Chapter 5: The Maiden at Midnight

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                                                                                                                       ~Chapter 5~


After Hanako was mostly dragged to the buffet table by Akira and a couple of the other kids, she amusedly watched as Usagi was asked by a couple of the young gentleman for a dance. Hanako was the most elated to see that after awhile Usagi was having a phenomenal time even without thinking of the prince. It seemed everyone was either occupied with the delicious treats sorted out on the table or were dancing having the time of their life but Hanako wasn't much of a dancer and thought it was best to watch the young ones. 


When the waltz had ended, everyone started clapping for the orchestra's performance. Before they continued to play their next piece, Hanako goes over to Asako to tell her that she needed to go out and get some fresh air. Asako mindlessly nods looking like she was out of it. Hanako looked a bit worried wondering if she should stay and see if she was ok but Asako waves her off so that Hanako could go. 


As Hanako walked through the crowded ballroom, she doesn't notice she was passing by Prince Suho who was dancing with his fiance. Mostly because of all the guests blocking her view from them seeing each other.


She was finally out of the ballroom feeling a bit glad she can settle in the quiet. It was her first ball and she needed a break away from all the fun. A simple walk around the palace would do her some good until her eyes catch a beautiful garden outside. She comes out and breathes in the fresh air before admiring the palace garden. Enough time had already passed for Hanako to start heading back but she couldn't help exploring the royal gardens further. 


She was sure and afraid that some of the palace guards would catch her wandering around somewhere she wasn't supposed to be but when was she ever going to have the chance to lay her eyes on the royal familie's magnificent garden. Hanako ventured even further through the gardens when she finds a  secluded garden with a field of flower beds. 


There were even butterflies dancing in the moonlight and taking pleasure in these little secret garden. Hanako gently kneels and grabs a couple of the flowers in her hands to smell it's flowery scent. There was just something about the palace's flowers that smelled way different from the ones in her shop which wasn't a bad thing. 


After she had relaxed a bit she knew the others would start worrying where she was but couldn't leave just yet. Suddenly, someone or something rolls right into the gardens giving Hanako a fright. The mysterious person groaned from the fall before they get up and murmur something indecipherable. 


Hanako scoots a bit closer to take a look at the person just as his eyes look up and meet hers. Her eyes widen not expecting to make eye contact with him while the stranger mirrored her exact expression before looking totally mesmorized. She felt her heart racing with fear wondering if this man was a palace guard and if he was she knew she would be in a lot of trouble. She could get punished for this or worst be sent to the dungeon for such a crime. Just the cruel thought of never seeing her family at Sunny Manor made her heart break. Oh why did she have to stupidly wander around these gardens when she should've gone back to ball. 


Meanwhile, Prince Kai hadn't taken note of her fear stricken face since he was utterly captivated with the girl's beautiful eyes and ethereal beauty in this wonderful moonlit night. He almost thought she was a hallucination, a figment of his imagination from hitting his head too hard. This may have been the first time Prince Kai had ever felt his heart racing at the sight of this beautiful girl. 


Of course beauty wasn't everything to him. He was interested in a girl who was intelligent, strong and kind but it was hard for him to find the right type of girl without one swooning at his feet because of his princely status or charms. This may have been the first time ever he's seen a woman look at him like she was his worst nightmare. 


Before Prince Kai could get a word out, Hanako leaped up to her feet startled and jumpy afraid he was about to do something. Kai realizes she's terrified and becomes more cautious around the girl not wanting to scare her even further. 


"It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you." he gently spoke trying to come closer to her.


Hanako felt herself shaking and couldn't even muster a sentence. "A-am I in trouble?"


He stopped in his tracks looking confused. "I beg your pardon?"


"I knew there was going to be a guard that would find me here. Sir I know I'm not supposed to be out here so before you take me to their royal highnesses for my punishment, can you tell my family that I'm sorry I couldn't stay away from the gardens?" 


It was silent for a moment before Prince Kai covered his mouth to stop him from chuckling out loud. He wanted to apologize for seeming so rude to the poor girl but she actually took him as one of the palace guards. Now he was very curious as to what her reaction would look like if she knew that he was the crowned prince of Zerari.


"You're that a good thing?"


"Yes forgive me it's just I'm not a palace guard I'm actually-"


"Kai! Are you here?" 


Both of their heads perked at other voices. Hanako didn't recognize them but Kai goraned at Prince Baekhyun and Chanyeol's bad timing. He could hear them getting closer to where they were and looked back to see the girl begin to panick thinking they might be more guards coming. So out of impulse he immediately exits the little garden and runs into Baekhyun and Chanyeol. 


They looked so relieved that they had found him while Kai was more relieved that he could stop them from getting any closer to the garden where the girl was.


"Hey guys what are you doing here?" Kai innocently questioned.


"Where have you been? Everyone was worried when we couldn't find you in the ballroom." 


"Plus your fiance kept nagging us to go find you."  


Prince Kai had totally forgotten about his fiance, the one person he was tryin to get away from tonight. The mere thought of having to go back and dance with her the whole night made him shudder. 


"What were you even doing out here in the gardens anyways?" Baekhyun asked curiously while Kai also remembered the main reason why he was out here. He had totally lost sight of that wretched king but things were a bit too early to assume and point fingers. So it was a safe option to just watch his every move. From there he would need to tell the others of his suspicions. 


"Um I just needed to get a fresh breath of air and just wanted to stroll around and view the beautiful flowers here."


"Well I wouldn't blame you, I spend my time here than back there with my fiance. Yeesh talk about your worst nightmare with a big pink bow." 


"Chanyeol hearing you say that is no suprise. Now come on let's go back before we all get in trouble for being gone for so long." 


While Prince Kai started walking back, he couldn't help but secretly peek back hoping the girl was ok and maybe if he was lucky enough be able to run into her again in the ball. Maybe this time he'll catch her name and she'll know his.


Meanwhile, Hanako had hidden behind one of the garden walls carefully listening for anymore voices. For a few moments it was utterly quiet so she steps out and takes one look around before sighing with relief. "Ah you could've gotten in serious trouble there Hanako. I should head back before any more guards find me." 


Back at the ball, everyone was having a joyous time. Again I meant for the guests, the prince's couldn't catch a break with their fiances as they were stuck with them ever since the beginning of this wretched night had began. Some were enduring it more than others while others looked about ready to explode.


"So tell me my Kyungie, what do you like to do in your free time?"


Prince Kyungsoo's ears perked up in utter disgust at the odd and peculiar nickname his fiance made up. "I'm sorry but what did you just call me?"


"Kyungie! You don't like it? Hm maybe I should name you something cuter to match with your cute and tiny height like dwarfy."


"Excuse me-"


Before Kyungsoo could blow up, Prince Suho jumps in at the nick of tim to save Kyungsoo from giving the princess one hellish nightmare. "Your highness, I think prince Kyungsoo is just not used to being named something so endearing. He was just taken by surprised by such a nickname right Prince Kyungsoo?"


In Suho's eyes he was mentally telling Kyungsoo to bear with it while Kyungsoo rolled his eyes back and scoffed not entirely agreeing but going along wit it. 


"Well I'm still waiting on my nickname Kyungie?"


"Oh I have a few names in mind right now as a matter of fact-"


"Oh wow would you look at that?! They are starting to serve the desserts. Prince Kyungsoo why don't you take the princess over to our wide selection of sweet delectables. I'm sure she love whatever you chose for her."


Instead of Prince Kyungsoo leading his fiance down to the desserts he gets dragged by her little talons holding in the pent up rage that is turmoiling inside of him. Suho felt sorry for the poor boy since he wasn't an expert on trying to be romantic and gentlemanly especially towards a woman who was mostly unbearable. 


But Suho shouldn't talk. This whole night he had been acting dull towards his fiance. He had felt no kinetic spark or had any motivation to try and at least be a bit romantic to charm the princess. Maybe it was the lingering thought of him wishing to see Hanako here but he knew that she didn't favor going to fancy balls like this and was probably watching the fireworks celebration from whereever she was. 


Suddenly his eyes catch familiar locks of

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743 streak #1
Chapter 10: I loved this chapter, but I did shed a tear for Asako. I was hoping against hope that she could somehow be cured. At least we had the interaction between the Princes for some comic relief.

The ‘date’ that Lay had with Hanako was so beautiful, I can just imagine the two viewing the stars. I can’t wait for everyone’s reaction to Hanako and the kids turning up at the castle. Too funny, since Hanako is their secret.

Thank you so much for the wonderful long chapter.💗
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update. I love the moment stargazing between Lay and Hanako and also when Kyungsoo comforted her. I hope Hanako and the Sunny Manor kids adapt well in the palace and are treated well. I wonder what the Prince’s reactions will be like when they find out Hanako is living with them.
Chapter 9: Update soon please
Update soon
Chapter 9: I'm excited on how this story will end. I love this so much, I even have the copy in my library list on Watty.
743 streak #6
Chapter 9: I enjoyed this update, especially as Hanako got the chance to interact with two of the princes. I was sorry to see her sell the shop but maybe some good will come if it. The face that she also got to wish on the stars with Lay was very significant, as their wishes will come true.