[ epilogue ]

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[ Untitled: Reprise ]




At some point, I’m surprised Wendy and I haven’t broken up after graduation.

College was tough. We rarely have time together despite being in the same university. She’s usually drowned in books while I’m stuck in front of blueprints and designs. But we still find time to make up, meet and spend time together, even if it meant being stuck in the same room with her studying her butts off and while I’m doing projects. It has been a constant thing that we have sleepovers every other week. It’s either I sleep on her apartment or she sleeps on mine. At some point, it felt like I’m staying at two homes and I didn’t mind it.

I am happy, that somehow I think I never fell in love with Wendy. It was a thought that came to me gradually. Falling in love started to be something I hate too. Because now that I think of it, I’ve grown to love Wendy and that love just grew and grew until it felt like it isn’t stopping.

It was beautiful, our relationship I mean.

It wasn’t perfect. There were nights that we’d scream at each other and stay bundled up on our respective beds, days pass by without texts or anything. But one way or another, we’ll find a way to compromise, talk about it like responsible adults.

And it felt like we are. We’re no longer those little high school kids, after all.

There were also nights that we were so close into breaking up. Words such as: “maybe it’s better to end all of this” or “just please let me go” have already left our lips more than once and the immediate answer would always be “No” or if not, “Never”.

And when she embraces me a moment after, I know that what we have would last for a long time. Maybe not a “forever” but definitely a long time.

Besides, we are both cautious of that word. We never talked about marriage or weddings even if I know that Wendy was it for me. I didn’t want to scare her of my dreams of our future. I didn’t want to rush, and it never felt like we have too.

It felt like whatever we have right now would last for a long time, and if what we had was indeed set for forever then there’s no point, really. We can go slow, I wouldn’t mind that.


“What are you thinking so early in the morning, Irene?” Wendy’s warm voice greeted me, her arms find its way easily around my waist before pulling me close to her arms. I knew that she could’ve added a lousy and cringe nickname after that but she stopped herself. She knows how much I hate nicknames.

“Nothing, I’m just wondering why am I stuck with such a weirdo like you…” I mumbled, glancing at her. She complained with a “hey!” but I just laughed in which she joined after.

In four years, Wendy has grown into a fine woman. She dyed her hair back into its natural color of dark brown. She’s gotten taller and leaner too, with only a half inch difference between our heights. More than that, she has started going to the gym every weekend so her muscles were toned, not muscular but fit that sometimes I want her to wear a couple layers of clothing so people wouldn’t see what they shouldn’t see. It’s like I’m dating a popular girl-crush model and everywhere we turn, girls would practically drop to their knees and worship her.

One thing that didn’t change though was her eyes. It was still stormy, a shade of dark brown that despite having some people think of it being boring, I find myself getting lost at the sight. Wendy was now even better than I remembered from her four years ago.

“What are your plans for today?” I asked Wendy after taking a sip of my morning hot chocolate with my fingers almost disappearing with the long-sleeves I was wearing. Wendy’s clothes were usually bigger than her size and I can’t say I hate it during mornings. It’s usually comfy and when winter comes, it’s the best thing I like wearing. The sky wasn’t still as bright even with the sun already up. The two of us were just being cozy in Wendy’s apartment, getting off the usual morning vibe. “You’re not gonna be at the club and sing your off while being on top of a table again, right?”

“Hey, cut me some slack~ It was all Seulgi’s fault! She said it was soda!” Wendy frowned adorably that I couldn’t help but flick her nose.

“Stop being cute!” I giggled. “And by the way, you didn’t answer my real question.”

She sighed, “I’d have to work my off for our project with my group mates. I might get home late….”

“Good luck then, kelp head.” I pinched her cheeks. “Just come back to me?”

She grinned, “Of course. That goes with you too, by the way.”

“Of course.”

And just when you think that it’ll end with a romantic gesture such as a kiss in the lips, the peaceful and romantic moment was cut short as a little devil ran to us and jumped on Wendy’s arms. That also included Wendy’s mother walking in the apartment with bags of groceries in her hands.

“Seungwannie unnieeeeee!” The little bundle of joy shouted gleefully while hugging her sister’s neck. “Sejeongie misses you a loooooooot!”

Wendy also smiled with glee, hugging her little sister back. “Seungwan unnie misses her little Sejeongie a looooooooot too!”

The little girl was beaming with happiness after hearing that, and even I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the sisters being too clingy in the morning. The two are like a combination of trouble and it felt like Sejeong was an a complete copy of Wendy, especially when it comes to personality. They both have warm smiles, with a hint of trouble whenever that smile turns into a smirk. They were both active, playful that dealing with the two of them sometimes really wears me out, if it wasn’t for how happy they make me. Above all, they were both so loving and cute and seeing the two of them talk about each other’s day, something fuzzy in my heart creeps out.

Seeing a college student like Wendy picking up little Sejeong once in a while from preschool and see the little girl talk about her day to her sister was really cute and adorable. And even now I can imagine Wendy picking up our *coughs* own kids *clears throat* and be as sweet and loving as she is now.

Nothing is more attractive than seeing Wendy as a perfect sister and daughter to her family, and that is something that made me so into her despite the years that passed by.

“Aren’t you gonna greet Irene unnie too?” Wendy asked her little Sejeong with a grin. That made the little girl turn her head and jump to my embrace as well.

“Oww!” I yelped out in surprise before chuckling. She kissed my cheeks and grinned with her baby teeth showing. “Good morning, Irin unnie!”

“Good morning, Sejeongie!” I said back, pinching her nose. She scrunches it the same way her Wendy does and I could help but squeal at the sight. We could’ve played the whole morning right there but then Wendy’s mom called us over for breakfast and being a nice girlfriend of her daughter, I immediately followed.

“Good morning, mom.” I greeted while helping her set the table. Little Sejeong was hugging my right leg and wouldn’t let go.

“Good morning, Irene.” Wendy's mother then gave Sejeong a look. “Sejeong, let go of your Irene unnie okay? We’re having breakfast in a minute, sweetie.”

Sejeong shook her head. “Sejeongie don’t want eat! Sejeongie want to stay with Irin unnie foreveeeeeeeer!”

That made me laugh. I picked up Sejeong in my arms and kissed her cheeks. “Irin unnie will be with Sejeongie foreveeeeeer, okay? For now, let’s eat breakfast. I’ll feed you?”

She bobbed her head repeatedly in agreement. Her smile radiating the whole room, something that reminds me of Seungwan’s smiles too.

“Wow, even I don’t get fed by you.” Wendy walked in the kitchen right then, pouting as she took her seat. “Why are you spoiling my little princess so much. You don’t even play with me the way you do with her.”

I casually took the seat next to her, with little Sejeong in my arms of course.

“Don’t be silly. Remember when you were twelve and it was winter? You literally made me pull your sled while you’re having fun sitting down. You were even waving your hands up like you’re really having fun while you’re treating me like I’m Rudolf, that stupid reindeer! Playing games with you is no fun like that!”

“What? That wasn’t fun for you?! It’s winter, of course it has to be fun! And it’s Rudolf, the RED-NOSED reindeer--“

Wendy’s mom cut her off. “Eat your breakfast, Wendy. You have a long day ahead, right?”

“But moooooom~!”

“And don’t use the moooooom card, it’s not gonna work sweetie.”

I chuckled at that. It’s really fun seeing Wendy and her mom squabble in the morning, especially since Mrs. Son was one of the few people who Wendy couldn’t manipulate at all. Sometimes, I even wonder how Mrs. Son couldn’t give in with Wendy’s tantrums and puppy eyes and pouts but noticing how I can resist that after four years, maybe it wasn’t that hard. Besides, I am one of the few people who can keep this idiot in her toes anyway. It’s fun.

Sometimes, it felt like I’m dating a kid when I see that side of Wendy, but each time she holds my hand and asks me how my day went or each time she gives suggestions on my designs or even those moments when she would just gaze at me with a gentle smile on her lips… I realize she wasn’t, at least, not entirely.




♪“Just hear those sleigh bells jing-a-ling, ring ting ting-a-ting too,

C'mon it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,

Outside the snow is falling and friends are calling you hoo,

C'mon it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you~”♬


A small smile went up my lips, staring at the kids caroling outside the streets while the Christmas breeze blew the town. I was in my Christmas sweater topped with two layers of thick jackets and a cup of take-out coffee in my hand, watching as my breath slowly turns white in the cold air.

It was Christmas eve and I was walking down the street into Irene’s apartment after a dinner with my family. Irene had her dinner with her family three hours ago with Mr. and Mrs. Bae visiting Seoul just to spend time with their beautiful, loving daughter (I’m only saying that because she’s my girlfriend and if I don’t, she’ll go terribly not loving at me).  And now, we decided to spend the night together (not like what you’re thinking, you erts!), a little late night snack because we’re both so full from our respective family dinners anyway. Irene called me a little over an hour ago, saying that she’ll make a cheesecake for me. It’s supposed to be finished by now, but knowing how hopeless my girlfriend is in the kitchen, I’m not so sure.

In the back of my head, I’m already picturing Irene covered with flour with an entire mess in her kitchen because she’s hopeless. At least she knows how to use the oven, that’s the only thing I can trust her with.


Apparently, it wasn’t so bad. When I pressed the doorbell to her apartment, I was surprised with a hug from Irene who was screaming in delight upon seeing me.

“Merry Christmaaaaaas~”

I giggled, “What’s up with you?”

“What? I can’t miss you now?” She pulled away and raised her eyebrows. Of course, that’s my girlfriend, being cold and scary again. She folded her arms together while wearing her own Christmas sweater that my mom made for her. It was the same as mine but in pink. At first, she was reluctant to receive it because her favorite color was purple but after wearing it once, she almost didn’t want to take it off. She says it’s so comfy.

“Of course you can! I missed you a lot too!” I grinned, pulling her back in my arms and hugging her tightly. You know those types of hugs that gets you so warm because of how close you two are? Irene had her nose buried in my neck as she hugged me back, she’s so close I’m pretty sure she can hear my heart beating. It’s not that I can control my heart anyway. It was always like that whenever I’m with Irene and despite the years, she still makes me feel the same even with a simple touch. Maybe the spark wasn’t there anymore, but I can still swear how much I love her.

She pulled away after a minute of hugging, giggling lightly. “Come on, it’s cold here. Let’s get you warm inside.” She held my hand and pulled me in and I, as a good girlfriend, followed her.

“Where’s the cake?” I inquired after putting my coat in the stand, leaving me in our identical sweaters that got her chuckling.

“You just got in and that’s the first thing you ask?”

“Well, I’m sorry if I can’t trust you enough in the kitchen. You almost set my apartment on fire the other time we were making pizzas.”

Irene pouted. “It’s not like I asked you to teach me how to cook! You’re the one who wanted it! And I don’t start fires!”

“Pft… says the girl who accidentally set my homework on fire once…” She gave me the devil eye, making me cower in fear. “Fine, fine~ So the cake?”

“Tsk.” She pinched my cheek before dragging me to the kitchen and when she finally took the cake out in the fridge, I was like WOW SINCE WHEN DID MY GIRLFRIED LEARNED HOW TO BAKE CAKES? It looks really good (and cute) and I’m such a proud girlfriend. It’s a strawberry cheesecake and it looks soooo cute with the slices of strawberries on th

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i would prob add one more special chap, if im feeling generous because i have a draft of future wenrene babies and i just dont knooooooooooooow lols


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0 points #1
Chapter 16: I really love this story. Hopefully you will keep this story on aff authornim 🩷🩵
Chapter 3: Sangat lucu
Chapter 2: Ini sangat menggemaskan
Chapter 1: Menarik
Chapter 16: ohhh it's all very well written and amazing, and of course it's very awsome wawww you make me feel like i watched a film not a story, your writing is really cool and amazing, great work author, you are amazing, I really hope to see new wenrene story from you in 2022, this is because it will be very much awaited and anticipated, once again thank you very much and see you very much hope💙💝💙💝🔥😍👏🏻👏🏻🤧😁🤭🙊🙈👍🏻🙏🏻🤝🏻😌😊
Chapter 16: I'm so happy to read this again and again and the feeling is still the same.

Being the one and forever is sure magical.
hi_mitochondria #7
Chapter 7: Finally 🤧 WenRene it took them long enough huh but it was def worth it 🥳💗💙
Paparapakyaw #8
Chapter 6: I always reread this it's just so cute and it reminds me of the manhua She Is Still Cute Today their dynamics is like Cang Shu and Qi Lin 🥰🥰 though Cang Shu and Qi Lin are more peacefull with just Qi Lin being hyper 😆