
All Falls Down
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Sana and Momo know that this time will come sooner or later, but they did not expect that it is sooner than later.


“Yah, Momoring, stop crying,”


Minatozaki Sana said fighting her tears from falling. Her voice is already broken, much as how her heart is keeping it together. She caressed Momo’s back.


Momo had always been the one who clings more.


The one who cries more.


The one who acts more childish.


The one who is more dependent.


To keep it simple, Momo is the girl in their relationship.


And Sana isn’t complaining.


They had been dating for over two years and like every other story, theirs started ordinarily. Sana and Momo were best of friends until they developed a certain affection for each other, that they define as love. And took everything to the next level.


They were each other’s person.


“Wait for me, okay?”


Momo said in between her sobs.


She knew that this was a bad idea. Living in a country alone without Sana was the worst thing ever but Sana told her to not give up on her dreams just because of the latter. Certainly, Sana was the happiest when Momo got accepted to become a trainee in JYP.


Momo was happy too but she was afraid.


Afraid of not being with Sana.


Afraid that one of them could fall out of love.


Afraid that both of them will forget their feelings for each other.


She is very afraid.


But how can she stay when Sana is the first person to be this proud of her?


“Please, don’t ever forget me,”


Momo cried she tightened her hug to Sana. Koalaed onto her.


Why can’t Sana join her?


She sniffs on Sana’s neck. She sobs for mercy.


“Hey, it’s okay, you’ll be okay,”


Sana assures containing all the emotions that she has with this separation.


“South Korea is just a two-hour flight, we’ll make things work,” She reassures her girlfriend once again.


The loud voice over called, it is Momo’s flight. She needed to board, or she’ll miss it.


“Mo, you need to go,”


Hana, Momo’s sister reminded her to leave.


Sana is loved by Momo’s family. They love her a lot because Momo used to be a closed flower yet, Sana brought the best in her.


Because of Sana Momo started to dream.


Started to be social.


That is why when Momo said that she is dating Sana, the whole family rejoice.


They all thought that the two are perfect for each other.


Momo did not care if they are in the airport, or if people would see.


But she just doesn’t want this to end with a sad cry.


She does not want Sana to remember this with Momo clinging to hers crying like a baby.


Momo pulls away.


She wipes her tears.


And cups Sana’s cheeks.


She presses her lips to Sana.


Deep and meaningful.


A kiss that will be something that Sana will treasure until they meet again.


And that is hopefully sooner.


The sooner the better.







But sooner did not come.


Rather it came later.


Later than expected.


When Momo arrived in South Korea, she was devastated.


She barely speaks any word, and her English wasn’t even any better than her Korean. So, in that data, everything is just worst.


But nothing had topped the fact that there is no Sana to even cuddle with her at nights.


There is no Sana to shush her sobs whenever there’s thunder.


There is no Sana to chase all the monsters beneath her bed.


There is no Sana for her to cling on.


How she hoped that Sana’s voice was enough to fill the empty feeling she had. To fill the missing piece,


But, those feelings only lasted for a week.


Because contrary to what she was expecting, she made friends!


She widens her horizons.


Somehow, not being with Sana isn’t scary anymore.


Being without Sana isn’t hurtful anymore. If anything, it made her independent.






And efficient.


Momo grew up.


Sana was right, everything is okay. She’ll be okay.


“I don’t want it here anymore,” Momo complaints.


“Why is that?” Sana’s calm soothing voice comforts her.


“They are asking me to eat less, do portion eating, I don’t know!”


Sana chuckles from the other line. She knows Momo very well. If there is something that Momo loves more than dancing, it will be food.


“Then go back here,” Sana orders.

There was a sad tone hiding behind Sana’s taunt. Maybe she knows it too.


She knows very well that Momo changed.


“Haha, sure,” Momo learned to talk sarcastically. “You know Sa – chan, Dahyun invited me to go to their house, the other day we went to an animal shelter with the rest of the girls, it was fun, there were a number of puppies, and, they were so cute!”


“Really?” Sana sounded interested.


Sana had heard of Dahyun. She knows that she is Momo’s first friend inside the agency. Sana remembers Momo talking about the girls, there’s Jihyo, the main vocal who loves pranking people but is always the one who gets irritated after being playful with another trainee.


Then there is Nayeon and Jeongyeon, they’ve been dating since they started training. Jeongyeon is the lead vocal, while Nayeon is the face of the group.


Apparently, Korean Girl Groups label the members with a certain position that Sana could not get.


And of course, there is Dahyun.


The girl Momo always talk about, she’d say that Dahyun is very funny.


Very helpful.


Very cute.


Sana would have misunderstood it if Momo would not end her sentences on how much Dahyun is crazy about the main rapper of their team, which is Chaeyoung.


“Oh, you know, Dahyun says that one of the dogs look like Chaeyoung, she is really crazy about that girl,” Momo adds.


But why does Sana feel that Momo’s sentence is a note for herself to jot down? That Dahyun likes someone else. Sana is just overthinking.


Sana is getting jealous. She is.


She feels that she is being burned by a flame that she started. Now, she is the one who is very scared.


Scared of losing Momo.


This is the time that she moved to Tokyo, she started to become a University Student.


It has been four months since Momo left, and they have never really seen each other because Sana was busy reviewing for the entrance exams in the Universities. Holidays come but because of schedules conflict they rarely even talk to each other.


And the plans for the meeting had been moved.


Next day became next week until next month or until next did not even exist.


Especially, when Momo was given a full-time contract to become an official member of the girl group that is to debut.


Momo just trained for a total of seven months, yet, JYP is already planning to debut her as the dancing queen of Twice.


Momo could not be anything but happier. Yet, it wasn’t Sana who came in her mind first to share the great news too. But it was Dahyun.


Momo skips looking for Dahyun.


She found the girl by the door. And she decides to be playful when she covered her eyes.


“Guess who?” She lowers her voice imitating a man.


“Yah, Momo,”


Dahyun knows exactly who it is.


They’ve been very close ever since that she knows it is only Momo who’d pull that prank.


“Aish, I should start imitating other voices,” Momo says letting go of Dahyun’s face.


“You should, your jokes getting lamer,” Dahyun jabs Momo’s ribs.


“I have a good news!” They say simultaneously.


They both know that Dahyun is already an official member of Twice. Momo wonders what could Dahyun be sharing with her.


“You go first,” Another announcement in unison.


“I will debut with you guys!”


“Chaeyoung asked me out!”


They said in unison.


“Oh my gosh!” They had the most epic reaction they can ever have!


They jump in each other and started to become the happiest person for each other.


That night, was the night Momo called Sana.


“I am debuting soon, Sa -chan!” Momo says before a hello.


“Oh, my gosh, Momo! I am so happy for you! Oh my gosh! I knew you could do it! I knew it, I am so proud of you!” Sana nearly fell from her chair.


She is screaming joy! Glorified of the situation.


Momo starts to tell all her stories.


She can hear the genuine happiness in Sana’s voice.


The voice that rejoices her achievement.


Momo feels accomplished.


She made Sana proud.


She did.


And surely, her parents too.


“I love you Momo-chan!” Sana’s cheery voice covers Momo’s ear.








‘I love you, Momo-chan!’


Sana’s voice echoes inside Momo’s head.


How long had it been? She asked herself. Two years?


The last time she spoke to Sana.


The last words Sana said to her through that last phone call. She remembers it, loud and clear.


Hirai Momo, the dancing queen of Twice still remember every bit of Sana.


Sana, that girl who was her best friend, and became her girlfriend, and number one fan. The person who supports and encourages Momo. The person who was always there waiting when Momo looked back.


And she also remembers the time, she sent that message.


She was shaking with nervousness.


She had no idea on how to break it to Sana. How could she be so inconsiderate that time? But she sent it anyway.


Momo just debuted that time with the rest of the me

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Chapter 1: This hits home really bad. I ended my relationship in a similar way, going to a different city for the opportunity of a really good scholarship. I'm pretty satisfied with my life right now but I wish I had been more tactful with the way I ended things with her.
1241 streak #2
Chapter 1: SaMo is my ultimate OTP since their rookie days,and I'll never change my mind bout it ^^
I love this angsty story so much :') and yeah,u should write more SaMo stories in future,authorssi ^^ thanks for this
Buddygooo #3
Chapter 1: This is nobody's fault. It's just wrong timing. If Momo had met Sana later in life they would've been together. Momo is young and need to pursue her dream. Is she hadn't left or neglected Sana she may not be as successful as she is.
Chapter 1: I really liked your story. It would have been great if we saw both sides but it was still an amazing story. I hope you keep writing more :)
Chapter 1: I oove how the story ends. I mean it's really heartbreaking but Sana deserves to be happy also
jaydeumaru_13 #6
Chapter 1: Why are so good at writing SaMo stories ???
Excuse me i need to cry over there at the corner...???
Chapter 1: This is amazing! These two snakes has so much angst... And this one hurts me so much... I can't wait to read more Samo from you...
Chapter 1: This is really amazing!! I love this story so angsty ^-^ the emotions are so much T-T wow my samo heart help me
eojjeolago #9
Chapter 1: Damn it, i can't relate but i totally can relate
Allystae #10
Chapter 1: Sana not being the heartbroken one in samo??? Sign me up!!!
This one-shot was really enjoyable though I almost stopped reading at the 'Momo is the girl in their relationship' since they're Both Girls that's extremely heteronormative :(((( but I'm glad I didn't bc the story was interesting and nicely written!!
I don't know if I come across as mean or something (so sorry in advance if this is rude) but maybe you should look up the concepts of gender roles and heteronormativity and how toxic they can be?
Anyways thank you so much for writing and please do share more samo with us!!!