Chapter 7

A Wolf's Journey

They reached Jimin's parents house in the evening, Cory parking behind a truck. "Ah, there's a small warning for you," he said, turning to Chani who had switched with Kisu and was now in the passenger seat while Kisu was in the back seat. "I don't know how they feel about vampires, vegetarian or not, so just stay behind us," he said. Chani nodded. "Sure," he said. "Just be careful with them," said Kisu. "Don't speak unless spoken to," he said. Chani nodded. "Got it," he said.

Cory got out of the jeep and let Kisu out before closing the door with Chani getting out and following them to the front door, staying a few feet behind. "Here goes," said Cory as he rang the doorbell. Jimin's dad came to the door, nodding at Cory and Kisu before noticing Chani. "You brought a friend this time?" He asked. "Ah, he's only with us til he gets to Ithaca," said Cory. "Well come on in then," said Jimin's dad. He moved to let the three of them in. Kisu, Cory and Chani walk inside.

"I'm Sungmin," said Sungmin as he introduced himself to Chani. "Chani," said Chani as he smiled, trying not to show his fangs. "Jimin! Cory is here!" Sungmin called upstairs. Jimin ran downstairs, spotting Cory. "Oh, you brought him along," he said, spitefully. "Leave Kisu be," Cory said with a small growl.

"I'll leave you 4 be then," said Sungmin. "I'm assuming this is the last time you'll be here," he said. "Unfortunately," said Cory. "I see nothing has changed since the last time I was here," he said. "Unfortunately," said Sungmin. "I understand your decision though," he said. "I need to pick up my mate from work," he said before leaving.

"Well, let's get this over with," said Cory as they went to sit in the livingroom. "This is your last chance Jimin," he said as he stared Jimin down. "Why the hell did you refuse to let me go see my parents back then?" He asked. "That's all I wanted to do was go say goodbye," he said. "It took iKon coming after you for me to finally go see them," he said.

"Do you really want to know?" Asked Jimin. "If I didn't, then I wouldn't have bothered coming to see you 4 different times to try and get the answer out of you," said Cory. "Don't say you are jealous or anything, I know this has to do with what happened with Kihyun, who is completely fine by the way," he said.

"He's afraid," Chani said suddenly. "Of what I don't know," he said, crossing his arms. "Maybe because you don't have your other mate yet," said Kisu. "Is that it then?" Asked Cory. "You're afraid of me leaving you if I found my other mate?" He asked, leaning forward. "It would've never been the case," he said. "At least, until now," he said, standing.

"Why is it always about you?" Blurted out Jimin. "Who cares if your parents are gone? Move on and get over it," he said. A snarl ripped through Kisu's chest as he stood. "I knew I should've killed you that day," he spat as he went over to Jimin and pulled him up. "You are so damn lucky to still have parents," he spat. "Even your parents understood what sort of situation Cory was in when we came to see you the first time," he snarled out before shoving Jimin back onto the couch.

"Let me at this idiot," snarled out Jisung as he heard what was going on. "Let me rip him a new one!" He said. "I should've killed him back then," he snarled out. "Even Jisung wants to kill you," Kisu spat before walking away, back to standing beside Cory.

"Such a selfish werewolf," said Chani as he kept his now pitch black eyes hidden by his bangs as he bowed his head slightly. "Even I wouldn't do that to my mate," he said. "Losing contact with family is one thing, but to find out years later that they were dead is another," he said. "Excuse me," he said, standing and walking out the door, zooming away after he was out the door to go hunt and calm down.

"That's that then," said Kisu as he turned to walk away. "Even someone like Chani, who we barely know by the way, is sympathetic with Cory," he said before leaving to calm down.

"You're still a child," Cory said, putting his hands in his pockets. "As such you aren't as exposed to what the rest of us had been through," he said. "No one would really understand what Jeonguk and I have been through, what Kisu, Yoongi, Kihyun, and many others have gone through, but we have people who at least understand and support us," he said. "Don't use this time away from Kihyun and I to delve into your anger, learn from your mistakes for once and grow up," he said. "I'm not rejecting you yet, don't worry about that," he said before leaving the house.

"I'm sorry," said Kisu as he saw Cory come outside. "No worries," said Cory. "Even Chani had fair points there," he said. "Where'd he go?" He asked. "Hunting to calm down," said Kisu as he shrugged. "We should probably let Changkhyun and Jungkook know we're bringing an extra person along for a little bit," he said. "We should shouldn't we," said Cory as he went to grab his phone and check it for any new messages.

"You should've let me kill him back then," grumbled Jisung as he went for a walk to calm down. "Yeah well," mumbled Kisu as he sighed. "We should probably leave now," he said, turning to Cory. "We'll go into town and tell Chani to meet us at a coffee shop or something," he said.

"No need," said Chani as he came back. "I just needed to calm down," he said. "Well, let's go then," said Cory as he got into the jeep. He made sure to text Changkhyun that they were bringing along an extra person as Kisu got into the passenger seat after letting Chani climb into the back. After a bit Cory started the jeep and backed out of the driveway before driving off, continuing towards Changkhyun's pack house.

"They don't know about me do they?" Chani asked suddenly as he played a game on his phone. "We let them know what your name was but we didn't tell them you were a vampire," said Cory. "Who knows what the consequences of that would be," he said.

"Besides, we're there for a couple days only, you sure you can handle that?" Asked Kisu. "The hunting range isn't too big considering Changkhyun's territory is right next to Chanyeol's," he said. "I'll be extra careful," said Chani. "I'm still rather full from Washington so," he said, shrugging. "Alright," said Cory.

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