[ part three ]

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[ Wendy ]


Fourth year rolled in and I finally realized how fast everything pass by. I was no longer that scrawny twelve year old who stood awkwardly in the hallways, trying to find out where the admission office was or how Irene seems a little mean during the first day. Now here we are, fifteen and sixteen years old, and still stuck together like twins.

Well that’s Wendy and Irene for you, the best bestfriends for life!

“Gosh, why isn’t this girl answering her phone? I’ve been waiting here for fifteen minutes already!” I muttered, standing outside the dorm Irene was staying at. After spending the rest of the break with her family, Irene finally went back last week for a new school year. Apparently, she decided to stay in a place near campus. That leads us here, in a girl’s dormitory that seems too awesome (?) for a normal high school student. Forgive me, I mean how exactly are you supposed to describe buildings? High? Low? Beautiful? Awesome? I don’t know. Ask Irene.

“Okay, that’s it. I’m coming in.” I muttered, having enough of waiting for Irene to show up. She promised to meet me at exactly 7:30 so we could walk to school together. I’ve been outside of her dorm by 7:20 and it’s already 7:37 and she’s still not here.

I gave a small nod to the guard by the doors and walked in. I took the lift to the top floor and easily made my way in front of Irene’s room. I didn’t even dare knock and walked in, not regretting even if I found myself staring at Irene. She was just in her simple tank top and short shorts. Oh, she would’ve gotten an earful from me because it’s the first day and she’s the student council president this year and she can’t be late for today at all!

Of course, I couldn’t give her that. She’ll chokehold me to death.

And it’s not like I could really think of anything to say after seeing the tears streaming her eyes. Her laptop was open on the bed while a book was on her hands.

I found myself inhaling for a bit before staring at her with smug eyes.

“Great. Who was it this time? John Greene or David Levithan?” I asked.

She pouted and was about to throw another fit of sobs when she answered. “Lauren Oliver.”

I stared at the book’s title. Before I Stay. I see, seems a sad book.

“You look horrible.” I deadpanned. She threw the book straight through my forehead. Well almost. It’s either she missed the spot or didn’t really plan on hitting the bull’s eye which is, mind you, my eyes.

“You’re impossible, Wendy!”

“Oh please, you’re intolerable! Reading YA books before the first day? And please, you better go shower ‘cause you stink. I’ll fix your uhh—stuff, for you.”

She would’ve punched me in the stomach for being an but hey, if you got Irene as your best friend? You’ll terribly be used for her endless mood swings… especially when her period comes.

Her room was in fact neat, except for the mess of papers in her study table. She has this one side filled with shelves of books. I tried to make up the titles one time but it felt like I was having a dyslexia. I could barely make out of the titles. She also has that night table near her bed. It was filled with photos of her family in England. She seemed to had fun there. Her eyes were dark brown and still calculating as ever, but her wide smile showed a whole new glint that I rarely saw.

Irene stood up and slipped her arms around my waist, then she hugged me. Under normal circumstances, it would’ve been okay. However, Irene being that close and with more skin, it’s hard to be. Suddenly, my head run some worthless worries in my mind that got me almost in a breakdown. I did remember to wash my hair right? Does my perfume smell bad? My clothes are ironed enough right?

And it didn’t help how Irene still looks good in snotty tank tops and a tear-stained face. Her parents sure has the genes.

I kept thinking about that that I found myself checking my clothes again, as if I looked stupid and that was stupid enough for me. I was in a school uniform. I mean, come on Wendy, you always look stupid in your school uniform anyway? What’s new?

Okay, maybe it was because of a little bit fact that I did try to look presentable today…? Which was another stupid thing because I’m only meeting Irene and no one else. Great, I guess today will be a List of Stupid Things Wendy Son did To-day! Note the sarcasm, please.

“You smell like strawberries.” Irene noted.

I almost blushed. “Y-yeah. Bought them yesterday. Do you like it?”

Irene nodded her head. “I like it. Keep it Wendy, it suits you.” She smiled and pinched my cheeks before walking to her bathroom while I stay rooted there, lost in space and time.

Lost… lately I found my mind like that whenever she’s around.


“Hey Wendy… I think I might need your help on something.” Study period and the least thing I expect was Irene standing right in front of my table in the library, with slumped shoulders and a blushing face. I raised an eyebrow but she didn’t explain right away. Instead, she slipped in to the seat next to me and leaned closer, as if it was a secret only I was supposed to know.

We were in different classes from now on. Somehow I thought I’ll be seeing her less, which got me relieved in some ways. Still, we were still able to find loopholes in our schedules to meet up… and sometimes that also includes some sneaking in during free periods and study hours.

I glanced at Irene and noticed how she got her hair in a ponytail, with her fringe dangling on the sides. Her fingers were tugging on the ends of her shirt. She’s nervous—embarrassed so to speak.

“So… I guess I am having a teeny tiny little bit of crush on to some person and I really need help. BAD.”

Three things. There were three things that ran into my mind with those words.

First: Well awesome, at least now I know that Irene is indeed a human who has a heart and is capable of feeling admiration on a fellow human being.

Second: If this is about Park Bogum since she only blushes whenever he’s around then forget about it.

And third: Why am I suddenly feeling mad? Uncomfortable? …jealous?

But eyyy, it can’t be. Why would I be jealous in the first place? That’s right, Wendy. No need to be jealous. It’s time for a celebration because your best friend is human enough to get a crush! Get over it!

Sadly, my heart is a different body part than my brain so they almost never really come into terms with each other.

And so, during those twelve seconds that I was thinking all of that… all I managed to say was…


I know, both dumb and worthless. Yep, that’s me.

I saw Irene’s slight glare, probably a little hint of disappointment I think? Although I’m not sure why would she be disappointed. It’s not like I’ll ever be much of a help. I mean, excuse me?Wendy Son? Romance? Well it doesn’t seem to ring a bell! I’m a bit of a klutz and has zero experiences on dating! I don’t exactly think I’m one for romance, as you can see.

But of course, Irene’s not taking a simple ‘okay’ for an answer. She shoved me by my chest that almost sent me on the ground. Gosh, I forgot that she learned some judo techniques from this Sungjae guy in camp. Whoever she’ll date sure has my condolences.

“Oww!! That hurt, Irene! What did I do wrong??”

She rolled her eyes and nudged my shoulder. “Can’t you pretend to be a little bit more—I don’t know—interested???”

Well I’m not interested with you crushing on Bogum or something. Oh shut up brain, not now please.

“But what can I say…?” I raised my hands up in surrender. “I don’t know anything about crushing except for admiring why Dave Franco is so hot and such. I’m not much on the dating scene. Ask Joy and Seulgi, they should know.”

“They’ll embarrass me big time, brainless dumbo.”

“And I don’t…?”

“You’re always more embarrassing.”

I rolled my eyes. “Why thank you, smart !”

“What did you say?”

“I mean, smarty pants.”

“Yeah, thought so.”


“So… is this Park Bogum?” I asked in uneasiness. I found myself shifting from my position, looking back down to the book I was reading.

“What? Why would you think it’s Bogum?” She quizzed back, totally taken back.

I shrugged. “He’s like the only guy you ever looked on for more than ten seconds. And when you look at him, there was something different in your eyes. It starts forming hearts like those silly girls in chick flick movies!”

She was silent for a minute before spouting out words from .

“You’re… too impossible!”

I sighed. “And so I’ve heard.”

She would’ve said something more, I don’t know. Her expression held up a defense, as if I got it all wrong. I’m too tired to try and read through her. I tried for the past three years but I guess she’s this overly complex blueprint I would never understand. And she really couldn’t say something more when a guy walked over our table with his gentle-like smile. I almost scoffed when he got near.

“Hey Irene, Wendy! Having a heart-to-heart girl talk or something?” Bogum asked, politely smiling to my direction that makes me want to punch him away. Irene blushed yet again while I found myself burying my face on my book. If only I can ignore their presence forever.

The thing is… I don’t exactly hate Bogum. How can I when he was like the only one guy who can make Irene smile like that under the sun. Sweet smiles and bright eyes, Irene just looks ten times prettier whenever he was around. I can’t hate him for that.


“You idiot. You shouldn’t have ran through the rain! Look where it got you!” Irene scolded while I had a blanket around my body. I was trembling even if her dorm was warm enough. She was holding unto a bowl of soup while I kept sniffing because of my cold. “And please! At least pick between the soup and your snot, Wendy!”

I pouted and spread my arms wide, “Hug me, Irene~~~”

“Nonononono! You stay away from me. I don’t want to be sick! What are you even doing in my dorm this late???” She pushed me away with her index finger and shook her head. “You’re soooo stupid! You should’ve stayed home, your mom can take care of you!”

“Mom *sniff* is not at home. She was *sniff* out of town for a business meeting. Dad is too, by the way. *sniff* I told dad I’ll stay here instead.”

“You’re crazy!” She smacked my head, making me groan.

“You’re bad with patients. You can’t be a nurse.”

“I know that. That’s why I’m planning to be an architect, not a doctor, Wendy…” She muttered lowly, forcing a spoonful of soup in my mouth. Thank god it wasn’t hot or else I would’ve cried in pain.

“You’re really not capable of being nice to me? Even if I’m sick?” I pouted again. She rolled her eyes and flicked my forehead. Oww.

“I am. That’s why I let you in my dorm late tonight, Wendy. And that’s why I’m nursing you back to health. Be thankful, okay?”

I just nodded my head, totally losing all my strength already. I feel like death already.

And Irene’s not entirely a bad friend. She takes care of me well. And she may not be the best cook, nor the best nurse, but she knows how to make me stay put and everyone applauds her for that. Besides, no matter how busy she was with the student council and her studies… she never really forgets me. That’s what are best friends for, right?

But don’t you want to know how having Irene as a girlfriend be like? My evil mind whispered again. I cursed in my head. Clearly, this time my heart and my mind is conspiring against me.

They’re right. I was dying to know but for an unknown reason. It’s just been three years, but Irene and I have been through a lot. She’s the one person who pulled me away from troubles while some days she’ll be sneaking off the room with me which was against rules. And God, I never realized how much fun I have when I’m with her.

And in fact, she looks out for me in a way different than other people. Others would spout caring words, soft and delicate and polite. Irene doesn’t do that. She would look me in glares and tell me to stop being stupid, and when I try to translate that into normal language, that’s her telling me to be careful.

I wasn’t someone who was supposed to think and yet I found myself easily figuring out her words that is about me. Maybe not all but mostly.

I glanced at Irene who was now sitting in front of her study table, her laptop in her hands as she was doing some late night projects. I must’ve stared for too long that when she glanced over at me, she momentarily panicked. Then she blushed and cleared .

“What are you looking at?”


And I don’t need to crack my brains to say what I feel to her. I may not have completely cracked her walls, but I didn’t mind taking slow. I’m not losing Irene. I know that. Not now, and typically not ever.

She smiled at me before moving closer. She sat on the side of her bed and messed my hair.

“Are you feeling better now?”

I shrugged. “I’m not sure… How does feeling better feels like?”

She giggled, and my heart swooned at the sound. I didn’t know why it did but maybe it was because I was sick. I don’t think there was any other reason than that.

“You’re so stupid… what would I do when you’re never around?”

I didn’t answer. No, I don’t have to. Even at her dark room, I can see Irene’s expression. She wasn’t asking for an answer because she already has it. I gave her a look but she just pinched my nose and giggled again before returning to her work.

I wonder if she’ll ever

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i would prob add one more special chap, if im feeling generous because i have a draft of future wenrene babies and i just dont knooooooooooooow lols


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0 points #1
Chapter 16: I really love this story. Hopefully you will keep this story on aff authornim 🩷🩵
Chapter 3: Sangat lucu
Chapter 2: Ini sangat menggemaskan
Chapter 1: Menarik
Chapter 16: ohhh it's all very well written and amazing, and of course it's very awsome wawww you make me feel like i watched a film not a story, your writing is really cool and amazing, great work author, you are amazing, I really hope to see new wenrene story from you in 2022, this is because it will be very much awaited and anticipated, once again thank you very much and see you very much hope💙💝💙💝🔥😍👏🏻👏🏻🤧😁🤭🙊🙈👍🏻🙏🏻🤝🏻😌😊
Chapter 16: I'm so happy to read this again and again and the feeling is still the same.

Being the one and forever is sure magical.
hi_mitochondria #7
Chapter 7: Finally 🤧 WenRene it took them long enough huh but it was def worth it 🥳💗💙
Paparapakyaw #8
Chapter 6: I always reread this it's just so cute and it reminds me of the manhua She Is Still Cute Today their dynamics is like Cang Shu and Qi Lin 🥰🥰 though Cang Shu and Qi Lin are more peacefull with just Qi Lin being hyper 😆