[ part one ]

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[ Wendy ]


Irene’s dad doesn’t like me. I figured that out just as much.

Third year finally came, and I’m no longer that little girl who runs around my house without wearing a bra. Finally, in a way, people see me as a lady. And somehow, I felt I was.

And I wasn’t the only one.

September of that year was Joy’s birthday and I—we—we’re invited to her dance party. I wasn’t one to like attention, and I terribly don’t like dances or parties. But Joy pushed the invitation in my chest and gave me the scariest glare she has. “You have to come, Wendy. No, you’re coming.” She didn’t really give me that much of a choice.

          I told Irene about it the same afternoon and I was shocked that she got the same invitation.

          “Joy’s our friend so of course we’re coming. Besides, She’s like gonna confess to Seulgi that night. She needs all the support she gets.” Irene said as if it wasn’t a big deal.

          “But she’s barely fourteen! She can’t date yet!”

          She gave me a cold stare, making me think that I did something wrong again. In the end, she just muttered.

          “You’re too clueless.”

          Ok, maybe she’s right. I was really clueless. She didn’t talk to me the rest of the day and ignored me, as if we’re back to square one. So much for being my friend… pfft.


         And that leads me here right now. In front of Irene’s hou—mansion—that was twice as big as ours. I was in total awe of the design. I’m not the architecture type but I can see how much work was put in designing the infrastructure. It’s like being inside a modern castle in England. It’s all about luxury.

And there goes Irene’s father.

          For once, He’s really good-looking. Like a top actor-slash-model that you could see in magazines and billboards everywhere. Other than that, he almost completely matches Irene’s face. Milky white skin, dark brown eyes that seems to study me right there and then. He seems smart, I could even say with only his posture as he stood by the door. He has that aura that somehow freaks me out, more than what Irene will ever do.

          “I don’t approve of your friendship with my daughter.” Was what he first said and that felt like a punch in my stomach.His voice was cold and strict, like what you hear from the serious professors in schools. Yep, he’s terribly like Irene. They are both straightforward about first impressions.

          I tried to look at the man’s eyes, trying to see a hint of emotion that says it’s all a joke.

          Well, I can’t. His eyes seems to see me as a blueprint, probably thinking of ways to unscrew the bolts and send me crazy. He’s scary.

          “I-I’m sorry.” I muttered out an apology in shame. “I wouldn’t pester Irene much. Y-you can trust me.”

          “Even the greatest people can’t be trusted, Miss Son. It’s easy for people to change.”

          “B-but I won’t change…at least, for Irene.”

          He studied me for ten seconds as if he’s reading my emotions, if I’m being genuine.

          “I guess I’ll have to wait and see. I hope you won’t prove me wrong for trusting you, young girl.”

          I think that’s the most of a relationship I can have with Irene’s father.

          He let me walk inside their home, and made me wait on their living room, in this big couch they have. I was anxious to say the least. It was almost like going to your date’s house for prom and being interrogated by the girl’s parents. Except that Irene’s mother isn’t here and I’m here just as a friend.


          I looked up and spotted Irene walking down the staircase.


And that was the first time Irene got me breathless.


        Over the summer, before our third year started, Irene grew a couple more inches that seriously disturbed me. Now, she was even wearing a hot pink dress that reaches a few inches above her knees. She put on some light makeup, and wore a necklace with a moon pendant. I didn’t bother to put in much details, but she was surely beautiful. It’s just…it wasn’t Irene at all. At least, for me.

          “Ready to go?” She asked.

          I nodded my head and put up a smile. “Sure. Let’s.”

          I bowed one last time to her father and joined Irene on her way out. We could have got a ride with their family chauffeur but Irene said she wants to walk out and ride a bus. I can’t say no with that.

          “But it’s cold.” I countered.

          “So?” She asked, even if she was rubbing her palms together.

          “You keep calling me stupid but you didn’t even dare bring a jacket for yourself. Who’s the dumbo this time around?” I snickered, earning a jab on my shoulder. A laugh escaped my lips before offering my hot pack to keep her warm. She smiled while taking it. It was either because I did a right thing or I did a stupid thing. Either ways, I  think I didn’t mess up that time around.

          “Wow! Finally the stars of the party decided to grace us with their presence!” Joy sarcastically mumbled out when we got in their huge house. Some people were there, dancing around, chattering and taking drinks. It wasn’t alcoholic, Joy said. They were still minors anyway. Across the room was Seulgi who was chatting with a sophomore named Yeri. I thought I saw Joy sneer that direction but I’m not sure. The room was dark and only the disco ball was shooting lights around.

          “Don’t just stand there, you two! Dance!” Joy slapped my .

          “Yah! Don’t touch my personal asset!”

          She just giggled and shrugged. “I’m pretty sure Irene’s dying to touch it anyway.”


          Then I felt a strong tap on my again. This time it was Irene with an evil grin.

          “Yah, are you drunk or what? Your grin is kinda scary, you know? And you did not just touch my .”

          “Oh trust me, I just soooooooo did.” She didn’t back down and laughed. I swore I grew red like a tomato at that point. I was about to scream ert when Joy cut me off.

          “Enough with the flirting and get on with the dance, ladies. Have fun!” And she disappeared.

          I glanced at Irene then a couple of girls and boys chattering a few tables away from us.

          “So… who should I ask to the dance floor?”

          Irene smack me in the head, yet again.

          “Of course me, dumbo. Any more stupid questions?”

          I don’t. Not when I felt Irene put her arms around my neck and pulled me in the dance floor. It took a lot of willpower to look away and not get lost with her eyes. Of course, I admittedly lost and found myself staring at her. She has that smile on her face that almost melted every neuron in my mind.

          “Don’t you ever attend dances before?”

          I didn’t answer. In fact, I went to some but I was only standing by the sidelines, eating or playing with my phone. I couldn’t answer because if I did, she’ll find out she’s the first ever person I’ve danced with. And I am very glad she was.


[ Irene ]


        Wendy, unlike the first two years of high school, was almost totally different now. If my thirteen-year-old self meets her, I bet I would’ve liked her in an instant. She was still a dumbo on most parts, but she started being active in sports and she indeed excelled in math that she’s the one being sent to inter-school national competitions. She was even ranked 4th in the state and received a presidential award. It also didn’t help that she’s branded as the campus sweetheart “apparently” because she’s the sweetest student you’ll ever see.

       I don’t have anything against that. I know Wendy was. Even her smile was sweet and soft and nice that she deserves the whole world. It’s just gets annoying how that now Wendy revealed that she’s biual, both girls and boys practically worships her. Some girls even try to gang up against me for being near their “Wendy unnie” but of course, they weren’t able to touch even a single strand of my hair. I knows how to defend myself and Bogum comes from time to time to help me, like he’s a reliable brother I never get to have.

        Bogum and Wendy aren’t really cool with each other though. One time, Wendy gave Bogum the dirty stares and Bogum just shrugged it off. I asked Wendy about it but she says she just doesn’t trust boys and that it’s soooo obvious that I have a crush at him. Oh, if she only knew…


Still, despite the slight changes, she’s still my same idiot.


     “You’re lost in your own world again.” Seulgi mumbled while the two of us are stuck in our classroom, me reading some material before class starts and the bear sketching a frog on her book. Her girlfriend was out in the cafeteria with Wendy. “Thinking about that hamster again?”

“N-no.” I stuttered. Damn, why did I stutter?

     “Yeah, go on, keep denying that.” She laughed, flipping another page and started doodling a hamster and a bunny holding each other’s hands. “When are you planning to tell her?”

 I squinted my eyebrows, confused.

“What do you mean?”

      The bear made an exasperated sigh and faced me, crossing her legs and hitting the tip of her pencil to my nose.

      “You’ve HAD a crush on her SINCE LIKE SHE’S TWELVE, IRENE.” She emphasize each words as if I’m illiterate. “I mean, it’s about two years since. What are you doing with your life, sis?!”

     A sigh escaped my lips, absentmindedly staring outside the door where Joy and Wendy was about to walk in.

“I actually don’t know.” I mumbled. “Besides it was just a silly crush. It doesn't mean anything. And it’s not like you never had crushes while dating Joy.”

Seulgi gave me a look but didn’t push it. I don’t like Wendy. I don’t.

On the corner of my eye, I saw Wendy walk in our classroom, carrying something in her hands.

     “Hey smarty pants, I bought you some carrot cupcakes from the cafeteria. Here.” She took her chair and placed it near my table, carefully putting the box of cupcakes in front of me. She was holding hers too, except that it has blue icing. She and her obsession with colorful food, really…

       “Do you want to try mine?” She offered her half-bitten cupcake. The icing had a few smudges but not entirely ruined. “Blue is the best flavor, you know?”

A chuckle escaped my lips while shrugging. “Last week you said that pink is the best flavor.”

“That depends on the weather!”

“It’s sunny today! Just like last week!”

She just stuck her tongue out at me.

     I took a bite, and I didn’t know if it tastes better because it was indeed blue or was it because she was staring at me. I decided for the former and looked away. I’m afraid that somehow I’ll burn with fire with what I’m feeling.

    “You want to have some of mine too?” I offered. She nodded her head quickly like a chipmunk and I can’t help but laugh. Sometimes… she’s totally like a kid too.


[ Wendy ]


Valentine’s Day. The day everyone excitedly talk about. The day I dreaded for, to be honest.

Walking around the school, all I could see was strange decorations hanging on the walls, a bunch of red heart-shaped papers and some fat baby Cupids that hold heart studded arrows. It might’ve seem cool for some but totally not me.

Everywhere I go, some people smiles and greets. Some even gave me gifts, and I don’t even have the heart to reject them. I accepted all chocolates, teddy bears and flowers and I don’t even know how was I able to reach our room with all the stuff. I couldn’t even look where was I going.

“Wow, that’s hell a LOOOOT!” Seulgi screamed, casually taking a teddy bear from the gifts I’ve got and hugging it. “I’ll take dibs on this, Wendy!”

“Have it your way then.” I huffed, dropping all the stuff under my table. Not that I can put it anywhere anyway. “Where’s Irene…?”

“She’s probably stuck on lover boys traffic.”

“Lover boys traffic?”

“Her fan boys.” Seulgi grinned. “They are clogging the hallways to give her their gifts.”

I formed an ‘oh’ with my mouth before glancing at the door. Sigh. Still no sign of Irene. This is sooo boring.

I dropped my head on my table, attempting to just fall asleep before class starts. Not that I can talk to Seulgi much anyway since she’s back flirting with her girlfriend Joy. And here I was, thinking about Irene.

Okay, I know what are you thinking about but no. I’m just wondering what’s taking her so long. What if the guys are all over her?

So what? My brain snorted, which added to the unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I mean, I won’t deny one thing. Lately, I found myself staring at Irene a little bit more. It’s not anything erted and I may not have been crushing on her.

It’s just… the look in her eyes, I guess?

Irene has always been intimidating. Despite being short and having a baby face, she’s a lot more collected than some seniors we have at school. She seems to be more mature, and sure she’s always been cute but seriously, she’s starting to become truly beautiful.

And there she comes, proving my theory right.

She walked right inside our room, with nothing but a bag in her hand and a box on the other while a couple of boys still is trying to give her their Valentine’s gift. She was looking around, quite gracefully that I didn’t notice myself staring, before our gazes met and she smiled.

“Kelp head!”

I’ve never felt so happy being called kelp head before.

She rushed to her seat with a wide grin before it slowly faltered at the sight of the gifts under my table.

“Don’t tell me you accepted all gifts they’ve given you…” Her voice threatening, her stare stern as if I did something wrong.

“Hey, what’s the sudden change in attitude?”

“Don’t change the subject!”

“Uhmmm… maybe a little?”

She took a deep sigh and frowned. “

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i would prob add one more special chap, if im feeling generous because i have a draft of future wenrene babies and i just dont knooooooooooooow lols


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0 points #1
Chapter 16: I really love this story. Hopefully you will keep this story on aff authornim 🩷🩵
Chapter 3: Sangat lucu
Chapter 2: Ini sangat menggemaskan
Chapter 1: Menarik
Chapter 16: ohhh it's all very well written and amazing, and of course it's very awsome wawww you make me feel like i watched a film not a story, your writing is really cool and amazing, great work author, you are amazing, I really hope to see new wenrene story from you in 2022, this is because it will be very much awaited and anticipated, once again thank you very much and see you very much hope💙💝💙💝🔥😍👏🏻👏🏻🤧😁🤭🙊🙈👍🏻🙏🏻🤝🏻😌😊
Chapter 16: I'm so happy to read this again and again and the feeling is still the same.

Being the one and forever is sure magical.
hi_mitochondria #7
Chapter 7: Finally 🤧 WenRene it took them long enough huh but it was def worth it 🥳💗💙
Paparapakyaw #8
Chapter 6: I always reread this it's just so cute and it reminds me of the manhua She Is Still Cute Today their dynamics is like Cang Shu and Qi Lin 🥰🥰 though Cang Shu and Qi Lin are more peacefull with just Qi Lin being hyper 😆