The Ball


“Wow Hyun…”Seulgi’s voice filled the almost empty bedroom she was in, eyes wide and a goofy grin on her face. The young woman was wearing a white jacket, with black buttons and shoulder pads accompanied by a pair of black pants, that hugged the alien’s long legs perfectly, and shoes.”…You look stunning!”The girl said with a grin as Joohyun turned to smile at her girlfriend, a shy smile that Seulgi could never get enough of.

“Thanks Seul…” The human girl said as she walked the short few steps to Seulgi, her knee length white dress ruffling as she did, and took her partner’s hands in her own, placing a kiss on the girls lips/ “You don’t look half bad yourself!”

“I try!” Seulgi grinned sheepishly and gave Joohyun her signature crescent eye smile while she rubbed the back of the girl’s hand with her thumb. “How are you feeling?” She asked cautiously, having noticed the way the younger woman’s palms were sweating up a storm.

“Terrible Seul, I feel like I’m going to throw up!” Joohyun deflated from her smiling persona, leaning her head to rest against the crook of Seulgi’s neck with a whine.

“I hope not, that dress is very expensive.” The alien said with a chuckle making Joohyun hit her arm slightly but chuckle a nervous chuckle none the less. “Hyun you’re going to do amazing out there! Just take a moment to relax, there’s no rush.” Seulgi said with a reassuring look on her eyes as she pulled away to look into Joohyun’s own.

“It’s just I didn’t really try and impress the people coming here, who I’m one hundred percent sure are the people your mom is going to pay attention to.” The human said with a groan, her mind going a hundred miles an hour thinking over all the ways this whole ball could go wrong, praying to whatever higher power existed to give her a break from the string of hot messes that had pursued the teenager.

“Joohyun, stop.” Seulgi’s voice brought Joohyun back to reality, making her look up at the young woman who gave her a loving smile that made the human’s worries fade away on the spot. “You’re loved by my people more than I am. My mother will see that. I know she will.” The certainty in Seulgi’s voice was slowly starting to convince Joohyun that maybe; just maybe they had a chance.

“I hope so Seul.” Joohyun said with a kiss to the other’s lips, which turned from one soft peck into a tango of tongues within a second.

“Alright love birds, let’s get this show on the road!” Hyoyeon cut the duo off, opening the door with a knowing smirk on her face which made the couple turn red from embarrassment.

“Ready?” Seulgi asked taking Joohyun’s hand in her own, giving her a loving smile.

“As ready as I’ll ever be!”

Hyoyeon, dressed in a fine black suit, which Joohyun could tell hid a weapon under it, led the couple down a hallway to where Seohyun, Sunny and Yuri awaited them, dressed similarly and with smiles on their faces. After taking the duo to a white car, the four bodyguards took their seats on each side of Seulgi and Joohyun, essentially surrounding the two girls. Joohyun had felt uncomfortable with the position at first but as she started learning the language and talking with the bodyguards she didn’t mind being in between them. She understood it was for her safety and, despite knowing her for less than a month now, she could tell the four bodyguards really cared for her. The car ride was mostly quiet save for the words of encouragement coming from the bodyguards, who tried to reassure Joohyun however they could, and soon enough the car was put to a stop in front of the entrance of the large palace’s ball house, a tall building with columns and statues of what Joohyun recognized as two sun gods that she had read about. Seulgi took Joohyun’s hand as they made their way down the long red carpet, their bodyguards surrounding them and shielding them from many of the blinding lights of the media camera’s, making it inside after a few smiles and waves of their hands.

“Joohyun! Seulgi! It’s nice to see you again!” Amber’s voice brought the couple’s attention from the number of eyes staring at them to the short haired girl and her partner, Krystal, who shook her head with a sigh.

“Do you have to be so loud? Everyone is staring at us.” Krystal had mumbled as Joohyun and Seulgi walked to them with smiles on their faces.

“Better at us then them.”Amber had whispered with a grin and turned to talk to the couple that had now reached them, hugging both girls with a genuine smile on her features. Joohyun had come to realize that the short haired girl rarely ever let her face show any other expression other than a smile.

”How are you Joohyun? Are you nervous at all?”Krystal asked the girl, having been filled in by Amber about her situation, and joined her side as Seulgi and Amber went to get the two girls some drinks.

“Yeah I’m terrified, but you guys are really being great help.” Joohyun replied a smile on her face as she watched her girlfriends retreating back.

“You know, Amber has a really hard time trusting people.” Krystal said with a small sigh.”It took her three weeks to even look at me when we first met.” The young woman recalled with a small laugh which made Joohyun smile. “Either way she seems to trust you Joohyun, and I do too. You’re a good person, I’m sure the empress will notice that as well. She’ll be a fool if she lets her own anger blind her of that.” The beautiful woman gave the human a smile and pat her head, turning to greet Seulgi and Amber as they returned with four drinks in their hands.

“What were you two talking about?” Seulgi asked her girlfriend as she sipped on her drink, watching Amber and Krystal move onto the dance floor, pulling each-other tight and swaying to the rhythm of the music being played by the live orchestra.

“Which couple is better at dancing.” Joohyun said with a smirk to which Seulgi raised an eyebrow and put both of their glasses on the table near them.

“And what did you say?” She asked, taking Joohyun’s hands in her own and pulling her towards the dance floor.

“I said I guess we’ll have to find out.”

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Ah what a cheesy ending I know I just didn't know how to end thissssss! I'd like to thank anyone who's read this and supported me! If you'd like you can read my new ongoing story here :


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Chapter 29: TENSE. Just so tense.
430 streak #2
Chapter 40: Well, this was def an interesting read. Glad that everything worked out in the end ☺️
Sir_Loin #3
Chapter 40: Short lived angsty moments and a whole lotta heart warming ones. Great fic to read whenever you’re feeling down. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 18: Oh
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 11: Ah…so they know they’re into each other and just…be? Awww i wanted a bit more coyness but that’s ok. Kinda refreshing…?
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 9: It really did thicken by quite a bit!
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 8: The plot thickens
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 7: Fascinating read. It’s annoying coz life gets in the way of finishing this.
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 1: Honestly not what i expected to read. But on to the next chapter!
Wow hace mucho leí esta maravillosa historia!!
Me encantará leerla de nuevo.