OMG! part 2 and end

내가 하녀예요

I'm am going to follow the Idol Maid but there are still different things inside there.


You , Kikwang and Yo Seob reached the dorm and Bong Sun noona was already there that means that you was late.


"YAH!~~~~ you're late on the first day already.And why you did not change into your maid outfit!"Bong Sun noona shouted at you. (The maid outfit)

"I'm sorry ."you said and went to changed.

"It's not ~~~~'s fault."Yo Seob said.

Junhyung pulled him and Kikwang towards the boys and said."We are starting now.I don't want it to go wrong.Understand"He said with death glare.

"Yes."Kikwang and Yo Seob said with a sigh.

After you changed and you went out.And you found out that everyone was looking at you.

"Is there anything wrong? Should i change?"You asked

"No.Wow.You look great. and hot " Hyun Seung. said

"Erm.Thanks?"You giggled

"YAH! Quit standing there and start helping them fold the shirt.There are a whole bunch of them."Bong Sun noona shouted.

"Yes."You answered and started folding them.

"I'll help you."Kikwang said.

"Thanks oppa."You said but mouthed Oppa.

"Kikwang ah Stop helping her and help me."Bong Sun noona shouted from the room.

"No! You can call the rest to help you."Kikwang answered.

"Oppa. Just help Bong Sun noona. I can handle it myself."You said to him.


"Just go."You pushed him away.

Kikwang walked into the room and saw all of the members and Bong Sun noona resting

"Yah!Why did you call me in.?"Kikwang shouted but not so loud.

"I just want you to rest."Bong Sun noona replied.

"WTF!"Kikwang said."You guys have fun resting. I'll go help ~~~~"He said and went out then followed by Yo Seob.

"~~~~~ ah. Let me help you also."Yo Seob shouted.

"Thanks.Why did you come out?I though you should help Bong Sun noona?"You asked kikwang.

"Ohh. She have finished already."Kikwang explained to her.

The three of you went folding the shirts with lots of laughter.The beast members heard some laughter and went out and saw the three of you laughing and they went to join in.

"So what are you talking about?"Dong Woon asked.

"Nothing."The three of you shouted and face each other and laugh again.

"Let me help you also."The Beast members sounded.

"Thanks."You stand up and bowed.

"No need to be so formal."Doo Joon said.

This Time Bong Sun noona saw the Beast Members helping you so she thought of something.

"~~~~ ah. Go  wash the dishes in the kitchen and after you have done  clean the bathroom right now.."She said.

"OKay."You have no choice but to say yes."But who is going to fold?"

"The beast members are already folding .So you just Go and do what i have say."Bong Sun noona said again.

"Let me help you."Hyun Seung said before Kikwang could say.

"OKay. Thanks alots."You said and went to hug him by the waist..

You and Hyun Seung went to wash the dishes but ended up having laughter again.

"You're so fun to be with."Hyun Seung said.

"Thanks. I like to be friends who are kind and friendly and whom i don't know."You said.

"Ohh.It's so nice to be washing the dishes with you even though i hate to do house chores."Hyun Seung replied.

"Actually it is good to do house chores. It can build up your muscles and as well you are doing exercise and most important it can keep your dorm clean"You explained to him.

"Ohh. Than from now onwards i'm going to be house chores everyday."He shouted.

"Hyun Seung ah."You said but your hands taking a whole lots of bubbles.

"Yes"and "BAM"his face was full of bubbles.

"Hahax."You laughed.

"My turn."He said and taking a whole lots of bubble and smashed it on your face.

You two keep playing and did not notice that Beast members also took some bubble and attacks you.

"YAH!"No fair."You said pouting your lips and took the bubbles and smashed it on Doo Joon's face.

"Yah!"He shouted.

"Mehrong!"You stick your tongue out.

"~~~~~ ah. GO and clean the bathroom now."Bong Sun noona said scaring everyone of us.

"Okay."You said.

"Let me help you."Dong Woon said.

"No let me help you."Kikwang said.

"NO it should be the leader help you."Doo Joon said.

And they quarreled as they all wanted to help you.

"It's okay. I can do myself . Just take a rest."You said to them.

After 10 minutes and done cleaning the bathroom,.

"I'm done cleaning."You said to the boys.

They went to check.

"WOW!"They all shouted.

It was sparkling clean.

"I did not know your bathroom could be that clean."Junhyung said.

"'re a wonder girl"Yo Seob said.

"You did a great job."Doo Joon said.

Kikwang give you a thumbs up and you did too.

Dong Woon and Hyun Seung  gave you a hug.

"I want a hug too."Doo Joon shouted.

"GROUP HUG!"You shouted. and they followed. But when Bong Sun noona went forward to hug also. They quickly disband away.

"YAH! Why?"Bong Sun noona asked.

No one answered her.

"Noona. I'm done cleaning."you said to her.

"Good. Now go and clean the room."She said.

"Okay."You wanted to say no as your head is now spinning but you can't.

"This time no one is going to help you understand."Bong Sun noona commanded.

"Yes."And you went into the room.

"Let me help you."The beast said.

"No. I need to do it myself"You said as you walked into the room.

After you have done cleaning the room you went out but your head is twice the spinning now and you saw the boys lying on the floor with their eyes closed.

"I guess they are sleeping"You thought to yourself

"Bong Sun noona. I've done cleaning the room."You said.

"Good. NOw and and make the shoes properly"She commanded again.

"Yes."You said but as you went to picked up  the shoes,  everything out.


They boys stood up and faced each other.

"Did you hear anything?"Doo Joon asked.

"Yes.Lets go and check."Jun Hyung said.

They went to check.

"~~~~~ ah!"Hyun Seung shouted.

Everyone rushed out and saw you being carried by HyunSeung.

"~~~~ ah!Wake up!"Yo Seob shouted.

Kikwang touched your forehead and it was burning hot.

"I think she over work and she's having a high fever"Kikwang said.

The boys Stared at Bong Sun noona who just sit there the whole day.

"Let's bring here to the bed first."Dong Woon said.


Kikwang carried you in a bridal style and put you down on his bed.

They all sat on the floor and look around.

"It's so clean."They mumbled. 


Kays.I'm going to write until here fist.

Maybe i will update again later.

Want to watch my show.



Love Ya


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xuanniexzc #1
Everyone..I have done the first chapter of my Sequel already^^
2489 streak #2
Yay!! :D I can't wait for the sequel!! ^-^ Hwaiting!! <3
sequel ! <3
ForeverFive #4
Please tell me when you have your sequel and what's your new story?
cant wait for the sequel!!
naomi777 #6
haha lol funny ending !!!!!!!!!
xuanniexzc #7
Thanks Everyone:D<br />
naomi777 #8
good chapter please update soon thanks !!!!!!
YoruxRuki #9
Awesome update! Well...since she got her hand cut because of the broken glass, that's not awesome, but... you know what I mean D:< Bongsun is meannnnnnn D: Juri unnie is awesomeeeeeeee. Please update soon
naomi777 #10
good chapter please update soon thanks !!!!!!