Be Mine?

[ONE SHOT] Be Mine?


“Woolim High has won the annual MVP championship by a close two points! Congratulations!” The announcer shouted through his microphone as students cheered loudly in the spectator stand.

You cheered loudly together with the rest of the crowd. But your eyes were only focused on one person. The person that made the championship happened.

“And today’s MVP OF THE COURT WILL BE AWARDED TO… LEE SUNGYEOL! CONGRATULATIONS!!”  Your heart skipped a beat as the announcer mentioned his name and laughed watching him from afar as his team mates carried him up and tossed him up into the air. The happiness on his sweat dampened face was one of the many things you liked about him.

There were so many girls surrounding him now, congratulating him and some even hugging him. Biting your lips, a sudden sour feeling filled your heart, suddenly mad at yourself for not being able to take your eyes off him. Then there he was in the middle of the crowd, looking back at you amidst the commotion. His was almost beaming.

You clutched at your shirt near your chest. What is that about?


Back in school, the classroom was noisy. Sungyeol’s desk was forever full of presents from his secret admirers. You wrinkled your nose, totally not into the idea of him being Mr. Popular. Yet again, you couldn’t help but cursed at yourself for being in love with him. Two years was not an easy task.

“Jealous huh you?” Sungyeol crouched beside you, arms on your desk. You glared at him and shook your head, ignoring him.

“No way .”

He shrugged sarcastically before heading back to his desk. In the corner of your eyes you saw him shoving all the presents into a big plastic bag and put it behind him. He didn’t seem interested in all those.


“We’re having a two days one night trip this weekend!” Mr Kim exclaimed as the class roared in agreement. Suddenly a piece of crumpled paper landed on your desk. Opening it you smiled, but immediately stopped and went back to having a straight face.

See you around you from Mr. Popular.


The sun almost setting as the class had various activities near the beach for the whole day. It was a mini summer vacation that your teacher had planned in congrats to the school’s basketball team. Furthermore he had invited everyone on the team for this vacation.

“Ah nice weather isn’t it?” Sungjong exclaimed stretching his arms up high beside you. Why are they even here?”

Being the only female manager of the school team, you could only sigh as you knew this kids as much as they understood you – a playful bunch indeed.

“Let’s have some more FUUNNN~~” Woohyun shouted while making a spin with his hands out stretched almost hitting your head.

“Ya!” You shouted back at him only to return with his mehrong face. You sat down on the soft sand watching the rest.  

The rest of the class were totally as excited as the boys are, for one obvious reason - The handsome boys of the school team. Myungsoo was totally surrounded by girls and maybe some boys while he was totally chic about it.

Dongwoo and Hoya on the other hand was having their own date in the sea water splashing furiously at each other. You laughed as Dongwoo accidentally shoved a seashell up at Hoya and started running away as Hoya chased while tumbling over the water current.

Sunggyu the captain of the team was helping Mr Kim with the BBQ. You were least worried about him because he was the most sensible among the rest, though sometimes he acted like a grandpa.

You looked around. Where is Sungyeol? You were almost sulking when someone pressed two cold cans on your cheeks. You turned around surprised to see Sungyeol standing behind you grinning with two cans of coke. Passing one of them to you, he pushed Sungjong away while he lay down on the sand beside you. Your heart was racing.

“Ya you, are you having fun?” He asked with his eyes closed. Your heart thumped furiously against your chest while you examined his perfect features. Unknowingly, you stretched out your hand to touch his face. Then his eyes flew open looking back at you. Shocked, you spilled the can of coke on your sundress.

“You okay?” He asked helping you up. You flinched a little at his touch. His hands felt warm.

“I need to change.” You replied with a little annoyance as your dusted some sand off your dress. It was your favourite dress.

“Mr Kim I’ll follow you back to the lodge!” Your head jerked up in an instant hearing Sungyeol shouting back at the rest of the group. Behind him the rest of the team gave you thumbs up almost in perfect unison. You rolled your eyes walking back hastily.

“Ya you wait for me!”


You changed into another dress you brought and exited the room. Sungyeol was nowhere to be seen. He must have gone back to the beach. You sighed as made your way to the storeroom where you kept the confetti and firesticks to be used for the celebration later.

Digging through the big boxes full of food and snacks, you finally found them. Suddenly you heard voices outside the door.

“Just go in will ya. Tell her okay. Don’t be a stupid chicken.” It sounded like Woohyun’s. You shrugged and continue arranging the stuffs.

Then someone entered the room and before you even have time to react, someone locked the both of you inside. You turned around immediately, it was dark. There was only a small window on the door and the ventilation panels are all higher up. There was no light switch inside the room.

Sungyeol was stood still staring back at you then he turned around banging on the door.

“LET US OUT YA WOOHYUN WOOHYUN! WOO HYUN! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!” His loud shouts filled the room and you covered your ears at the echoes.

“So haha what a way to spend the night.” Sungyeol joked bitterly, sitting on the ground.

Your heart was clashing against your chest, maybe Sungyeol can hear your loud beating heart already.



The both of you talked at the same time, and stopped while looking at one another. Outside, the sky was turning darker, but your eyes had already gotten used to the dark.

“You first.” Sungyeol said running his fingers through his dark hair. You gulped. Me and him in this small room. Omg what have I done.

“Sungyeol I…”

“I have something to tell you.” But he spoke first, almost impatient. You swallowed hard while waiting for him to say something else, but he didn’t. Clenching your fist, you inhaled deeply bracing yourself to say the words you’ve wanted to tell him all these years.


you.. I…”

“No let me speak first.” You spoke through gritted teeth. He stopped, his expression soft.

“I’m in love with you all these years.” You’ve finally said it. You almost blabbered it out of your mouth because when you looked up at him he was staring at your as though you were an alien. Your heart sank as though someone struck you with a big hammer. Then before you even noticed the slight change in his expression the door opened with a click.

Myungsoo stood dumbfounded outside, one hand still holding the door handle.

“What are you two doing here?” He asked with a puzzled face, behind him Dongwoo and Hoya was dripping wet looking almost as lost as he was. The both of you stumbled to your feet and your dusted the dirt off your pants hastily.

“Woohyun locked us in. That .” Sungyeol spoke as though nothing had happened over the past few minutes. Tears were forming at the brim of your eyes and you pushed past Sungyeol and ran off.


Sitting on the edge of a big rock, tears were falling off your cheeks like loose beads. Above you, the stars were sparkling.

“I am so stupid.” You whispered to yourself wiping the remaining tears off your cheeks.

“Who says?” A voice came from behind you making you jump.

Sungyeol was standing behind you, hands behind his back. He made his way towards you slowly and stopped while he was close enough to touch you.

“Why are you here?” You almost choked when you felt your tears forming back in your eyes.

“This.” Then he held out his MVP trophy. You stared wide-eyed at it.

“Why..” You mumbled under your breath.

“You might not have realised, but I’m in love with you too.” You looked up at him, his face smooth under the moonlight. He looked away immediately rubbing his nape with his other hand.

You chuckled holding the trophy in your hands.

“I’ve never accepted any of those gifts. I don’t know how to treat you right. I’ve always thought you detest me. So I make fun of you.” He whispered still looking away.

“I never detested you. Not at all.”

Then he pulled you close, embracing you into his arms. “you , will you be mine?” He whispered softly in your ears, his arms slightly trembling.

You nodded slowly against his chest.

Then when he released you, stepping away, the six other boys were there. Each with a fire sparkle in their hands clapping and cheering. You laughed as Sungyeol bent over and carried you princess style in his arms making a spin before running back to the rest.

“I love you you.” His whispered as he planted a kiss on your forehead. 

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sarangmyung #1
Chapter 1: i luv u too.!!though my name is sarangmyung...haha!!
Eunina #2
Chapter 1: I'll be yours forever~ :) that's my name! haha.
kylakaren #3
yak! so cute! he's totally sweet!! ^_________^
wonwoojpeg #4
I used the <you> code so it will auto be changed to your name. B)
Neonwoo #6
nice story...and thats my name
nice story.! how sweet..!!