Chapter 15

A Wolf's Journey

"Explain," said Jaehyun. "Well, to keep a long story short," said Sunggyu as he scratched the back of his head. "Wonpil was with vampires before you guys right? Those scars are definitely made by vampires," he said. Jaehyun nodded. "Well, the vampires who did it are ex-coven members of mine," said Sunggyu. "It would explain why they ran then," said Chani.

"They did what now?" Snarled out Jaehyun as he went up to Sunggyu. "Hey now," said Sunggyu as he took a generous step back. "I didn't do this," he said. "You could've stopped this from happening," said Jaehyun as he glared at Sunggyu. "Jaehyun," said Daniel. "I'm sure they didn't even know it was happening until after the fact," he said. "He's right," said Sunggyu.

"Where are your ex-coven members?" Asked Jaehyun as he took a step back. "I'm not sure," said Sunggyu. "They ran after finding out they were on this list, but I'm pretty sure you can take them off it now since they're no longer a part of my coven," he said. "Gladly," said Jaehyun as he nodded. "Sorry for the little info we have on them but," Sunggyu said, scratching the back of his head. "I'm sure they'll come up eventually," said Jisung.

"Right, now to address the real issue here," said Daniel as he turned to Cory. "Jimin came by the other day looking for you," he said. Cory narrowed his eyes. "I think he knew we were coming here but didn't expect us to stop in Chicago," he said. "He didn't," said Jaehyun. "He expected you to be here when he got here but he said he'd be back," he said. "I don't know what is going through his head right now but he really needs to stop," said Cory.

"This is getting a bit out of hand," said Jaehyun. "Is he trying to start a war between your old pack and mine? If he is it's not working," he said. "We know Hobi, Doyoung and their teams, and they know us," he said. "It's a truce really, since the only city between here and your old territory is Chicago," he said. "Chicago is neutral ground," said Cory. "Everyone goes to it, same with Boston and NYC," he said.

"Our town is purely a 'shifter town," said Jaehyun. "We're not the dogs in Washington because we're not bound here but we did claim Ithaca as our own territory," he said. "I respect that," said Cory. "Same," said Jisung as Kisu hummed in agreement.

"As much as we've intruded on their territory, we're not trying to start a war," said Kisu with Jisung repeating what he said. "I had asked for a ride here," said Chani as he shrugged. "I think I remember telling you about it," he said. "We didn't know who you were with," said Jaehyun. "I just told them you got a ride here," said Mark. "You never specified who you were with," he said. "Well that's where the miscommunication is," said Cory as he scratched the back of his head. "We don't even have a territory, we're nomadic," he said.

"I'm sorry for the miscommunication," said Chani as he sighed. "It's alright," said Jaehyun. "If Chani hadn't asked for a ride here we would've went straight to Boston," said Cory. "If Chani didn't ask for a ride here Jimin would've brought this up to Joshua and his pack," said Jisung. "You know how they are, especially now," he said.

"It's a thin line between us and Joshua it seems," said Cory as he sighed. "He's happy that Hyungwon is back don't get me wrong but," he said, scratching the back of his head. "He feels like it was unfair that something like this happened to Kisu and I," said Jisung.

"For the record, I said I was willing to wait, but since you're not aging anytime soon this is an okay compromise," said Kisu. Jisung hummed in response as he repeated what Kisu said. "I'm technically still a minor, stuck at age 17," he said. "And he's what, 26? Yeah, nothing was going to happen there," he said.

"Right, from what I know werewolves can't be away from each other for too long until they mate right?" Asked Daniel. Jisung nodded. "We did make this work so," he said, shrugging. "As long as he still goes to see Youngjae this works fine," he said. "His pure blood mate I assume?" Asked Jaehyun. Jisung nodded. "It's why we've been able to be away for a good bit," he said. "We did a lot of compromising to keep Jimin from going after Changkhyun's pack," said Cory. "We weren't with his pack originally so," he said, shrugging. 

"So what will happen with Jimin anyway?" Asked Daniel. "We aren't sure," said Cory. "But I plan on rejecting him," he said. "He refuses to listen to reason, and I gave him 4 chances," he said. "Good, I can kill him finally," said Jisung. "I want first dibs," said Sunggyu. "The idiot doesn't deserve to live after what he's done to you," he said.

"Well," said Jaehyun as he let out a sigh. "We have 2 rooms open, Chani you can get your clothes before you decide to make the trip to Canada," he said. "I wanted to stay for Cory," said Chani. "I'll head to Canada afterwards," he said. Jaehyun nodded. "Alright," he said.

Jisung, Cory and Sunggyu were in the same room that night, much to Kisu's amusement. "Cory needs you, and now he needs Sunggyu, ironic isn't it?" Remarked Kisu as he looked up at the buildings that were part of his mind. Jisung snorts, shaking his head. "Yeah yeah," he grumbled. "What'd Kisu say?" Asked Cory. "It's ironic that you need me and now you need Sunggyu," said Jisung. "I'm sorry I am so clingy all the time," Cory said, sighing a bit. "No worries," said Jisung.

"I hope you don't mind having Kisu and Jisung around most of the time," Cory said to Sunggyu. "No issues there," said Sunggyu as he played a game on his phone. "I understand, to some extant," he said. "You're coven leader, and I used to be a pack leader," said Cory. "You led your own pack?" Asked Sunggyu. Cory nodded. "The position of alpha is usually given to the oldest," he said. "I was the oldest so," he said, shrugging. "Mm," said Sunggyu.

"How is a coven leader chosen?" Asked Cory. "It's given to the oldest usually," said Sunggyu. "But sometimes it's passed to the person who performs well as a leader," he said. "Sounds like how wolf packs are run," said Jisung. "It's usually given to the person who can perform as the leader," he said.

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