sink and swim

Found You in Fragments
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Irene looks out the huge window into the sea. It’s still early in the morning, but she can already hear Jisoo and Minhyuk’s laughter from the swimming pool below. Their two youngest daughters still lay buried in blankets in the middle of the huge bed, tired from swimming the whole day yesterday. Carefully, she gets up and tiptoes towards the window.


The sky beckons her attention this time with its ideal hue of blue that reminds her of her favorite days. She was about to take a snapshot of the scenery when she hears the door from the bathroom creak open. She senses his footsteps padding towards her and confirms it when she is suddenly wrapped in a soft and warm embrace.


It could have been a peaceful scene if not from the heavy sigh that escapes Sehun’s lips. She tears her attention from the view and spins around to face him.


His hands slide to hold her waist. His eyes are filled with something that makes Irene’s heart drop and sink like it never did before.


“What are you thinking of?”


Irene cups her husband’s face and tiptoes to plant a soft kiss on his lips. But, his expression is still and unchanging, with a determination that will soon manifest into her fear.


“I decided not to get treatment.”


Her hands suddenly fall to her sides, disbelieving what he just said. Up to this day, she was hopeful, knowing their family can get through this together. She didn’t think, didn’t know, that this was an option.


For a moment, she did not know what to feel. Just that whatever it is started weighing her down, through the cracks of the flooring and sinking through the ground. She closes her eyes to relax, but all of a sudden, she finds herself stepping on sand, tidal waves rising higher until the water gets so deep that it’s getting hard to breathe.




She sighs in relief when she finds him still with her. Her voice breaks and he reaches out to wipe the flowing tears. She feels the brief hug, before Sehun pulls them apart to stare straight into her eyes. A smile replaces the stoic expression and he speaks with a clear voice.


“Thank you for giving me the most wonderful years of my life. Let’s just enjoy it while I still can.”


Irene drowns.




“I’ll excuse myself early today. I have a report and I need the time to calm my nerves.” Sowon stands up, “Bye.”


They wave as she leaves with a huff of determination but panicky in her steps. Jisoo still finds it interesting how the four of them spend so much time together. Sure, Jisoo and Minhyuk had no choice but to stick with each other since they were born, but they were never close enough to be in the same group of friends or share secrets. Surprisingly, Jisoo finds this new situation comforting, being friends with her brother.


Yes, even though he judges her food choices – choice, rather – everyday of the week. At home, she eats whatever is served on the table. But in school, no one can stop her from eating her chicken. It’s only five times a week, anyway. She’s currently drinking her chocolate milk when Minhyuk asks,


“Which one will you marry, the chicken or the chocolate drink?”


He’s teasing her again but she is no way bothered now. Jennie chuckles at them, already used to the siblings’ banter.


“Why choose when I can marry someone who can buy me both?” She easily answers, surprising even herself.


Jennie visibly reddens and Jisoo feels for her fingers on the bench between them for comfort.


“Right.” MInhyuk nods, seeming bored. “Anyway, you’re taking too long. I’ll go now.”


He gets up right then and exchanges goodbyes with his sister and Jennie.


Her girlfriend is still quiet even now that they’re alone. It’s unusual, because Jennie’s usually the most animated and talkative during their lunch together. Jisoo brings Jennie’s hand on the table and squeezes her hand.


“You really are going to be late, you know. The bell will ring at any minute.” Jennie is now responding to the touch, turning her palm over to clutch Jisoo’s hand.


“I wanted more time alone with you.” Jisoo admits with a giddy smile, and Jennie turns impossibly redder. However, the ringing of the bell cuts off her amusement.


“Will you come over tonight, please? Pleaseeee.” She musters her best pout to convince Jennie. It seems to have worked for a second but before she could say yes, the other girl lets go of her hand and leans back on the chair.


“I could barely speak in front of Minhyuk. What more with your mother…” Jennie trails as her lips form into a frown.


“Jen…” She turns sideways to stare at her bestfriend-slash-girlfriend, resorting to using her puppy dog eyes look.


Jennie shakes her head with a growing smile. “Jisoo, I’d love to come over and spend more time with you. But I won’t go three meters near your house until Aunt Irene knows we’re… dating.”


They both blush at Jennie’s shy statement. Cute. Jisoo finds Jennie cute.


“But she already loves you.” It’s true and she says it not only to pacify her.


Jennie retaliates, “As your best friend! That’s different. Please. Just tell her first?”


As she considers for a moment and thinks of a script to say, Jennie’s gummy smile distracts her. She concedes.


“Fine. I’ll try to do it as soon as possible.”


“Great. Come on!”


Jennie drags Jisoo to her feet as they speed walk towards the classrooms. Jisoo resists the urge to twirl around and play some more.




Irene smiles as she reads Wendy’s reply. She clicks the button to switch off the screen and looks out the windows of her car. The weather is nice for a stroll today and she watches some students walking around the campus.


After a minute, she sees Wendy frantically approaching with two huge bags on either side. Irene gets out of the car and with careful steps tries to meet her halfway but something still holds her back.


It only takes her a few steps before she finds herself eye-to-eye with Wendy.


Despite the heaving breath and mussed hair, Wendy’s smile is bright and bold. Irene reaches to tuck Wendy’s hair behind her ear before they walk back towards her car.


In the many times she has picked up Wendy from the university, she usually just stays in the car. She doesn’t particularly like the sentimental feeling. Something rests beneath her chest, bubbling and gnawing some deep-dwelling emotion. It’s been there for most of her college years and she remembers memories with both Wendy and Sehun there. Standing on the pavement and smelling the white flowers that hang from the tree above, she isn’t sure what haunts her more.




“I’m sorry I had to bring work home. I could have cancelled and stayed overtime…” Wendy looks at her companion across the dining table. Irene fixes her eyeglasses in place before looking at her with an easy smile.


“It’s alright. This way, I could help you.” She turns the page of the answer key and resumes checking the test papers.


Wendy assigned Irene to check the multiple choice answers as she pores over the essays. Her side is piling up, especially now as she uses the time to openly stare at the beauty in front of her.


“What?” Irene looks up then, “Am I doing anything wrong?”


Wendy shakes her head. “Thank you for this… helping me, spending time with me.” She’s giddy all over, like a teenager who just got noticed by a crush she has kept for so long.


Irene, ever full of surprises, puts down the red pen uncapped and hastily gets up. Her eyes, dilating and seductive are still a little unfamiliar. It’s directed towards her, but Wendy is not sure if it will come back for her or if uncertainty will ever replace it.


She pulls the chair beside Wendy but the latter had already turned sideways to meet her. Despite the very available chair, Irene now opts to sit on her lap instead. Irene her lips in anticipation and with that, Wendy falls deep in to the temptation that is Irene’s lips.




Jisoo remains sitting cross-legged on the bleachers even as Jennie approaches, ready to go home with her duffel bag hanging on her shoulder.


“Maybe stop staring? We have to go home.” Jennie teases with a sly smile, putting out her palm for her girlfriend to hold.


Jisoo openly gawks at her for a few more seconds before taking her hand. They take their time walking despite the cold air hitting their skin.


“You know, we haven’t gone on an actual date yet.” Jisoo swings their arms.


They are used to hanging out with just the two of them. But, it’s different now.


“I know. I’m sorry. How about Friday? I don’t have training then.” Jennie suggests excitedly.


“I can’t this Friday… We’re staying over at my grandparents’ for the weekend.”


They step on the bus, finding a vacant seat towards the back. Jisoo still feels giddy from all this. Nothing has really changed between the two except for the added label. She always had fun spending time with Jennie and it’s been a week since she understood that this attraction was always there, together with the need for companionship, and the certain longing that she feels inside.


Her thoughts are momentarily interrupted when Jennie asks, “How are your grandmother and Aunt Irene, by the way?”


Jisoo has never seen their mother in a fight with their grandparents and she knows that they've always treated her like their own daughter. But parents and children sometimes fight, right? Or at least that’s what she says to convince herself. Rather than their sudden outbursts at her father’s grave, what bothers her more are the words exchanged. She doesn’t know what to make out of what was said. Has her mother really moved on and is she really with someone new? Someone they know?


“Hey. We don’t have to talk about it now.” Jennie taps her leg, and sh

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Chapter 22: ahhh I can't believe it's over, your story is very beautiful, I really liked it for Wenrene and Jensoo, I'll be waiting for the epilogue
Chapter 20: This moment was tense, I hope it doesn't take long for the children to understand their mother
Chapter 15: finally a kiss after years, they deserve it so much, it's so hard to fight the feelings 😭❤️
I miss this story so much… im going to reread 🥰
ShinHye24 1340 streak #5
Chapter 22: Looking forward to the epilogue :) i miss wr so much these days
2074 streak #6
Congrats on the feature
ultchae #7
Chapter 22: reread from the start after seeing the new update notification and wow i was not expecting this to be the end already 🥹 not that plenty of time hasn’t passed already but i would love to spend some more time with this family and the life you created for them :’) excited for the potential epilogue, thanks for the fantastic story <3
Chapter 22: will be rereading from the start again so when i read the latest chapter it would hit different! and i feel like i’ve re-read this so many times bc its that good. oke i’ll continue my thoughts after finishing.

really liked the conversation between wendy & minhyuk. he’s an actual sweetheart and kept his promise to sehun that he’ll look after them.

with jisoo, i can understand her dilemma its a good thing she has jennie to lean on. the moment she let her thoughts out & be vulnerable to irene is the start of acceptance.

can’t believe this has ended now! and as for your question its hard to pick a favourite character. for me, i love something about each character.

wendy’s patient and is so empathetic with the kids’ feelings. her reaction to past struggles was to run away and escape but she’s now learned to stay and face them for irene. character development ++ i think she’s strong bc even with the pain that comes along when mentioning quinn she still manages to share it.

irene -> she’s brave enough to accept that its okay to be loved and love another after sehun since its self-care too. she might’ve been distant but i think she makes up for it. she’s a great mother & lover to wendy.

minhyuk -> he’s really mature about this situation and so kind. i get wendy when she said he resembles irene in that part. i like how he worries a lot for jisoo and wants to share the pain instead of keeping it to himself.

with the two other kids i think innocence plays a big part. i think its adorable how they’re so fond of wendy. i think she deserves this kind of love especially after what happened to quinn.

can’t wait for the epilogue. i wonder if wendy will move in. since this was more of a resolution of everything chapter. it’d be cute for more wr moments :) thanks for the update and giving the story an ending it deserves. such a well written story <3
2074 streak #9
Chapter 22: Thank you for the update!