CHapter 1




“Dara, there you are! I almost lost it when I lost sight of you! Are you okay?” Bom, her cousin and bestfriend asked.


She got frantic losing Dara in her sight while fixing Dara’s transfer paper to her college. She can’t help but feel very protective of her, knowing once they almost lost her.



Even though Dara is just her cousin, she treats her as a sister.


A sister she never had.



“I’m okay” Dara said, her face void of any emotions.




Bom can’t help but feel a little bit sad about her.


Gone was the cheerful girl who make sure everyone she loves always has a smile on their faces.


Gone was the friend whom she share all her troubles with.


Gone was the sweet girl who always have faith in God.


But the irony is, she’s not gone.


She’s physically there.





But her soul and heart arent.







“D, look, I was able to process your papers, you’ll be in the same college as me, isn’t this our dream? To be in the same college,.. to be with each other always,… meet new friends,… meet guys..” Bom said dreamily.  But Dara just shrugged.



“Bom, I’m tired, can we go home already? Dara said.



“Oh, okay.. Let’s get to the car then” Bom replied. Defeated.



Throughout the drive on their way home, Bom excitedly tells her a lot of story about her college, Dara’s new school. She keeps telling her about introducing her to new friends, showing her around the school, and shopping when they don’t have classes.



But Dara just kept looking out the window, staring at her new surroundings, blocking everything, every noise she hears, including Bom’s. Ever since the tragic thing happened to her. She always block whatever comes her way.



Upon reaching Park’s mansion, Dara immediately get off the car and went to her room.



“How did it go Bom?” Park Teddy, Dara’s older brother asked her.



Bom looked at him sadly and said “She’s not excited at all oppa”.



“Don’t be sad Bom, this is already one step for Dara, Its already good enough we were able to convince her to go back to school after the accident.” Teddy comforted the girl.







“Bommie, I cant believe it, we’re graduatng highschool!!!!!” Dara screamed and hugged her cousin slash bestfriend Bom.


“I know right, Gosh Dara, we have to be in the same college, and we’ll live in a dorm, share rooms, meet new friends, meet guys!!!!!”


The two girls screamed and giggled like mad men.


“Yah! You’re not even enrolled in college yet, and you’re already talking about boys!” Teddy playfully scolded the two girls.


“Aigoo Teddy oppa, even if I already have a boyfriend, you will always be the greatest man for me. You and Papa” Dara hugged and gave her brother a peck on his cheeks.


“Is that a promise baby? He asked.


“Yes oppa, Pinky promise!” Dara held out her pinky finger and teddy dis the same.


“I love you oppa!!!”





“Dara I miss you so much. I love you baby, I wont give up on you” Teddy said, reminiscing one of his favorite moments with her beloved sister.

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freckles #1
Chapter 1: 'hope you'll be able to update ur story ... ;-D