
Is It You?
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When Jinyoung arrived at his apartment, the last thing he was expecting was smoke coming from his kitchen and the beeping of his fire alarm. Yelping in panic, he quickly took off his shoes and ran down the hallway and straight into Jackson.

The two boys fell over, Jackson wearing oven mitts and Jinyoung's pink apron. Jinyoung quickly got up and grabbed a pot, filling it with water, before dashing it over his stove. He opened the window above the sink and cleared out the smoke, throat clogged and eyes watering from the thick fumes.

As soon as the beeping stopped and the room kitchen was clear, he Jackson.

"What the hell hyung?! You know you're banned from cooking at my place!" he yelled angrily. Jackson stood in the doorway, shuffling his feet side to side and averting his eyes from Jinyoung's face.

"I didn't think the cookies would burn in the oven that easily..." he muttered with a sheepish look on his face.

Jinyoung groaned as he surveyed the mess that had once been his kitchen. Bags of flour, sugar, and salt lay scattered and spilled on the countertop. A pile of bowls was stacked in the sink. And the rack with the poor charred remains of what appeared to be chocolate chip cookies lay smoking on top of the stove. 

He glanced wearily at his hyung. Jackson stared back at him anxiously, biting his lip in nervousness. Was the younger going to explode at him?

Jinyoung shot him a weak smile. "I'm only forgiving you if you help me clean up." Jackson grinned and yelled in triumph.

"Yes! I knew my Jinyoungie wouldn't stay mad at me!" he jumped over to the sink and grabbed two wet rags, tossing one to Jinyoung.

He caught it deftly as he began to clean the stove as Jackson began wiping down the counter.

"So," Jinyoung asked. "What was the occasion?" 

Jackson raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

Jinyoung gestured to the burned cookies as he emptied the tray into the trash, wrinkling his nose as the acrid smell wafter upwards. "You know you at cooking, especially baking. So what was the reason?"

Jinyoung expected something wild, having known Jackson since high school. Did he forget an anniversary? But I don't think he's in a relationship right now. Was it a homemade surprise for visiting relatives? But he said his parents weren't coming until next summer. 

What he was not expecting was for Jackson's cheeks to flush a bright red.

Jinyoung stared. "Jackson?"

The normally loud and energetic boy was unusually quiet and subdued as he continued putting away the ingredients silently.

Jinyoung smirked evilly.

"Ohhhhh, I see," he teased. Jackson glared at him as he grabbed the mop and began to clean the floor.

Jinyoung was undeterred by his I-will-murder-you gaze. "Want to tell me who?" he asked as he rolled up his sleeves and started doing the dishes.

Jackson turned around so his back was to Jinyoung, but he could still see the blush creeping up the Hong Kong native's neck when he turned over his shoulder.

"I don't know their name."

Jinyoung scrunched up his face in confusion.

"How is that possible?"

"I didn't talk to them."

Jackson's response was muttered, but Jinyoung still heard it over the sound of running water. Turning off the faucet, he wiped his hands on a towel as he turned to his friend.

"Love at first sight?" he giggled.

Jackson rolled his eyes before putting the mop away and seating himself at the counter. "No, I'm not some romantic airhead like you." He laughed at Jinyoung's scowl before a gentle smile crept onto his face.

"But he got my attention."

Jinyoung raised a brow at that. It wasn't every day that Jackson Wang, self-proclaimed 'wild and y' playboy of JYP University, was star-struck with someone.

He made his way over to the older and pat his back. "Well, whoever this person is, they sound like a real charmer to have hooked someone like you so quickly. I mean, you were even trying to bake for them!"

Jackson lowered his head in embarrassment. "He's a new student in one of my elective courses, so I thought it'd make a cute welcome gift since he said he likes sweets."

Jinyoung was puzzled as he sat next to his friend. "Wait, I thought you said you haven't talked to the guy yet."

Jackson buried his face in his arms, but Jinyoung could see the flush creeping up his neck.

"I may have overheard him talking to one of his friends in the hallway," he mumbled, the reply muffled in the sleeves of his sweater.

Nonetheless, it was loud enough for Jinyoung to hear. He laughed loudly, seeing his usually confident friend being reduced to a love-struck fool.

He leaned closer to Jackson's ear. "So basically, you were a stalker?" Jackson whipped his head up, offended.

"I was not stalking!" he defended, grumpy at the accusation. He scowled at Jinyoung who was trying to stifle his giggles with his hand. "I was doing research."

Jinyoung snorted in disbelief. "Yeah, sure, research," he put quotes around the last word, earning a playful smack on his back.

He stood up and stretched before grabbing his laptop from his bag and sitting on the couch. "You said he's a new student though?" he asked as he opened up his paper.

"Yeah. Or, at least I think he is. I've never seen him around here, that's for sure."

Jinyoung looked up. "It's a he?"

Jackson nodded.

"Wow." Jinyoung's attention returned to his screen.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jackson asked indignantly. "The last person to have a problem with that should be you."

"That's not what I was implying," sighed Jinyoung, tired of his friend's drama. "It's just been, what, how long since you last were interested in a guy?"

"Oh. That is true," Jackson mused. Over the years he had had quite a few relationships, mostly with girls. While he was biual, the last time he'd had romantic ties with a dude was nearly two years ago. He frowned. "Do you think I should practice?"


Jinyoung was too focused on his paper to notice the older until he threw himself on the couch, effectively smothering Jinyoung.

"Hyung!" Jinyoung protested. "Careful, you're going to make me drop my laptop!"

"Pay attention to me ~ " whined Jackson as he rolled around on the cushions. "I asked if I should get some experience before approaching him."

Jinyoung huffed in annoyance, pushing the elder off of him. "Maybe? I mean girls are different from guys."

Jackson paused. "Good point."

For a moment, all that was heard was the sound of Jinyoung's fingers typing on his keyboard.

"Can I practice with you?"


Jinyoung responded without missing a beat or looking up from his screen, much to the chagrin of the other.

"Then who?!"

Jinyoung shrugged. "I don't know, Yugyeom?"

Jackson made a face. "He's too ... fetus. Plus, he'd tease me to no end, like the sadistic maknae he is." Jinyoung hummed in agreement, remembering the cheeky boy's jokes at the library.

Jackson put his face into a pillow. Jinyoung refrained from poking fun and patted him on the back. It was rare that his friend was this invested in someone, especially a person he'd never spoken to. While he did love teasing his friends, Jinyoung knew when to be serious and provide support.

"Hey, don't worry about it," he assured gently. "You'll be fine. I mean, you're the great Jackson Wang. No one is immune to your charms."

Jackson lifted his head slightly. "Even you?"

"Okay, except for me, no one is immune to your charms."

Jackson grinned, before putting the younger in a headlock. Jinyoung yelled in protest as the elder ruffled his hair. "Thanks, Jinyougnie. You always know how to make me feel better."

Slipping out from underneath his arm, Jinyoung rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Love you too."

He hoped that re could return to his paper, but he was too naive to think that he could actually get work done with Jackson in his apartment.

"So what's this I hear about the not new transfer students?"

Jinyoung groaned. Sometimes, I really just wish I could zip his mouth closed.

Yet he still closed his laptop and placed it on the coffee table. It's not like I'm going to get anything done tonight anyway.

He relaxed on the couch, knee-to-knee with Jackson. "Did Yugyeom tell you?"

Jackson shrugged. "No, but it's been exploding on the campus forum. They must be a pretty big deal if people are talking about them before most classes have even officially started."

"You know I don't follow that kind of stuff, hyung." Jackson rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, we all know that you have your nose stuck in a book and your head up in the close." He yelped as Jinyoung kicked his shin lightly.

Rubbing it, he continued. "Apparently they're two foreign exchange students. One of them is a third-year and the other is a first-year."

Jinyoung furrowed his brow. "But Yugyeom said there were four new students."

The elder nodded, taking off his cap and adjusting the pillow under his head. "The other two are just transfers from other colleges. There wasn't much about one, but the other is in the Performing Arts Department for Dance."


"B-boying," Jackson confirmed. Jinyoung's heart beat a little faster as a certain memory flashed through his mind. Just like him...

As quickly as the thought came, though, he shook his head to disperse it. It's been six years, Jinyoung. Stop looking back.

He played lightly with the fringe of the tablecloth before recalling his earlier meeting with Youngjae.

"Oh! Speaking of the new students, I met one of them today."

Jackson shot up. "Wait, really? And you didn't tell me until now?" He hit Jinyoung with a cushion. "Some friend you are!"

Jinyoung raised his arms to defend himself. "I forgot, okay? Maybe if I hadn't come home to someone nearly burning down my kitchen I would've remembered!"

Jackson had the decency to look a bit ashamed but still sat straight, eager eyes set on Jinyoung. "Okay, okay, but enough of that! I want details! Was he hot? Was it one of the foreigners? Did you get his number?"

"Woah there." Jinyoung raised his hands to press his friend back, who had leaned forward with every question until he was practically squashing the younger.

"His name is Choi Youngjae and he's a second-year transfer from Mokpo College. He's a Literature major, like me. I would say he's more cute than hot; he resembles an otter. And no, I didn't get his number, now that I think about it, but we'll probably have some classes together. We're eating lunch tomorrow anyways, so I can get it then."

Jackson squealed. "It's a date!" Jinyoung rolled his eyes.

"It's not a date. He's not my type."

"Sorry, I forgot." Jackson waggled his eyebrows at the younger. "You like your men older, right Jinyoungie?" 

Jinyoung felt his face flush red as he punched Jackson's leg. "Yah!"

Laughing, Jackson held his hands up in surrender before standing up from the couch, stretching his arms over his head. "I kid, I kid."

Jinyoung stood up too, yawning as he did so. 

Seeing the younger's tired face, Jackson grabbed his bag and headed for the door. "I guess I should go. Don't want to disrupt my poor puppy's beauty sleep."

Jinyoung chuckled. "Too late for that. I'm going to have to stay up to at least get some progress done on my paper."

Jackson lifted his head up as he slid on his shoes. "What's it on?"

Jinyoung sighed. 

"It's actually a fictional story assignment, but I'm hoping if I call it a paper I'll actually be able to do well on it. I love reading stories, but coming up with one on my own, that's a whole other task right there."

Standing up, Jackson patted his friend's shoulder. "Don't worry; if anyone can write, it's you. I'm pretty sure you've read almost all the books at the university library. You have plenty of experience."

Jinyoung smiled. "Yeah, I guess. Well, take care," he said as he bid the other goodbye.

Just as Jackson was about to close the door, he turned and gave Jinyoung a cheeky grin. 

"Maybe write it about your Prince Charming?"

Jinyoung's face burned as he remembered Yugyeom's teasing earlier today.


Said boy cackled as he just managed to flee just before a sneaker hit the door.







The next day, Jinyoung woke up feeling groggy and disoriented. He'd stayed up until two in the morning trying to get started on his story but to no avail. His characters were bland, the conflict cliché, and the overall plot was so trite it made him cringe. He'd ended up going to bed with a blank page, having deleted his prior work in the library. 

At least the professor gave us the entire semester to complete it. 

As he slid out of bed and headed to the bathroom, he couldn't help but regret his decision to sign up for an Economics lecture at 8 am in the morning. His classes had already started two weeks before most students because the specialized English courses he was taking required lengthier hours, but that didn't mean he enjoyed waking up at an ungodly hour.

Still, he thought as he brushed his teeth, I need to fulfill my credits. 

As he entered campus fifteen minutes later, the sudden influx of the student body population woke him up. Jinyoung jostled through large clumps of nervous-looking freshmen, cliques of overconfident sophomores, wandering and slouching exhausted juniors (like himself), and groups of carefree seniors.

He regretted not grabbing a coffee earlier that morning, but after seeing the line extend out the door, he'd decided to pass and just hurry to his class. Squeezing past people he managed a breath of relief when he saw that the inside of the Social Science wing was not nearly as crowded as the quad.

I'd forgotten how many people were at this school. He grimaced as he passed a group of screaming girls that were clearly reuniting since last year. I miss when it was quiet.

Jinyoung sighed in relief when he found the room number. Opening the door, he entered the large lecture hall and made his way down the stairs to grab a good seat. He still had ten minutes until class started, so there weren't many people in the room besides himself. Sliding into a chair, he took out his laptop and book. Rifling through the pages, he found where he had left off since last night.




Soohyeon was convinced that it was nothing.

Fate seemed to agree; since their meeting in the libra

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Chapter 4: Aaaah what an ending!
well not the ending, but yeah.
I’m curious with what will happen between markjin, since Jinyoung is a hopeless romantic (even if he says he doesn’t lol) and the fact that Mark is the rich american boy ^^
Chapter 3: Main pairing?
eeeeuuuunnnn #3
Chapter 3: Amazing strory.... cant wait for the update
BEAUTIFUL ~ㅠㅠㅠㅠ *good*