Chapter 2

Deferential Dr. Kim


Exam week is next week, and the butterflies grew in my stomach every second I had to wait for my turn to say a speech in front of the cohort, commemorating our final year in high-school. We gathered in the assembly hall, on a Friday morning before exam week, to say our tearful farewells to highschool life. After exam week is the holidays and then the results come out. Every one of my classmates are extremely anxious, knowing that our futures ride on this last week. I am their student body president and so it is my duty to relax everyone's tension, moving a foot forward in the right direction.


The female Principal, Mrs. Jun, calls my name forward, "Jung Yerin, your student president, will now deliver the final address." I take a deep breath and calmly walk to the front of the stage, hoping that tears won't fall out of my eyes from such an emotional event. It's not really that emotional, I'm just an extremely sensitive person. 

"Everyone, our high-school lives will soon come to an end, and with every end is a new beginning. I believe there is so much to look forward to in the future, and with every difficulty, I hope each one of you will help each other like we did this year. The future is ambiguous and scary at times, but if we are steady, strong and humble, many doors will open that our current selves will not know about until we look back on this time in our lives. I enjoyed creating new friendships, and I will remember every kind deed of every student, friend, that lifted me up and comforted me. Of every teacher that stayed behind to teach me. When we depart, know by heart, that you are not alone..." And so I continued with my speech but towards the end of it, tears streamed down my face at the mention of my Mother. "In every bump on the road and heart-ache on the journey, my Mother and Father... have been there. And so I just want to extend this thanks before saying goodbye to most of you in this stadium. I sincerely wish you happiness and fortune in the future. Thank you so much and farewell." The stadium cheered for me and I noticed that some of my favourite teachers and graduates were also tearful at my speech on this occassion. I couldn't be more grateful. I see Roowon in the crowd and even he smiled at me. I smiled back, of course, with a grain of salt and made my way down the stage to lead the group towards our final ritual - the exiting ceremony. 


The students of the school cheered us on like some celebrity red-carpet event and all the graduates bowed and bid farewell. We are just a small school in Busan, so every one of these faces were so familiar to me. I cried even more when they saw me crying which was an endless cycle of sobs and tissues. Eunha, my childhood friend, held my hand the entirity of the walk. We walked into kindergarten hand-in-hand; now we are exiting hand-in-hand, and with the mixture of tears and red nosed sniffles, I faced her and gave her my biggest and lengthiest hug. We headed home after the event, and I know we wouldn't see each other over the weekend due to the examination period in the following week, so we took our sweet time to enjoy each other's company.


"I'm so glad I confessed to Roowon. I don't regret any of it because I am saying goodbye to his face forever when we enter university," I revealed when we started talking about love.

"You're so strong, I have faith you'll meet the one for you. A good-looking, rich medical student," Eunha said and I winced.

"That's out of my standards. I prefer someone humble, poor, like me, and hard-working. Someone who can make me feel at ease and love me for who I am," I added.

"Hmm, so no good-looking, rich medical student?" 

"I guess not. And you, someone caring because you're my most amazing best friend. I won't allow him to lay a finger on you." I held her hand as we walked down the dirt road where I fell on a week ago, broken-hearted. 

"Yennie, good luck," she wished me goodbye with a tight hug. 


The upcoming week would be a bloody war. 


I headed home and took a sip from of coffee from my favourite mug before proceeding to study. But then my eye sight became hazy. In those next few moments, all I could feel was the burning feeling of coffee soaking my hair and all I could see was pitch-black before I lost my conciousness. 



"We have arrived in Busan," a flight-attendant says over the plane speakers. I stretched my arms and legs immediately after unbuckling. Jimin and Jungkook were still lying down on the flight seats, so I guess they found flying business class more comfortable than I did. I can't stand sitting down for even two hours. 

"Ya, let's get our belongings and leave for the hotel. That way, you can sleep before dinner," I persuaded, and of course, they listened to me. I am their hyung after all. 

"Hmmh," Jungkook agreed, packing up his things. I stood there, eyeing them pack with my already packed gear, hoping that would speed them up. I'm not an impatient person, but I do consider the flight attendant's time as well. We got off the plane and gathered our belongings, in the taxi, heading to a 5-star hotel. Jungkook, Jimin and I had separate rooms which made it better so those sleepy heads can cool off. I needed to go somewhere urgently and I don't intend on bringing them along with me. I sent them a text just in case, telling them I'll be back in the hotel for dinner. It was 4pm, meaning I only had 2-3 hours before I have to head back.

I hurriedly exited the hotel and got a taxi. 

"Drive me to Kim Medical Center."

After a 30 minute drive in silence, we arrived at the destination. This medical center was the first center my Dad owned. He wanted me to look after this place well when I take over the business, and that if I wanted to acquire this building, I had to solve a clue for him. I could spend a few hours here every day to find the clue until I find it, then I can focus on enjoying my vacation. 

"Can I speak to the leading advisor of this hospital? My name is Kim Taehyung," I said to the receptionist, who gasped and proceeded to contact the person I was looking for. I waited whilst observing the hospital. Though it was small when I was young child, continuous renovation over the years made it into a massive hospital with plenty of space for specialized clinics and pathology. The reception I was in is black and white, much different to the bigger hospitals in Seoul. 

"He's waiting for you. Please do enter, Mr. Kim." I nodded and walked through the large silver doors to my left. I was greeted with a big hug and a warm smile.

"Taehyung-ah! You've grown!" Mr. Chou said, releasing me from his fatherly hug. 

"Nice to see you," I replied with a smile. 

"What brings you here? Take a seat." He sat down on the chair behind his desk which was surrounded by multiple bookshelves decorated with books, certificates and framed photos of his family. 

"I'm on a holiday," I said, revealing only that. I don't intend for him to know the real reason for why I came. 

"Nice! Busan is a lovely place to have a holiday. I'm sure you'll have heaps of fun here. I hope not too much though," he said with a wink. I coughed. 

"Sir, I have a fiance."

"Let me guess... an arranged marriage? I can tell our Taehyung-ie still hasn't found the one. You're still young! Who cares what your parents think. Find a girl and marry her." This old man has been good in the past for reading me like an open-book. He was usually the first to find out when I had a crush on a girl. My family moved to Seoul before high-school, so I didn't communicate much after that, but if he were to be around, he would still somehow know about me, like he's a Taehyung-psychic. 

"I want inheritance and a stable business."

"... But not a stable relationship or marry the love of your life?" 


"And why else are you here, may I add?" Crap, he might find out. Should I tell the truth? It wouldn't really harm either of us if I did anyways.

"I need answers," I said. He nodded and crossed his arms.

"I know. Be my assistant for a few hours everyday for the next month, then you'll find the answer." I mentally died. 

"But, I'm on a holiday. I want to enjoy myself for the 2 months I'm here."

"You won't regret this decision, Taehyung. So?" I nodded and he instinctively smiled.

"It starts now. Put on a coat and follow me to the emergency ward," he commanded. I grunted, but followed his orders. We entered the emergency ward which was packed with new injuries and so forth. "I want you to look after these patients in the time being. You will paid the salary of a surgeon for every hour, but you will be tending to the wounded. This is part of your training." I nodded in obedience, but in all honesty, I regret my decision to come here.

I started off with the first patient. He was caught in a car accident and the paramedics are now bringing him to the surgery room for operation. I nodded at them and continued on to my next patient. The next one had third degree burns. I examined the health conditions, accompynied by nurses, and found that skin graft surgery was required. Having spent my first hour in the hospital, it was 5pm. I only have one hour here before I have to go back to the hotel. I proceeded with checking out the next patient. Holding my clipboard to read the next patient's documents, her cause of injury is still unknown and they want me to find out. I pulled the white curtain to reveal a young girl, extremely pretty, and sleeping soundly. She doesn't appear to have any breathing difficulties, her heart-rate is normal, and she appears to be concious. So why is she here?

"Jung Yerin," I said. "She is really pretty" I thought to myself. This girl, by the name of Yerin, had clear porcelain skin, a tall nose bridge, double eyelids, round eyes, soft hair and pinkish lips... Why was I thinking of her lips? Get yourself together, she's a minor. But one can't help admire her beauty, it's deserving of compliments. 

"Yes," she replied in a feminine voice, sitting up to talk to me.

"Umm, you were adminstered here this morning at 11am because you fainted, but we scanned your body symptoms and your blood. The results are unknown because you appear to be normal. I'm here to change all of that and find the bottom of this. You'll be discharged in an hour, but you will report to me on a daily basis around 4-5pm this time everyday for the next month. Is that clear?"

"I understand you want to know why I fainted, but if my blood doesn't show anything, won't you just let me go? At least for a week. I have final examinations at high-school next week," she pleaded. 

"It's true you will not require medication and that you will have a disadvantage with your studies. You can give me your personal phone number and I will give you mine so you can report your symptoms. I find it easier if you call for a brief moment too. Is that fine with you?" I asked. Great, I sound like I'm asking for her phone number, but I was fairly pleased at how red her face gotten. Because of her pale skin, everything can be seen on her face and ears. 

"Sure..." she agreed. She gave me her phone number and I gave her mine. Once that was over, I disappeared to the other patient, turning around to look at her one last time to look at her before I did so. 


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daclankath07 #1
Chapter 3: update please.. i want to know what will happen next
germsrocket #2
Chapter 3: Waaah..
Looking forward for more *thumbs up
Chapter 2: Waaah. Please continue this. So excited for them
yongshin_ys #4
Chapter 2: next
germsrocket #5
Chapter 1: Nice... continue please :)