


Narrator POV
the smell of gasoline filled the nostrils of Eunhye as she made her way in the subway station, the wave of people seemed to have pulled her into a random subway, just as she is about to enter the subway she turns her head to the side as if someone had called her, but all she saw was the face of the most gorgeous person she had ever seen, he entered through another door but it was the same subway, funny thing that they sat in fron of eachother. all EunHye could do was stare at him, with no care of who was watching... every so often that guy would look too but he turned his gaze away, maybe out of being shy? EunHye examined his looks, such flawless skin, beautiful face. oh if only if only... just then he stood up, but she looked around and the subway hadnt stoped, no one else was getting up, he got closer to her and closer. soon he placed a hand on her shoulder and EunHye began to close her eyes "...EunHye.... wake up.... eunhee.... iro na...." the guy said but the voice was all to familiar. EunHye

Eunhye opened her eyes again and this time she saw the face of her older borhter Jaebom smiling at her 
"OPPA!! you woke me up from my dream!!!" she complained to him
"it couldnt of been that important," Jaebom said as he was leaving her room "by the way its almost time for school hurry up and get dressed" 
"oppa..." she started complaining "school dosent start till 8 its..." she looked over her clock "7:48?!?!?!?!" she fell of her bed ignored the pain coming up on her as she dashed to her closet and picked out something as fast as she could, if there was one thing EunHye hated it was being late, especially to her first day of college.

EunHye's POV
"well thats just great, note to self: set an alarm, and find replacement brother" i said as i picked out what i was going to wear. the thing is i moved down to korea because my brother startedd living alone here. he said he would sign me up for college all i needed to do was come, so i agreed. i didnt even have the time to take a shower, so i threw on some jeans, a semi baggy t shirt and tied up my hair in a messy bun. i ran to my bathroom mirror and checked my self, i myself gaged at how i looked, i stormed away thinking of how many girls are going to make fun of me today, and guys... i didnt even say goodbye to jaebom as i stormed past the kitchen, and he was making breakfast too. 
"hyehye..." he said as i walked by and i just walked out of the house.

Narrator POV
Jaebom looked around the room as he sighed and put his hands behing his head "aish that girl" he mumbled as he picked up a purple wallet, "how is this girl going to eat lunch? or get to school... aye" he said as he walked to the door and picked up her shoes "aish... she was so mad and in a rush she forgot to put on some shoes... that girls dosent loose her brains because its stuck on her if not she would forget it" he made no signs with his head as he walked back to the kitchen and ate breakfas alone

[Super Junior Dorm]
the rooms were empty except for one room, under the covers way way deep lay a lazy head. the clock beeped 7:48 and a hand stretched out from under the covers and pressed snooze for the last time, he took of the covers and streched out not caring of anything "kankyungie!!" he said as he looked over the other bed but it was empty, his eyes peeled open "what the?" he got up and began to look around the dorm he looked in ever room and nobody was to be found "man if they do this again, i dont know what im going to do..." he walked into the kitchen and there was a note from Hankyung, Heechul could tell it was his since it had grammar mistakes

to Heechulie: ^^ 
babo you woked up late! ^^ we couddeent weit for yu so we left! ^^ luckgood getting to the photo shoot! ^^

heechul crumbled up the note and held his head with his hands, he was so late to the photo shoot already, but weren the members even thinking?!?! if he goes out in public as he is chances are hes going to get recognized... he had to get some disguise, he ran into his closet and put on old jeans he had. got one of kibums beanies and some shades, threw on a shirt. heechul hated not getting dolled up but he had no time, he was sure that the codys were to get him dressed up nice for the photo shoot. just like that he dashed out of the dorm. he walked out the front and realized that there were no fans waiting and then he remembered that they must of followed the other members. and possibly gone back to school

[about 30 mins of walking] 
[one end of the street]it hit heechul that he had no idea where the photo shoot was, then he began to search for his phone, he dug on his sweater, jean pockets sweater again... he began to retrace his steps but there was no use in going back and loosing more time...
[the other end of the street] as eunhye was walking her body was feeling a bit cold, he looked down and finally saw that she wasnt wearing any shoes "oh this is just great! perfect" she said sitting down on the bench
[close to eunhye] 'this is just great' heechul thought to himself, he sat on a nearby bench and put his elbows on his kness as he rested his head on his hands "how the hell am i going toget there?" he looked around and saw a payphone, he found some change in his pocket and dialed leeteuks phone 
"heechul where are you? were about to start?!?!" leeteuk hissed over the phone
"hyung i have a dilema, i woke up late... i forgot my phone on the way here and i dont know how toget there" he said all to fast.
"well where are you now??" leeteuk said
"i have no clue..." 
"aish this guy! well the place is called Legend Photo, find someone to help you ok i have to go now! and hurry up i cant cover for you forever, manager hyung is on to us!" he said and hung up before heechul could say anything he hung up the phone and turned around only to land on the floor and feel excrusiating pain on his head, he looked over and saw a young lady had crashed into him, she looked unconsious.there was something about her that seemed familiar and then agin heechul coulndt just leaver her there, he picked her up and sat her on the bench and did all he could to wake her up, as she was waking up he looked down and saw that she had no shoes on, he looked around and saw a shoe shop near by, he ran in and bought some shoes on the rack. by the time he got to her she was already awake 
"chogio..." he said stopping the girl

EunHye POV
i felt a hand on my shoulder as i was about to walk away, i turned over and it was a guy wearing a beanine and shades 
"here" he said handing me a pair of shoes
"no thanks i dont need them" i replied as i passed it back to him
"well um..." he looked down at my feet, crap i almost had forgotten i didnt have shoes on, i took the box with out hesitaion and put them on, this was so emberrasing
i bowed to him and was about to take my leave when 
"chogio" he said as he held on to my soulder again
"neh?" i said looking down
"do you know how to get to Legeng Photo?" he asked
"im really sorry, im new here so i dont, mianhea oppa, i dont even know how im going to get to school" 
"what the name of you school?"
"Chung-An University" i said
"well you got me i dont know that place" he said and we both started laughing as we collapsed on the bench
"my name is EunHye" i said to him 
"HeeChul" he said with a smile

narraotr POV
1 1/2 hour passed by and the two began to talk, it was so easy to talk to eachother they felt like they have known one another for ever.
"hey lets get out of here" he said 
"well school is probably already in session so i dont care sure lets go"
"im guessing they're almost done with the photoshoot!"
"so where to?"
"how about the han river?"
Heechul and Eunhye aboarded the subway and since there was only one seat heechul let her take the seat, a couple of minutes passed by and some people left the train, there was a vacant seat infront of eunhye and it was the closest to her so heechul took it. since the people left on the subway were elders he felt he wouldnt get recognized and took his beaninie and shades off, he began to shake his hair out and this caught the attention of eunhee it sudenly hit her, it was him, the guy from her dreams, was this real? was she dreaming?!!?! was Jaebom going to wake her up any second now?? she was anticipating it, but no when the train stopped he got up and told her to follow him. they reached the river and sat next to it. eunhee was speechless.
"eunhye why are you so quiet??" he said to her as a couple of minuted passed by
"oppa i cant help but i know you from somewhere?" she finally asked
he choked at this and said "well you see, im from a boyband super junior" he clenched his knees to his face as he anticipated for her inner fan girl to come out, but she stayed calm 
"do you know super junior?" he asked her
"sorry no i dont haha," she said laughing "but its jut i feel like ive known you in some other level..." she said and it got a bit silent
"you know... me too" he said to her
"you see i have dreams... in those dreams, ive met you, and we have fallen in love...." she whent on, but stopped because it was to much info already
"i knew you were her!" he said grabbing her hand
"i knew you were her from my dreams!" he whent on
"huh?" eunhye wasnt expecting this, it was more like 'ew' or like 'get away from me' 
"i mean i had those dreams too! and your her!" he said they both got excited and smiled
"so what should we do know?" eunhye asked
"lets go back to my dorm, ive got some friends id like you to meet..." he said as he took her hand

eunhye POV
i guess ill never know what i missed on the first day of class but, im sure glad i met the guy of my dreams. he sure is what every girl wants, so im glad hes mine!!!

AN: tada~ lol... i know~ too short.. how was it anyway? :p i just only dreamt of this last night.. and it's kinda weird cause it's the 1st time i dreamt of Heenim.. lol... :)) Eunhye,, you know I love you ayt?! ♥ tell me if you like it though.. :p

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