Breaking All the Rules

Your Hopes and My Dreams

Scrolling through his phone, he sighed uninterested on the list of girls he could call up at the moment. Tossing his phone onto his bed, he changed his clothing into some comfortable sweats and walked outside. Placing his ear buds on, he let his music carry him away. Jogging down the streets, he raced to his music finding himself by a nearby park. Taking a break, he slowed his pace aimlessly walking and enjoying the nice sunny day. Hearing his phone ring, he mindlessly answered it. "Hey," he answered as he stuffed his hands into his pocket. 

"Aye are we hitting the club tonight," V his long time best friend sang through the phone. 

Shrugging not really in the mood to do the same thing they did every weekend, he couldn't help but hesitate, "I don't know man." 

"J you're freaking hopeless," his friend teased. "I don't know why your name is J-Hope when you never give me any hope," his friend continued to knowing just how to get on his nerves. 

"V don't even start. I just don't feel like it tonight. Why can't we do something else?" 

"Like what," his friend fired away. 

"I don't know, there's this dance class..." 

"J..." V groaned. "You know damn well I at dancing. Why don't you just go?" 

"C'mon man, it's a hip hop class. Just come try it out and then afterwards we can hit the club up," he tried to hype his friend up. 

There was silence as V thought about it, "You buying my drinks tonight?" 

"Half, I ain't rich," J-Hope offered realistically. 

"Alright I'm in," V replied. 


J-Hope grinned as he dragged his hesitant friend into the dancd studio. As expected there were girls gawking at the pair as they entered. It was the affect they both had since they were young. But they weren't the type to throw it in your face just how good looking they were. In fact they were pretty humble about looking like born celebrities. It was the reason why girls flocked to them, like they were doing at the moment as the two tried to stretch. 

"Hi you guys must be new," one bold girl smiled brightly as she approached them with a group of her friends. 

V soaked up the attention, effortlessly joking around with the girls and letting them know that he wasn't a great dancer. To which the girls laughed a little too hard and offered to help him throughout the class. Meanwhile J-Hope was grateful that V was distracting the crowd as he placed his belongings down and began to stretch. But it wasn't for long as a few more girls came up to J-Hope trying to start a conversation to which he politely excused himself to a corner to be left alone.

Placing his ear buds in to play his music, he hoped everyone took the hint to leave him be. Letting the music take control of his body he began to let it all go. Watching and criticing his moves in the mirror, he noticed someone to the side of him dancing along as well. Impressed with the guy popping and locking in the other direction, he couldn't help but stop and turn to watch. He was mesmerized by the precise hard hitting moves. Soon he was joined by the class that cheered on the guy who danced with his hoodie pulled so far down that you couldn't see his face. J-Hope felt a little disappointed wanting to see the raw emotion on the guy's face. But the disappointment was soon replaced with awe as the guy twirled and the hoodie dropped revealing a young woman. This caused the entire class to cheer louder before she posed and bowed. 

"Thank you everyone! My name is Minzy and I'll be your dance instructor for today," everyone cheered and clapped as she politely bowed again. "Alright let's get to work!" 


J-Hope was fairly impressed to see the dance routine they were learning. It was a couple hip hop routine. Amazed as their instructor was able to dance both male and female parts, J-Hope found it hard to keep up. "I want you to hit it harder. Like you fighting to win her affection," Minzy challenged the males as she moved along with them. Turning around she caught J's attention and walked up to him and grinned, "Show me what you got pretty boy." She began to sway side to side to the melody as if checking him out. Taking courage to her words, he glided forward and hit every move precisely before adding his own touch. Letting his hand cup her face in his hands as he leaned in only a breath away from her lips before pulling away and wagging his index finger at her in a teasing manner. This caused his fellow male classmates to cheer him on as he continued to dance his heart out. But that was short lived as the dance instructor twirled and swayed her hips. Slipping into his arms and placing her arms around his neck as she body rolled sensually before flipping back into the splits and sticking her tongue out at him. Booty popping a few times, she popped and locked her way back up to her feet where she imitated his moves mockingly before she moon walked up to him and cupping his face. Pinching his cheeks and wiggling them sarcastically as she cutely pouted, she swayed and moved away from him and stopped to wink before she continued to glide away victoriously. 

"Nice try man," V laughed as he swung his arm over his beaten friend. 

J-Hope grinned as he stayed watching as their dance instructor found her way over to the females of the class, "Don't worry it's not over." 


By the end of the class, they were placed according to their level of technique. Of course J-Hope found himself in the final group which was the best of the class. Waiting and watching his fellow classmates take their turn on stage, it was finally his turn to shine as his group was called. Taking front row and center stage, he smirked at the camera their dance instructor was holding. He knew his instructor caught his smirk as she rose an eyebrow and focused even harder on the camera. This excited him as the music cued him to go. Feeling the music, he effortlessly let the dance moves flow through his body. Letting the words carry him and his partner into the so called dance of love, he took a peek over at the camera and winked as he bit his lip letting his moves be more sensual then the lyrics called for. As the dance was coming to an end, he knew exactly what he wanted to do for his freestyle moment. Spinning his dance partner away, he dropped down into the splits teasingly pursing his lips together as he booty popped. Twirling down onto his knees, he grinded his hips as he worked his way back up before winking and blowing a kiss at the camera. This caused the class to cheer and the girls to squeal loudly. Laughing as he was surrounded by his classmates and his main hype man jumping around in celebration, he found his eyes settling on their dance instructor who was grinning with her hands on her hips shaking her head. 

"How was it," J-Hope breathed as he walked up to his instructor. 

She shrugged as she grinned, "Great job, hope to see you at another one of my classes."

"Thanks are you doing anything after this," he found himself asking. "I mean you look around our age and all."

"I don't mix my personal life with work," she waved. "Have a good night." 

"Teacher come out with us," V pleaded as he swung his arm over her shoulders. 

She stiffened up as she moved out of his arms, "I'm okay, thanks for the invite though." 

J-Hope felt really down when he was rejected. But he wasn't going to tell his best friend that, knowing very well he would be teased to death about it. "Let's get out of here," he nodded to his friend who of course had a group of girls ready to tag along with them. 


J-Hope was grateful that his fellow female classmates came to entertain his friend and especially because they seemed ready and willing to pay for everything for V. Meanwhile he found himself sitting in the VIP lounge drinking his alcohol as he stared out at his surroundings. Watching the various waves of people getting lucky and those not getting so lucky. Sighing as he finished his drink, he ordered another round of drinks before heading to the restroom. Surprised when someone was shoved into his arms, he looked down to see his dance instructor. "Minzy?" 

"J-Hope right," she asked with a bright smile. "So sorry it's kind of crowded," she tried to explain as she moved out of his embrace. 

Her sudden move had him standing with his arms open, shoving his hands into his pockets to make it look less awkward he grinned. "No worries. I'm glad I ran into you. Thanks for the class today." 

"No worries," she waved. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." Her smile dropped as she looked past him. Turning to see where her gaze was heading, he noticed her staring at a group of guys from across the way. As the pair were staring, one of the guy's attention shifted their way. "Uh...I gotta go," she began to shuffle away. 

But he had other plans as he took hold of her wrist to stay her, "Where are you going?" 

She tried to pull away from him, but his grasp was too strong, "J please I have to go." 

"Hey," the guy from moments ago was now before them with his group. 

J-Hope grinned as he felt Minzy take hold of his hand. He took things further as he intertwined their fingers and pulled her flesh to flesh with him, "Hey." 

"Minzy who is this," the guy looked to her for an explanation. 

Taking hold of her waist, J-Hope smirked, "The guy taking her home tonight." It was all he offered as he turned them to walk away. "Don't look back," he told her as he took a strong hold of her waist feeling her falter in her steps. When they were back at the VIP lounge area, he released his grip from her and grinned. "Are you okay?" 

Minzy lunged into his arms as he hugged him tightly, "Thank you." Burying her face into his chest, she held him tight, "Thanks for saving me." 

Pulling away, he took her by the hips and smiled, "Any time." 

"Teacher," V cheered along with his groupies. "Glad you made it," he smiled brightly as he handed her a drink. 

"Thank you," she politely accepted. 


Before J-Hope knew it, he and Minzy talked and danced the night away. They talked about their love for dance and random things they liked. They became comfortable with each other so quickly, it was amazing to see how she was now leaning on his shoulder intertwining their fingers as they sat quietly. It was a comfortable silence they shared as they both found themselves looking over at V making a fool out of himself with his horrible dance moves. It was a drunken dance class before their eyes, which had them giving each other knowing looks before laughing. Their laughing soon faded as they found themselves staring deep into each other's eyes. Staring intensely, he leaned forward with a small grin. Sitting only a breath away from her lips, he let her choose whether to accept his advances or not. 

Gladly he felt the warmth of her luscious lips against his, working so effortlessly he cupped her face in his hands. Deepening their kiss, he hummed in approval as he felt her hands tickle his scalp. Straddling his lap, she moaned as she felt his hot tonuge flick against her needy lips. Their kiss was nothing short of passionate as he held her hips. But before things escalated further, Minzy pulled away as she stared down at him. Biting the corner of her lower lip as he brushed his thumps onto her sides. 

"Thanks for tonight," she reluctently said as she moved off of his lap. Folding her arms over her chest, she shyly grinned, "I'll see you around then?" 

"Sure," he smiled stupidly. 

His goofy smile made her chuckle as she shook her head, "Late J-Hope." Standing on her feet, she was surprised to see him quickly stand on his feet with her. 

"Let me walk you out?" 

Shaking her head she ran her hands through her hair and smiled, "No, you won't." 

"Why," he frowned. 

"Because I already broke some of my rules. I don't mix work with play." 

"What if I don't come back to your classes, will you play with me," he offered as he enclosed his hands around her hips. 

"That sounds so wrong," she laughed as she draped her arms over his shoulders. 

He rolled his eyes at her dirty mind, "It's no wonder you bump and grind so well. You're such a naughty girl." 

Minzy leaned forward and pressed her lips against his lips, "I can teach you. After all I'm breaking all the rules with you." She flicked her tongue out on the shell of his ear, causing him to shiver with excitment. Giggling at his reaction, she sighed as she leaned onto his chest holding onto him tightly. 

He couldn't help but smile at the young woman in his arms. She was something else, he could feel it in the short time that he was with her. She didn't know it, but he was also breaking his rules. He was falling for this naughty dance teacher, falling faster than he's ever fell. 


Author's Notes:

for Uminabilah 

I know you said BTS but I hope you don't mind that I only used two of them. Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for the request...on to the next one!


P.S. please remember to post the pairing and a prompt. If both aren't listed I will move to the next one and come back if I have time to make up for the part that is missing. Thanks!

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tazanya #1
Chapter 1: 1st 2NE1 fic I’m reading in probably 3-4 years and I freaking love it and your writing. Thank you
tazanya #2
Long time no see my dear. Somehow with the new BP comeback and Bom’s possible solo promos my broken blackjack heart is starting to heal lol.

So of course I need some Monty goodness to fill my soul.

Bobby of ikon and Minzy matureness, no real reason other than I Stan them both hard and Bobby said Minzy was his role model.

Minzy’s solo version of missing you could be an inspiration but doesn’t have to be angsty
Uminabilah #3
Chapter 3: I enjoy it so much author~nim
LunaFrost #4
Minzy x Jay Park
Prompt: Minzy - Flashlight ft. Jay Park
jiwonku #5
Chapter 5: Omg i wish this is come true. I love all. 2ne1 reunion and minzy dating seungyoon wkwk
Chapter 5: This is just adorable
minzy x seungyoon based on song "little mix - secret love song"

Thank You very much admin ^^
Pairing : sehun and minzy or kai and minzy please!!!(。’▽’。)
Promt : Love Me like you do By: Ellie Goulding...Rated M Please! Thanks in advance *wink* ^___^v
Chapter 1: I really liked it thank youuuuu
Chapter 2: Aaaaahh I'm soft
Friends Zone T,T