My relationship with Kikwang and YeSeob

내가 하녀예요


You reached home and changed into a nice outfit was going to go out when you saw someone at your door.

"Who are you?"You asked.

"You have won and your are going to be the maid for Beast and another noona will help you so now i need you meet the boys."

"WHAT!"You shouted."Ohh.Sorry..Okay let's go"You said smiling nervously 


The Boys in the van going back to the company.

"Yah.Kwang ah . Why did you kiss the girl and scold one of our fans?"JunHyung asked. 

"I don't know. I don't really know hyung/"Kikwang answered.

"Let's not talk about this. I don't want our manager to know this."Doo joon said.

"Why am i doing this?Why do my heartbeat get faster when i close to ~~~~.?She feels so warm and i feel so comfortable with her."Kikwang mumbled.

"What are you mumbling about now?"HyunSeung asked.

"Nothing. I'm just wondering where did our manager went to."Kikwang said.


At the boys training room

"So where are the boys?"You asked the man."I guess you are the manager right?"

"Ohh.Yes. I had forgotten to introduce my self. I'm Joonkun.And you are?"the manager asked

"I'm ~~~~. "you said,

"MANAGER HYUNG~ WE'RE BACK!"The boys shouted.

*gasphed*The boys was shocked as they saw you.

"What is this girl doing here?"Dong Woon asked the manager.

"Ohh.She is going to be your maid for the next 3 months."The manager said while patting your head.

"WHAT!"The boys screamed.

"If you don't like here i will call an ahjumma no help you ?"the manager asked them 

"Nooo! She's fine."Yo seob shouted.

"Oh. Btw Bong Sun noona is going to help you boys also"the manager said with a smile and left you with the boys.

"WHAT!"They shouted.

"*cough*"I'm~~~~."You introduce your self to them

And they did the same also.

You went to sit with kikwang as he was the closest to you.

"So...I guess they all don't like me as your maid huh as well as you also Kikwang Oppa."you whispered to Kikwang.

"No..Wait did you call me Oppa?"He whispered back but widen his eyes.

"Can we talk outside?"You whispered back to him again.

"Erm..May i know where is the wash room?Can you bring me there?"You stand up and asked Kikwang.

"Okay. Let me bring you."

You and him went out.

"What's wrong with them?"Jun hyung asked himself as he saw you and Kikwang walked out.

"I'll go check out on them"Yo Seob said and followed them


At the stair case and they absolutely does not know that Yeseob was behind the door listening to all your conversation

"So... erm kikwang Oppa.'"You said.

"I though you was going to call me Kikwang only?"

"I can't. I'm like 2 years younger than you thats why you saw me in school today."You answered him."I believe that you guys hate me for today and now being your maid."you said while facing your head down almost crying.

"I'm sorry for making you kiss me today huh. I guess it was your first kiss."Kikwang said

"It's okay coz is a hot guy who kissed me."You said while laughing and you stop when both of you heard something at the door.

Both of you heard.

"Ye Seob Ah! Why are you there?" Doo Joon shouted.

"Shhhhhh!"Ye seob shouted back and covered Doo Joon mouth and pulled him to the door.

"OMG! They coming."You said worriedly.

Kikwang stepped in front and pulled you close to him and started kissing you passionately

Doo Joon bit Ye Seob hands and look at the small window and saw both of you kissing.

"WTH!"Yeseob and Doo Joon shouted.

You opened the door and saw them running back to the room.

"I guess you saved me again."You said to kikwang.

"Nah.It's nothing."He answered and ruff his hairs.

"How cute"You said and pinched him.

And you did not notice that the whole Beast was looking at you.

"Yah!"YeSeob shouted and cling onto your arms and pulled you away from Kikwang."I want you to be closer to me!"He shouted.

"Erm..Okay.."You said while pinching his cheeks."You look you cute."


The manager walked in again.

"~~~~. Tomorrow you will move in with Bong Sun noona and live with the boys."He said to you and you just nodded.

"I guess i need to go off now."You said and gave kikwang a hug.

"Ehh.What about me?"Ye Seob pouted,

You went over to hugged him too. 

As you went out you saw a message from your phone and it says.

:Hey. I'm Kikwang. Just call me if you need any help.BTW i'm picking you up tomorrow. Good Night.~

You message back

:Thanks Oppa. Can you meet me at Seoul Mall with Ye Seob Oppa tomorrow and how did you know my number?

:Okay i'm not going to tell you and Good Night~ ~

:Good Night Oppa. Sleep tight.:D Help me say to Ye Seob Oppa too :D Byez~


"Ye Seob- ah.. ~~~~ asked me to tell to tell you to meet her together with me tomorrow at Seoul Mall and she said good night to you also."Kikwang said and went into the van.

"Kikwang ah.Give me her number also.Please"Ye Seob pleaded.




You received a message when you reached home and it says

:I'm Ye Seobb ah. Sleep tight ah noona. and what time does we meet?You did not tell Kikwang.

You message back

:Ohh.I forgotten. Meet me at 9 am tomorrow.outside my apartment can or you want at Seoul Mall.If you want outside my apartment this is where i stay. XXX. Help me tell Kikwang Oppa. Thanks Sleep tight also.Byex!

"Kikwang . ~~~~ said that if we want to meet her we can either fetch her at her house or meet her at Seoul Mall."Ye Seob told Kikwang

"Than i'll think i'll fetch her. OKay?"Kikwang asked Ye Seob.

"Okay and ~~~~ send me a <3 sign. Hahaz. You did not have. Mehrong."Yeseob said and then running back to their dorm.


Kikwang texted you

:Good Night ~~~~. Sleep Tight <3  

:Thanks Oppa. You too <3 Love you!

:Hahaz. Kays Love you too bye.


So how was i?Never mind i don't feel like asking again.

PLease comment.

I know is too quick for you to be with Kikwang YET:D

Please look forward to the next chapter.

Love ya!



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xuanniexzc #1
Everyone..I have done the first chapter of my Sequel already^^
2489 streak #2
Yay!! :D I can't wait for the sequel!! ^-^ Hwaiting!! <3
sequel ! <3
ForeverFive #4
Please tell me when you have your sequel and what's your new story?
cant wait for the sequel!!
naomi777 #6
haha lol funny ending !!!!!!!!!
xuanniexzc #7
Thanks Everyone:D<br />
naomi777 #8
good chapter please update soon thanks !!!!!!
YoruxRuki #9
Awesome update! Well...since she got her hand cut because of the broken glass, that's not awesome, but... you know what I mean D:< Bongsun is meannnnnnn D: Juri unnie is awesomeeeeeeee. Please update soon
naomi777 #10
good chapter please update soon thanks !!!!!!