After The V-Live (One-Shot)

Our Little Jihoonie
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This one-shot follows after this V-Live

“That was fun, wasn’t it?,” Joshua asked, taking down the webcam they had just used for Woozi’s birthday V-Live.

“I will say that it was easier for me to do thanks to you and Manager Hyung being nearby,” Woozi admitted, “Had I been by myself, it would’ve been really awkward since I never know what to say.”

“Even if you just sat there and stared at the camera, our Carats would eat it up,” Joshua reassured him, affectionately resting his hand on the younger’s head. Woozi nodded to himself and smiled. 

“Well,” Woozi scooted back from the desk and stood up, “I guess I can get back to my studio-”

He stopped when he saw Joshua shaking his head. 

“You know it’s past your allotted time,” Joshua told him, “You were allowed to stay past your bedtime in order to do the live.

“But Hyung, shouldn’t I be allowed to stay up longer since it is my birthday?”

Joshua thought. I mean it was his birthday and he had been behaving the past few days. 

“Araso,” Joshua agreed, “You can stay up for about one more hour.”

Smiling, Woozi hurried down to his studio.


It was almost 40 minutes later when Joshua looked up from the book he had brought. He pushed the button on his phone as it shown 11:17. Stretching, Joshua stood up, tossing his book into his bag and he headed down towards Woozi’s studio.

He peeked in through the door's window and saw Woozi, headphones on and fingers drumming, as he listened to their new track. No one had heard it yet since it was still in the works but Woozi had promised to share a sample of it in the coming days. 

Not want to startle Woozi, Joshua cleared his throat loudly as he entered. Woozi heard him and turned around, removing the headphones from one of his ears.

“Is it time already?,” he asked, a small flicker of a pout flashing across his lips.

Joshua nodded. Woozi sighed. 

“Araso,” he said, lifting his hat slightly to fix his tossled hair underneath, “Let me finish this up and I’ll be ready to go.”

Joshua again nodded and sat down in the adjacent chair to Woozi’s. He watched quietly as Woozi clicked here and typed there. It was only a few minutes later when he finished and shut down the program.    

“Ready?,” he asked Joshua, turning to face him.

“Mmhm,” Joshua smiled, starting to get up but stopping and snapping his fingers.

“Oh! Before I forget, let me check your diaper.” 

Woozi groaned.

Joshua stood up and lifted Woozi up out of his chair, carrying him over the couch that sat in the room. 

“Hyung, I’m not…that wet…can’t we do this later? Like after we get back to the dorm?,” Woozi asked, his face already starting to redden from embarrassment.

Joshua shook his head as he dug through Woozi’s backpack, soon producing a new diaper and some wipes. 

“We’ll just do it now,” Joshua told him, “That way, you can go straight to bed when we get home.”

Woozi shut his eyes in a grimace as he felt Joshua tug down his sweatpants. Within a matter of seconds, he felt the cool air of the room on his pelvic area and a moment after, the chill of a wipe as Joshua wiped him down. He kept his eyes closed as he heard Joshua op

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If anyone would like to pose an idea for a backstory to this fic, I might be willing to write a chapter surrounding it...


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Catbug22 #1
Chapter 6: Really great story, I’ve read it several times. Maybe a starting point could be that he was working too hard on their comeback leading to him not sleeping and being rude. To curb this unhealthy behavior his brothers are now going to take care of him.
Chapter 7: Ah im sad I discovered this Story so late! Loving it!!!
cookiemon178 #3
Chapter 7: Maybe he spent too much time in his studio and his company and s gave it to him as punishment? Or he lost in a game? I’m not too creative but you’re a really good author. Please update soon!
haponponpon #4
Chapter 7: I need more back story HAHAHA HOW DID THIS HAPPEN TO JIHOON XD
Raora-chan #5
Chapter 7: Is this gonna be continued? It’s soo gooood
jaianwbissn #6
Chapter 7: will this be updated? it’s super interesting and everyone wants to know more! i would encourage you to write more.
BabyBoo64 #7
Chapter 7: my only question is how Jihoon got himself in the situtation
Chapter 7: Biggest question: what did happen to him?
jaianwbissn #9
Chapter 7: when are you gonna update??? this is so good and very well written.
Bubbaboo #10
Chapter 7: hey really, what is going on? can i join in on this, i wanna adopt jihoonie