Chapter 1

Stranger's Scent (Three-shots)


‘…I hope you enjoy yourself tonight. Thank you.’ Park Yoochun bowed to the audience who were applauding after his speech. He smiled a really big smile, and walked down to greet all the others he never greeted yet. The launching of their new product tonight was his pride. After months of hard works, their product which was under his management was finally launched.

In two weeks, he will see how well his product sells. He’ll go to the shop himself.


‘Ohmaigod, no! The smell!’ Yoochun turned his head around when he heard the familiar sound from behind him. The smell of the perfume he worked his head off was in the air and he heard the man from earlier moved further.

That voice…

Yes. He was right! It belongs to that chubby-faced, small-eyed boy. The one he called dolphin boys due to the sounds he had been making.

Name? No he didn’t know.

Somehow the boy was everywhere lately. Not lately, since he first moved to the main branch, the boy could be seen almost everywhere. Parks, malls, cafes, you name it. This high-pitched-voiced boy almost seemed like he was following Yoochun, the newly appointed chief of his section.

‘Yaah, it’s the newest product from Timeless! It’s nice!’

‘Urgh… too strong.’

Too strong? TOO strong? That, Park Yoochun couldn’t accept. Why? Because that kid was the first person ever to say something bad about his perfume. Everyone else loved it, even his strict boss who refused to listen to his presentation when they first tried to do so.

‘What? No it’s not! Here, smell the Charisma one. Come on!’ The girl, probably his friend asked.

‘Fine… what’s the name anyway?’ The boy asked, waiting for the perfume to be sprayed. ‘Xiahtic? Yaaah! That’s like…’

Yes dolphin-boy, Park Yoochun named it after a name you screamed that one time, I AM XIAH~ WOOH!

‘I know right? Haha! Looks like you have to find another name.’

That cute frown came followed by a fanning by the hand, ‘Yup, too strong for my taste.’

‘What?’ Yoochun practically screamed, quickly pretending to be talking to his phone when he noticed how loud he said it.

‘Urmm… I’ll go get us a drink. Anything?’ The girl said something unimportant while Yoochun recovered from his shock. When he turned his head back, dolphin was gone.

 ‘Oii…’ Yoochun tried to ran after the boy for no reason. How could he say that the smell was too strong?? After all he did for the boy!

Wait. No. Of course not.

No, he didn’t create the perfume based on his image of the boy in case you’re wondering. No. Who’d do that? I mean, if he did, there wouldn’t be 4 scents under the series right? I mean, the boy can’t be his ‘Charisma’, ‘Energy’, ‘Angel’ and ‘y’ right?

Besides, the ones who chose the scents were the ones under him. He was just the one who approved it. It’s not like Yoochun kept thinking about the boy until it affected his attention towards his job. No, it’s not like he was inspired by the boy. NOOOO, who’d do that? Who’d imagine how y the boy would be, or how bubbly he could be with his lover right? Who’d…, okay, let’s just stop here.

Well, yeah that cute boy had always been the light of his dark days, the one that washed away his stress but no, obviously, he was definitely NOT thinking about the boy when he came up with the smell.

Yoochun stopped his step when he realized how stupid he was to chase after the cutie-p…boy. Everyone is entitled to his own thoughts. He had no right to be mad at the boy.

Aarrrghh! What the hell. His 9-months-of-no-sleep’s perfume, being disapproved just like that.

‘Aish! Where did he go?’

Yoochun just stood there, in the hallway of the mall, half waiting for the boy to pass through. No luck. He gave up and walked towards Starbucks to buy his Mocha.

‘Excuse me…’ Yoochun looked in front of him to discover the boy, holding two cups in his hands. He looked even cuter up-close. That y lips…

‘Excuse me… hello? Sir, can I pass through?’

‘Yeah. Ermm sure.’

Owh god, their bodies slide over each other. Owh GOD… Do something Yoochun. Do something!!!

‘Hey!’ Suddenly he noticed the boy stopped in front of him, face slightly worried. Oh god, he actually chased the boy this time, great job Yoochun.



‘Did I spill the coffee? Omaigod I’m so sorry. Ermm…’ dolphin put down his coffees, ‘really-‘

And he was walking towards Yoochun. Calm down Yoochun.

‘I’ll pay for the dry cleaning.’

‘No it’s no-‘

‘Here. My contact number. Just tell me how much…’ On the other hand, just wait till he give his number…

‘Thanks.’ Yoochun quickly put the piece of paper in his pocket before continuing, ‘No. Ermm…’ Think, think… ‘Ermm.. did you just said Xiahtic’s too strong?’

‘Hwahhh?’ The boys suddenly looked up to Yoochun’s face, lips forming a U, most probably amused about the sudden question. He continued to look, trying to reconfirm the question.

… ‘I think it’s strong too…’ WHAT??? NO!! I DON’T THINK IT’S STRONG!

‘Owh really… Okay. So…’

‘I was the one who created the perfume.’

‘Really…’ the boy nodded slowly, not looking at Yoochun. He was obviously weirded out.

‘I don’t think it’s too strong. It’s a perfect smell for a perfect man.’ Yoochun continued what he had said for the presentation, reciting everything he remembered.

‘Ookay… Sorry for the comment…’

Damn Yoochun! He’s ing thinks you’re obsessed! ‘It’s fine. Negative feedbacks are important for improvement…’ What the hell did I just said??

‘Alright… anyway,’ His phone rang. The way he picked it up… so cool.

Yoochun waited till the boy finished talking, just waiting… standing there doing nothing…

‘Owh, you’re still here.’ The cheeky, yet lonely smile crept. , I was supposed to leave? ‘Ermm… I gotta go now. So sorry for today… Text me the price for the dry cleaning.’

He’s going! Stop him! Say something Yoochun!! ANYTHING!

…Yes! He stopped!


‘Wha…Were you following me?’ ! The hell!

‘Hahaha…’ his laugh is so cute… Yoochun was completely entranced. ‘Am I following you?’

‘Yes… Are you?’

‘Huh? Seriously?’ The boy looked shocked. He’s speechless… ‘No… why would you say that…?’

‘I’ve been seeing you around a lot lately.’

‘I’m sure it’s just some coincidence.’

‘Nope.’ Stop it, he’s creeped out! ‘I’m sure you’re following me…’

‘Why would I follow you??’

‘I dunno. You should know.’

‘How should I know? I’m not!!’


‘Okay.’ God, I’m an idiot.

‘I’ll text you the price.’

I’m really a COMPLETE idiot.


Dear Xiah,

I need to change your name now. There’s a new perfume called Xiahtic. The smell’s too strong and the creator’s such a weird, creepy man. He asked me if I was following him when honestly, I never seen him before in my whole life.

Maybe, he was the one following me… That’s right, he is! He said he had been seeing me around a lot while I only met him once, and he even named his perfume Xiahtic… Maybe he’s my stalker?? Really, I never even thought of it.

We met again though, after the awkward moment.

I think the man followed me, I met him again at the park a while ago. Great timing, thank god I hadn’t shed a tear, which would be embarrassing. Guess what he said?

‘See, I knew you were following me!’ The heck is that?? (The look on his face was amusing though ^^)

He asked me why I was always there if I was not following him, how should I know? The dance studio is there, I go home by train, I drink around there, how am I supposed to know he was there at the same time? I never even met him before.

WEIRD GUY! WEEEEIIRDD GUYYYY!! And then he asked me to go out with him.


P/S: Yeah, I’m sorry Xiah, I let you down. I never told Yeon Hee. She confessed to Changmin today, when I was held back by the weirdo. Somehow, as sad as it may sound, I don’t feel that heart-broken…



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Chapter 1: kyaaa haha where are you author nim??update soon~~~
Bile nk hapdate ni hakak? Berjanggut nunggu ni. Hahaha! X pe2, take ur time. Gurau saje.
yundbsk #3
Hey! This is the third fiction written by you that I read
And I have to say that you're really a great author
How creative you are!
Can I translate it into Vietnamese please? ><
i hope u'll update it cuz its really interesting story ^^
omomomomo!!! i love this..seriously!!!
please dear author-nim you have to up date the next chapter
reallllyyy soon!!

thank you for your effort and sharing!
hoho, new story? great one! Yoochun... so y lah! bile tgk foreword cam teringat plak kat cerita perfume:the story of murderer. hehe, but it's diff. because there's chunnie :)) Junsu is so cute!!!!!!!!!!! that statement..... somehow I hated it :)
jungyyu #7
chun is weird =.=
so xiah is.... junsu's diary??
hmm.. please update soon^^
emmm interesting...update soon ne ^^
Zao4Peeps #10
Seems interesting so far! Update soon^^