Chapter XIV

In The Sky

Lisa woke up with a heavy heart and a furry animal staring at her. Kuma scooted closer when he saw Lisa stare back, which the girl responded with a hug.

"Thanks Kuku... Where's your mom?" as if on cue, Jennie and Chaeyoung entered the room with food in hand and comforting smiles

The day dragged on slowly, making her hate it already as much as she hates herself right now.

She continued checking her phone for any signs of Jisoo, but failing to see anything. Her heart only dropped at the sight of her unseen messages.

growing frustrated and desperate

Jennie grabbed her phone from her hand and kept it in her bag,

Jennie grabbed her phone from her hand and kept it in her bag, "stop texting her. She will text or call you when she's ready. You're only making this harder for yourself."

"What am I supposed to do, Nini? I can't just sit back and wait without doing anything?"

"You'll wait for her right? Then, give her space. Give her the time she needs."

Lisa's shoulder's slumped, the pain in her chest growing. "But I need her too.." Chaeyoung hugged her, "I know this but you'll get through this. Be strong." They hugged for a long while.

"I have to go. I have a test on Dance Theory. Will you be fine?"

"I will be. I don't think I'll go to class. I'll just stay here at the quad." Chaeyoung nodded. "I'll stay with her. Go" Jennie quickly hugged her and let her leave.

"You don't have to. I'm not a baby, Jen."

" for you, I'm not going anywhere. You'll be stuck with me." Jennie smirked at her. Lisa was secretly grateful for that. Her thoughts are making her crazy as time passes. She wouldn't be able to handle it if she was left alone with her thoughts.

"Let's go to a shaded area. The sun is burning my skin here" Jennie held her wrist and took her across the quad to where benches shaded with big trees are located. Jennie stopped abruptly, bumping at her.

"Keep yourself together" Jennie whispered to her, squeezing her wrist.

Lisa frowned, but turned to where Jennie was looking. She felt her chest tighten.

"Jisoo..." Lisa mumbled softly. Jisoo looked at her but quickly avoided her gaze.

"I'm sorry, I'll just go to another bench. You can have this spot."

"No, Jisoo. Wait!" Lisa removed Jennie's grip from her arm and quickly followed the girl, who was starting to run away from her. Jennie called out for her but she only ignored.

Lisa only ran faster to catch up to her, grabbing her hand.

"Jisoo please, let's talk. I beg you."

Jisoo stayed still, knowing she can't escape Lisa's strong hold on her now. She kept her eyes down on her feet, not wanting to see the look on Lisa's face. She knew it would only make it hard for her too.

"We don't have anything to talk about. Please let me go..."

"No. I won't let you go. I can't," her voice is starting to fail her now "not until you tell me why you're avoiding me."

"I-I'm not avoiding you." She stuttered.

"That's bull, and you know that." She walked in front of her, "you don't even read my messages anymore..."

Jisoo looked at her, with pain in her eyes. "You don't know what you're saying, Lisa. You can't possibly like me."

"Why not? You can't tell me what to feel, Jisoo. That's not how it works!" Jisoo winced at the loudness of her voice, which Lisa instantly regretted.

"It's stupid"

"I don't care. I know I'm stupid. I accept that" she tried to get closer to her, but Jisoo only stepped back. "What I can't accept is you shutting me down..."

"It's not that easy, Lisa. Please, just let it go. Just forget it."

"That's just unfair..." Lisa's voice faded.

"Isn't that how it really goes? It's an unfair world." Jisoo smiled bitterly, trying her best to compose herself.

"But Jisoo, I love y-"

"Don't. Lisa please..." Jisoo shut her eyes, tears trailing down her cheeks.

"Please, don't say you love me. I might not say it back..."

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HLLuobo #1
Chapter 19: Awww
Chapter 19: Yezzsssssss
Chapter 19: THAT IS SO CUTE TT
Thank you for the fluff author-nim ❤❤
LoonPrincess #4
Chapter 18: Wat? So she thought joy and lisa is a thing? Why she keep assuming thingsssssss? #sighinfrustation i am really curious why jisoo wont accept lisa. Vecause she is still hurt for fallin in love? Uh. I kinda forgot how joy come to this picture again. But still. I think joy just want to be friends with lisa? Or there is something that joy and jisoo didnt tell?
LoonPrincess #5
Chapter 17: Is jisoo sick or something?or she is engage? Whta kund of drama is thiss? At least jisoo must tell her why right? Until then i need jelly jisoo harhar
xZeiki #6
Chapter 16: Ottokke?! I felt that pain. Stop it authornim
xZeiki #7
Chapter 15: (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥)
bigbangv1p #8
Chapter 14: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so sad!!!!!!!
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: I thought Jisoo reciprocates Lisa's feelings T-T