
Who won?

I had been avoiding Hyuk after the meeting in the cafe and it had been more than a week. The other members started to notice too. They tried to contact me three days after I didn’t reply any of Hyuk’s texts and calls. I knew Hyuk will be worried since I came to Seoul alone just like him. But I just couldn’t face him now. I was hurt by him, not that this was the first time, but this time hurt so much to think that he thought I would hurt anybody.


It was Saturday morning and I was stopping by the nearest coffee shop to buy some breakfast for myself. Forgetting the fact that my apartment was close to VIXX’s dorm, Ravi and Hongbin were there having their breakfast. And I couldn’t run away since Ravi had called me.


“Why are you ignoring us, Hyuna-ah?” he asked once I joined their table. “No, to be exact, why are you ignoring Hyuk?”


I shrugged. “Just don’t feel like talking to him.”


“And us too?”


I shook my head. “If I talk to one of you, he’ll know and try to contact me through you guys.”


Hongbin took a look at his phone before bidding us goodbye as he had schedule. Here I thought I would be free from Ravi’s investigation, yet he proved me wrong when he suddenly stopped me from standing up.


“We are not finished, young lady. It’s only Hongbin who has schedule. I’m free for the day.”


Oh great. Now I was stuck with him.


“You know you look a lot like my sister. And I always take you as my younger sister.”


I nodded. He had been telling me that since he met me.


“And I know when my sister is lying. When she has a lot of things going through her mind. Especially when she is not okay.”


I sighed but kept silent.


“Hyuna-ah, what’s wrong?” he coaxed me. “Maybe I can help?”


“I don’t know, Oppa. It just hurt.”


“What hurt?”


“Here.” I touched my left chest. “Hearing those words came from my best friend really hurt.”


Ravi looked at me sadly and reached over to caressed my hand that was holding my cup all the time, a habit I had when I’m nervous. “Do you mind telling me?”


“Hyuk begged me,” I stopped as my eyes started to water again. “He begged me not to hurt any of his hyungs.”


Ravi seemed understand what I was talking about. He moved to my side and hugged me.


“It hurts so much to know that my best friend doesn’t trust me. Am I that kind of girl who have the heart to hurt others? Why would I have sleepless night thinking how to resolve this problem without hurting anyone? Moreover, why he only care about his hyungs? Doesn’t he care about me?.”


By the end of my rambling, I was sobbing and Ravi held me really close. Once in a while he would tell me it’s okay, let it out while rubbing circle in my back.


After a few minutes, I had calmed down and pulled myself out of his embrace. “Better?” Ravi asked. I nodded. “No matter what choice you make, darling, our Hyungs will understand. They will be hurt, yes. But you’ll hurt too I believe. Just remember, your Oppa’s hug here is always open for you.”


“It’s not a secret anymore, is it? How can I hang around you guys in this kind of situation?”


He chuckled. “There’s no secret between us member, darling. Although there is one, we will figure it out eventually. So why bother to have one?”


“So Hakyeon Oppa knows about Taekwoon Oppa and vice versa?”


He nodded. “But only me know about you towards our evil maknae.”


I was taken aback with that. I had never mentioned it before, not even to my family. “How?”


He laughed. “I told you you’re like my sister. I know when my sister is falling in love.” He patted my head.


“Is it that obvious?”


He shook his head and I sighed in relief. “It’s just me being too observant.”

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