead a strange address popped to my home screen. 


Meet me at the Floral cafe tomorrow at 7 p.m.


I wonder who is the sender.


[email protected]


It’s a really weird e-mail address. But instead of guessing who is the peson that sent me the e-mail, I choose to come tomorrow. Maybe it’s from my partner in the class and he wanted to discuss something about the project.


I spent abut one and a half hour in this cafe. The rain has just stopped about 10 minutes ago.  Then I went to my favourite bookstore and headed to the poem section. I picked up a book titled  “LOVE” . I opened the first page and started reading.



It’s a simple word..

It’s a meaningful statement..

Everybody has experienced love..

Some people need billions of them in order to get the one..

If you have someone that loved you,

Consider yourself lucky to have experienced how is it like to be loved..

Sometimes love can hurt you so badly..

But when you find the one you really love, you’ll know all the pain that you’ve felt before worth it...


I came out from the bookstore with the sentences in the poem keep repeating in my head and his face appeared in my mind.

Sometimes love can hurt you so badly..

Yeah, it’s true. I’ve experienced that thing. And it does really hurt. Watching someone you love the most left you without knowing the certain reason.


My mind is telling me that he doesn’t love me. He just liked me. So he gave me up so easily, and so do I. I didn’t even drop a single tear for him since he left.

Now, I know what is this feeling. The feeling that keep my heart aching every day , every minutes , and every seconds of my life. This feeling is just a lie. My mind keep convicing me to just accept the reality that he left me. But my heart keep telling me that I have to wait for him cause he is going to come back , someday.


I didn’t realize that I’ve standing in front of my apartment door. I pressed the password and opened the door. I went to the bathroom and took a hot shower. After that I dried my hair and drifted to sleep.

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