Late Night At The Studio

Our Little Jihoonie
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Woozi looked at the clock on the bottom of the computer screen. It was almost midnight and he was far from finished with this track. He glanced behind him where Seungcheol was dozing on the couch that sat in the studio.

Maybe if I’m quiet, Woozi thought, I may be able to work a little overtime.

Seungcheol mumbled something in his sleep and turned over on his side, curling his legs up into himself.  

Woozi slowly and carefully pushed away from the desk and quietly stood up. He tiptoed over to the door and gently started to open it.

“Where are you going?”

Woozi froze. He turned to look towards Seungcheol and saw that the Leader’s eyes were partially open.

“Ah, Hyung, you’re awake?”

“Mm,” Seungcheol stretched, picking up his phone from his chest and looking at it, “Ah, it’s almost midnight.”

Woozi reluctantly nodded. He knew what was coming next.

Seungcheol stood up and stretched again before bending over to rummage in the backpack that was sitting on the floor next to the couch.

“Go ahead and wrap up whatever you were working on,” he told Woozi, pulling out a ice-cooler bag and an empty bottle, “I’m going to heat up your milk so you can drink it on the drive home because I’m sure Jeonghannie is going to want you put right to bed when we get there-Oh.”

Seungcheol moved over closer to Woozi and felt the front of his crotch.

“Are you wet?”

Woozi flushed and shook his head.

“I’m fine,” he told the leader, “Jincha...”

Seungcheol made a face like he didn’t believe him.

“I’ll check you when I come back,” he said, slinging the bag over his shoulder, then nodding towards the computer, “Go save whatever you’re working on. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Woozi pouted slightly as he walked back over to his computer and plopped down in his seat.

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If anyone would like to pose an idea for a backstory to this fic, I might be willing to write a chapter surrounding it...


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Catbug22 #1
Chapter 6: Really great story, I’ve read it several times. Maybe a starting point could be that he was working too hard on their comeback leading to him not sleeping and being rude. To curb this unhealthy behavior his brothers are now going to take care of him.
Chapter 7: Ah im sad I discovered this Story so late! Loving it!!!
cookiemon178 #3
Chapter 7: Maybe he spent too much time in his studio and his company and s gave it to him as punishment? Or he lost in a game? I’m not too creative but you’re a really good author. Please update soon!
haponponpon #4
Chapter 7: I need more back story HAHAHA HOW DID THIS HAPPEN TO JIHOON XD
Raora-chan #5
Chapter 7: Is this gonna be continued? It’s soo gooood
jaianwbissn #6
Chapter 7: will this be updated? it’s super interesting and everyone wants to know more! i would encourage you to write more.
BabyBoo64 #7
Chapter 7: my only question is how Jihoon got himself in the situtation
Chapter 7: Biggest question: what did happen to him?
jaianwbissn #9
Chapter 7: when are you gonna update??? this is so good and very well written.
Bubbaboo #10
Chapter 7: hey really, what is going on? can i join in on this, i wanna adopt jihoonie