New 16

New town, New life, Mafia love




"Mr Lee, I'm so sorry but..."

"It's okay, I know," I forced a smile and stood up.

"I hope you are happily living your everyday now," he said before I put my hand on the knob.

I smirked. I'm not someone who could live happily. Not when Yeeyeon's not with me anymore.








"Where do you want to go?" I asked and turned to look at hyun oppa who's driving on the road.

"I don't know,"

"What? I thought you said we are going out?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to have some private time with you can't I?" he smiled and looked at me for a while before turning his head back on the road.

I blushed. Aww, hyun oppa is always so cute.

It's been a long time (and when I said long it's really long) that I last see Jonghyun, I normally just dreamt of him and think of him every day and I will constantly think that why am I even thinking about him because all he does is abandon me six years ago. I was crying all days and nights and and and, and Taemin was the one who accompanied me through all these. But but now then Jonghyun was back and I just... I simple just left Taemin... Was I right? I mean, Jonghyun was the one I love but Taemin was the one who accompanied me through my worst time...

I was deeply in my thoughts until hyun oppa suddenly braked.

"What th—" I turned to look at hyun oppa but his eyes were focused in front of him. I looked in his direction and saw a group of people coming out from a van approaching us.

"Which gang are you," he asked calmly as he rolled down his window.

"Mask gang," one of them replied. Hyun oppa sighed and looked at me.

"Stay in the car okay," he whispered and planted a soft kiss on my forehead before opening his door.

Before he could even get out form his car, the door on my side was opened and I was literally dragged out by another guy.

"YAH!" Hyun oppa yelled at the guy who locked my arms but another guy behind him knock him out using a bat.

Wait, I remembered him...



Aish! I kicked the can in front of me.

"YAH!!" Oh damn it; I hit a guy that wore a mask.


End of Flashback


"You're the..." I mumbled as I looked at his face, he smirked and covered my mouth with a handkerchief.



Ugh, my eyes fluttered open and all I could see was...Nothing. I felt myself sitting on a chair, arms tied behind the chair and my legs were also tied.

I heard someone walked towards me and he yanked the towel that tied around my eyes away. I squinted my eyes to adjust to the surrounding light. I saw... Saw hyun oppa and Taemin tied on chairs too.

Slowly, hyun oppa's and Taemin's eyes were opened.

"Yeeyeon!" They shouted at the same time, "Are you okay?" They both asked; I nodded.

"Lee teuk!" Hyun oppa yelled at the top of his lung and a guy walked in from the outside, smirking.

"That's smart of you, to know that I'm the one who did these,"

Lee teuk smiled, walking towards us with his hand in his back pocket.

"I wonder if you remember Lee joon..." he spoke.

"Get straight to the point," hyun oppa frowned.

"He killed himself in the jail," Lee teuk's expression turned into hurt.

"He's my only brother, and he killed himself. Do you understand how hurtful is that to me?" He walked over to hyun oppa and lifted his chin up.

"I don't know what you are talking about," hyun oppa said.

Right, he wasn't there that time. It was Taemin and I.

"He deserves it," Taemin said and that drove Lee teuk into rampage. He go over to Taemin and lifted up his chin.

"What did you just said?" He whispered in his face but Taemin's expression remained calm.

That's the cold bastard Lee Taemin I met six years ago.

"I said, he deserved it," Taemin repeated and gave him a cold glare which I haven't seen for like six years.

"Deserve it? Why?" Lee teuk asked and then ripped Taemin's shirt apart revealing his bare chest. Taemin groaned softly at the burning sensation of the fabric on his skin.

"Is it because of these scars?" He asked and leaned in nearer to Taemin.

Lee teuk smirked and jumped over to Jonghyun, he's seriously crazy I swear.

"Do you know? When you're not around, Taemin sacrificed sooooo much for your lovey girlfriend? Look at the scars on his shoulders, he got it from Lee joon just because he wants to protect your lovey girlfriend," he whispered in Jonghyun's ear but loud enough for us to hear.

"Lee teuk, what the hell do you want," I couldn't keep quiet anymore so I decided to voice out.

"Ohhh, our little princess has opened ," he smiled and walked towards me.

"I want people to accompany my brother in hell," he whispered into my ear.

"And that will be you," I shoot him my death glare but earned a slap from him.

"Yeeyeon!" Jonghyun and Taemin shouted at the same time again.







When I was not around, Taemin accompanied Yeeyeon. He did all the job that were supposed to be mine. He protected her and willing to injure himself. What have I done? I did nothing. I simply left Yeeyeon without saying anything. I left her. I hurt her. I caused her to live in hell but Taemin pulled her out of hell. Now I'm back, I'm taking Yeeyeon back. I'm taking her back from Taemin. It's so unfair to him, so unfair that I feel so small. It's like, I'm not supposed to come back. I'm not supposed to love her because she already had someone who loves her as much as I do and that person was Taemin. He can give her happiness more than I could. He can love her more than I could because all I ever did was hurt Yeeyeon.

"But never mind, I'm a good person so…I don't need all of you to accompany my brother in hell. Just one will do," he smirked as he trailed off at the last four words.

"Me," I volunteered, earning a stare from all of them.

"Jonghyun, are you insane? Six years ago you left Yeeyeon and now you volunteered to die? Are you ing serious in letting her be alone again?" Taemin hollered.

"Taemin, because I know that if I'm gone, you will take good care of her,"

"Are you en crazy? What makes you think that I'll take care of her even after you used me to take care of her for the past six years?"

What? I used him? What the ?

"What are you talking about? Don't you love her? Now I'm giving you a chance to prove it. If I die, she will be yours," my brows furrowed.

"What makes you think I love her?"

"The way you care for her is beyond the care you have for a friend,”

"I will die," we turned to look at Yeeyeon who just volunteered to die.

"Kim Jonghyun," she looked at me with her teary eyes.

"So this is how you looked at our situation. Six years ago, you pushed me away. Six years later, we finally reunited but you pushed me away again. I thought when you said you love me... I thought it's t-true," her quivering lips parted to let these words slipped out of .


"Shut up, I don't want to hear any of your excuse. Lee teuk, kill me," she pleaded and Lee teuk smiled.

He walked over to her with a gun in his hand.

"Wait! I'm the one who's supposed to die," Taemin said and narrowed his eyes. He shook his head again and again, is he in some kind of pain?

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have involved with you Yeeyeon. It's true that I love you but I'm very sure that the one you love is Jonghyun. I won't hold you. I will let you go to him since he's back."

"Just kill me Lee teuk," Taemin said and Leeteuk immediately pointed the gun at his forehead.

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omg this story is featured? lol omg I felt so guilty I didn't update.


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 53: Ahhhh nooooo. The feels > . < I've been hit by the feels. Why did you do this author-ssi ;-; Taemin-ah I want to cry. Your writing is so good, I can feel the emotions through it :(((
Lutomo #2
Chapter 56: Oh my jesus personally recommended this story to me and I started reading it on Saturday evening... I got to chapter 24 at like 1am, sobbing like an idiot in my room trying to not wake up my parents... I literally couldnt bring myself to finish it on Sunday, so here I am now (sobbing again) Urgh what to say other than this was an amazing emotional rollercoaster and why dID YOU LET TAEMIN DIE?! Wow man, I'm really glad you recommended this one to me, and even though I feel depressed now, I really enjoyed it! :D
Chapter 56: u should have a tag that says tragedy or character death as a warning :'(
Chapter 56: I CANT BELIEVE U LET HIM DIEEEEEEEEEE u dk how much I cried :"(
noomin #5
Chapter 35: i'm re-reading this caus i love ittttttt
Chapter 1: I'm re-reading this cuz i love it so much
Chapter 56: It's very awesome!!
Chapter 56: :'( feel so </3 now
Loved this fanfic [actually I love all your fanfics but this is the best one]
read it in 2013 and finish in one day, this fic's one of the top best fics i have read. I done at 2am and couldn't sleep after that cuz my heart;s aching. thanks authornim, for a great fic