Part 2

The Fair, Love at First Sight

 Hyun A and Kyung Rin were in the kareoke room of the fair. Hyun A had introduced a couple of guys to Kyung Rin and now they were all singing.


After singing, the guys left the two girls and the girls decided to go walk aound.


"Ah! Unnie~ Dont stop on those Xs on the floor! Or you go to jail, remember?" Hyun A reminded.


"Oh yea..." Hyun A trailed off. Suddenly...


"Ahhhh!!!!" Hyun A screamed as 2 guys grabber her arms.


"Yah!!! Let her go!" Kyung Rin shouted at the guys.


"Yoon Kyung Rin?!" The two guys shouted.


She stared at the two guys' faces. "Erm...Im sorry! Who are you two again?"


"Eli! And Kang In!" the two told her.


" O.O whoa!!!! You guys are BUFF!!!" Kyung Rin commented.


"Haha! Thanks! All our hard work paid off!" Eli laughed.


"Anyway!" Kang In interrupted. " We need to bring Hyun A to jail! She stepped on a X."


"WHAT?!" Hyun A shouted.


"Haha! Its okay Hyunnie! Ill wait by the prison bars!" Kyung Rin told her.


Soon, Hyun A was locked up and Kyung Rin was patiently waiting.


She was leaning on the wall. Waiting for Hyun A.


Suddenly, somebody tapped on her shoulder.


"Kyung Rin!" somebody shouted and hugged her. She found herself surrounded by a group of guys.

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mizukki #1
Chapter 15: Laughing hysterically at the last part. LOL!
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 15: aaawww, so cuuuteeee
babanga #3
good job!@@
LOL the special short part!!! <3 itt~~ i laffed so hard
m0zarts0nata-- #5
so cute XD!!!
@ThuyTranxD thnks~~~ hahaha~~ yea... t was pretty short! :(
The whole thing was so short D: <br />
But the special chappie was funny & cute!
@ELF_EunHaeKyuMinWook thnks~
Nice story^^ New reader(:
@SMILEplz2899 haha~ thnks~