Chapter 3

Show and Tell (NamKook/NamJin)

    “Appa~~!” Jungkook shouted, walking down the rows of cubicles in search of Namjoon. He told his appa that he needed to use the bathroom, but had gotten lost on the way. Now, his gray joggers were soiled and he had tears streaming down his face. “A-appa~!” He sobbed, pushing into a room filled with mirrors and people dancing. “App-a?”

    The music cut off and the room fell silent as the seven boys stared at the sobbing four-year-old. Jungkook looked up at the strange men before falling onto his bottom, loud sobs echoing off the mirrored walls.

    “Hey, sweetie, it’s okay. Don’t cry..” Wonho snapped out of his frozen state and gently pulled Jungkook into his arms, the stench of urine smacking him in the face. “Oh gosh, we need to get this little prince some new clothes,” he smiled, tickling Jungkook’s tummy to cheer him up. Jungkook pushed his hand away gently and continued to cry.

    “Um, Wonho? What are you doing?” Shownu hissed, confusion evident on everyone’s face. “We can’t just stop practice to take care of a child!”

    “We can’t just leave him hyung! I’m going to find out where his appa is,” Wonho stated. He shifted Jungkook on his hip and rubbed his back soothingly as Jooheon rummaged through his own bag and ran over with a lollipop.

    “Here baby, don’t cry. It’s gonna be okay. We’ll find your appa,” Jooheon said, unwrapping the candy and popping it into Jungkook’s mouth. The cries instantly to a stop as his face scrunched up in confusion before he started happily.

    “Thanks Jooheon, but he’s gonna get hyper, so let’s get going,” Wonho grunted, Wiping Kook’s face as the two idols and the child left. “Do you think Namjoon hyung would know whose child this is?” Jooheon questioned, not noticing the way Jungkook perked up at his appa’a name.

    “Appa!” He shouted in Wonho’s ear, a few tears slipping out. “Yes prince, we’re trying to find your appa,” Wonho winced, rubbing his sore ear. “Nooo~! Appa~~!” He whined, clinging to Wonho’s muscular frame.

    Wonho tried to comfort the smelly and distraught prince as he cried into his neck, further wetting his shirt with some bodily fluids. “Hyung, we should get his wet clothes off before he gets a rash,” Jooheon piped up, dragging Wonho into the bathroom. He opened the diaper changing station as Wonho peeled Jungkook from his body.

    “Hey, what’s your name little prince?” Wonho asked, pulling the Timberlands off, followed by the wet joggers and dinosaur underwear. “K-kookie,” he whimpered, whining at the cold, wet paper towel they used to wipe his prince parts clean with.

    “Okay Kookie. I’m Wonho, and that’s Jooheon. We’re both members of a boy group called Monsta X. (a/n some groups from diff companies are under Namjoon and Yoongi’s company cause why not) It’s nice to meet you Prince Kookie,” Wonho smiled, tickling Jungkook’s sides as he let out the cutest giggle.

    “Wait, he doesn’t have clothes!” Jooheon gasped. “Hyung, take off your shirt!” Wonho turned quickly to look at his young member. “What? No, use yours!” He retaliated. “Hyung please, we can’t carry him around , and you always like showing off your body,” Jooheon stated. Wonho let out a little grunt but took his black t shirt off and managed to wrap it around Kook like a diaper.

    “Good, let’s keep going then, huh?” Wonho said, picking Jungkook up again as they continued walking.

    “Jungkook?? Jungkook!!” Came faintly down the hall they were walking down. “Appa??” Jungkook called back, tears in his eyes again. “Jungkook!” Namjoon shouted, now spotting him in Wonho’s around.

    Wonho set Jungkook down on his bare feet, and watched at he took off towards Namjoon, jumping in the business man’s arms. His tiny arms wrapped tight around Namjoon’s neck as he clung to his shirt. “Hyung? Did you know he was Namjoon hyung’s son?” Jooheon whispered. “Uh uh..” Was all he got back.

    “Boys?” They looked up at Namjoon, who was now standing right in front of them, a sleepy Jungkook resting on his shoulder. “Thank you so much for finding Jungkook. I should’ve walked him to the bathroom, but I was in a small meeting at the time. Where are his pants? And where is your shirt Wonho? This is not a club,” he scolded.

    “Um, yeah, he walked into the practice room and his pants and underwear were all wet. So we took them off, Jooheon has them, and we um, cleaned him? And used my shirt to cover him until we found you,” Wonho explained, scratching the back of his neck.

    “Thank you boys. And you’re still here? You boys were here extremely late last night, and then very early this morning. Go ahead and take the rest of the day off, you deserve it. Jungkook can he a handful, huh bun?” Namjoon chuckled, kissing Jungkook’s head. “God, I was so worried about you baby bun.. I’m so glad you’re okay.. Say thank you to the boys Jungkookie, then we’ll go get you some clothes, okay?” He hummed, and Jungkook nodded before reaching his arms out for Wonho.

    Wonho carefully took Jungkook into his arms and gave him a big hug, rubbing his back. “You be good for your appa now, okay? Don’t go wandering around Kookie,” he chuckled, kissing his soft hair as he was passed to Jooheon. “Tell your appa that if he ever needs a babysitter, we can do it. Be a good little prince now,” Jooheon said, giving the boy a squeeze and a kiss on his forehead before passing him back to Namjoon.

    “Thank you boys, now take the rest of the day off,” Namjoon ordered, smiling happily as him and Jungkook walked back to the office, Jungkook on Namjoon’s hip and his dirty clothes in his other hand.

    “Let’s get you some clean clothes now Kook-ah,” he said, sitting Jungkook on the leather couch as he grabbed the Iron Man backpack. He pulled out a fluffy bunny onesie and a clean pair of underwear and socks. “Did appa pack your back this morning bun, or did you?” He teased, tickling Jungkook’s feet. He squealed and back away quickly, giggles filling the air.

    “I d-did appa!” Jungkook confessed through his laughter. Namjoon stopped his attacks, laughing happily along with his baby. “Let’s get you dressed now bun.” He unwrapped Wonho’s shirt and slipped on the new pair of underwear, followed by the onesie. He helped Jungkook guide his arms through the sleeves and zip it up before slipping white socks onto tiny feet. (a/n the outfit kook is wearing is in the pic on the bottom, just imagine it white instead of pink, and thats what bap looks like in this chapter)

    “Do you want your boots baby?” Jungkook shook his head no and wiggled his toes before reaching into his bag and pulling out his green B.A.P bunny pacifier. “Sleepy yet?” Namjoon questioned, pulling the hood up so the bunny ears flopped over.

Image result for bap whistle

(just imagine this is the pacifier he has, ik its a whistle and all that jazz)

    “Wanna see Ggukie..” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Yongguk?” Jungkook nodded. “Okay. They should be grabbing lunch now,” he said, letting Jungkook wrap his little fingers around one of his, and the two walked down to the cafeteria on the first floor. Namjoon stopped when he felt a tug on his hand and looked down to see Jungkook with his arms up. He smiled and hoisted him up and continued walking, looking for any member of B.A.P. Spotting Zelo, the tall maknae, he shifted Jungkook and walked over.

    “Hey hyung!” Zelo shouted, waving excitedly at the two. Jungkook gave him a tiny wave as he reached for Yongguk as Namjoon happily greeted them all. “Hey little man,” Yongguk cooed, settling Jungkook in his lap as he buried his face in the rapper’s neck, yawning. “He hasn’t had lunch yet, so try to keep him up while I get food,” Namjoon explained, jumping in line to buy them some food.

    “Hey, you heard appa. No sleepy yet, you need to eat some food,” Yongguk said, gently lifting Jungkook’s head. He let out a little whine, but his stomach growled in protest right as Namjoon returned with a tray of food. “Hey bun, I got you some food. Come here,” Namjoon said, gently taking Jungkook. He pressed a soft kiss to his forehead and pulled the pacifier out of his mouth. “Do you want macaroni or pizza?”Jungkook looked at the tray, and pointed to the bowl of macaroni and cheese. “Can you eat by yourself?” He nodded, and took the plastic fork from Namjoon before stabbing some noodles.

“How’s recording going?” Namjoon asked between bites. “Um, pretty good. There’s one part in the music that we can’t seem to get right, so we were hoping you or Yoongi could help us with it,” Yongguk said, sipping his coffee. “Yeah, just let me know and I’ll stop by. Kook is going down for his nap soon, if that works?”

Jungkook let out a little whine in protest of nap time, though his body slumped against Namjoon’s proved otherwise. “I can nap with him!” Zelo and Jongup shouted, eager to get back to bed after being forced awake so early for a long day of recording and practice.

“Yeah, pweeze appa?” Jungkook lisped behind his pacifier. Namjoon smiled, wiping cheese from his cheek. “If Yongguk hyung is okay with it.” The maknaes turned eagerly to their leader, eyes pleading. “Fine by me, but we need to up early again tomorrow,” Yongguk shrugged. “There’s a bed in my office that Jungkook uses during nap, it’s fairly large. If you’re ready, I’ll take you up now,” Namjoon said, finishing his food.

The two boys finished up and followed after Namjoon, Jungkook now holding Jongup’s and Zelo’s hands as they walked. Namjoon unlocked the door to his office and flicked on the lamp on his desk, pulling the curtains over the large glass windows. “Do you want me to read you a bedtime story, or Jongup and Zelo?” He asked, helping Jungkook under the fluffy blankets and handing him his favorite tiger stuffie.

“Guppie!” He giggled, pointing to Jongup. Namjoon handed Jongup The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar, and kissed Jungkook’s forehead softly. “Sleep tight my little bun, appa will be down with Yongguk hyung and Zelo and Jongup will be here if you wake up early. I love you,” he murmured, peppering Jungkook’s soft skin with kisses.

“Nigh’ nigh’ appa! I wove you too!” Jungkook whispered, letting out a big yawn. Namjoon smiled and left the office, meeting Yongguk in the studios.

*short time skip*

“Appa?” Jungkook called out, walking into the kitchen where Namjoon was making dinner. He dragged his tiger along with him, shirt and shorts wrinkled from where he had laid on the couch. Jungkook tugged on Namjoon’s shorts, getting his attention. “What’s up bun?” He asked, lifting Kook onto the counter.

“I gots show and tewl tomowwow.. Come wiff me in fwont of the class pwease?” He lisped, clinging onto Namjoon’s hand. “Sure bun. What are you gonna tell everyone?” Namjoon asked, squeezing Jungkook’s hand gently. “That I wove my appa vewwy much,” he stated. Namjoon felt his heart melt at his statement, and gave Jungkook a big hug. “I love you so much Jungkook, I would give up anything for you,” he whispered, kissing the crown of his head.




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Chapter 16: Oh poor little Jungkookie... I love this story, please continue... More please :D
Cutefemboy2 #2
Chapter 15: More please
Chapter 14: I love this story, please continue :)
teddyxox #4
Chapter 1: Craving for a update I miss you please update
Chapter 12: I loved the way you wrote the boys imagination. It had so much detail for a second I thought they were pirates until I notice they were pretending. It would be fun to see the boys go to a zoo and then once at home they go on a safari trip with their imagination.
namkook is such an underrated ship i'm glad someone's writing a few fics
teddyxox #8
Chapter 10: I absolutely love your story it’s so unique with the dads and kids. Also it has my favorite ships namjin and sope loved. This sneaky sope chapter, yoongi proving that he is an amazing dad I was a bit concerned last time when hoesok weren’t home. But the characters are portayed so perfectly I can’t wait for RM to tell Jin what happened with his late wife and I want to see the relationship thrive. I want to know more about Jin too. And how sope began and got kids. All with drama and ups and down I know it will be great. I am sorry asking for a lot but I am loving this. I wanted to comment for a long time
This is gooooooood :-) :-)
Chapter 6: It's been a while since I read any fan fics. And this story has my attention.