Birthday Surprise

Elevator Girl

"Waaaaaaah" was the sound Seulgi made stretching her body from waking up from a good night sleep. She makes way to her kitchen walking slowly with a loud stomach to find out that she had no more food and that the time was 1:37 pm.

"Aigoo. No wonder why I'm hungry." She takes her time getting dressed and making herself look presentable to others. And by which presentable to her is ripped jeans and a white shirt because she feels as if those were enough. Why people always seem to undress or overdress themselves for others always seems to keep her confused. So as she enters the elevator she meets one of the best people she knows wearing his school uniform.

"Jisung-ah, how are you? Haven't seen you in awhile. How's school? How's your brother?." She says with a smile on her face.

"Good afternoon Seulgi-noona. Ahh and dont ask so many questions at once." Jisung replies sounding tired.

Park Jisung is a 16 yr old boy who lives with his older brother Taeyong. They were able to meet due to Taeyong motherly side for his brother when he saw Jisung talking to Seulgi thinking that Seulgi was hitting on his younger brother. But Jisung was actually asking for directions. Weird right? But Taeyong's just overprotective, you get used to it, Jisung got used to it. The brothers live 3 floor below Seulgi and occasionally ask her to come over for food, hanging out to watch movies, buy supplies, or tutoring for Jisung. But overall they're good friends.

"So many questions? Those were just 3 measly questions and they're not so hard to answer. Ahh maybe Jisung needs to go back to gradeschool for simple math. And why are leaving for school this late?" Seulgi teases patting his head. 

"That's 4 questions already (see I don't need simple math he thinks to himself)." He takes a big deep breath "I'mdoingfineasyoucanseeIgrewtaller, school'sgreatandI'manhonorstudent, Taeyongalreadyleftforwork. (Gasp) And my school today starts at 3 in the afternoon. " Jisung says quickly hoping that Seulgi couldn't understand him only stopping to breath for a second, making the last sentence clear so she'd know that he is not skipping class or anything.

"Jisung-ah Noona wasn't able to understand any of that could  you repeat?"

"No, you're just getting old that's why you can't hear." with a grin in his face while fixing his hair.

"Oyyy 23 years old is not old!! Respect your elder. "

"See elder, you're old..... neh neh Seulgi-noona....guess what day it is?"

"'s February 5, a Saturday........why?" She couldn't understand why he would ask the day, was today important? Is there something up today? A sale? A concert? Omo maybe it's pay rent day!?

"Noona you're the worst....." Jisung replies with a sad expression but before she could ask more the elavator doors open up with a Jisung running quickly to the exit doors. Leaving a confused Seulgi behind.



Taking a taxi to the supermarket saved her alot of time and gave her a chance to spot a man with redish and pinkish hair paying his groceries. Today she thinks is a day she'll spend time with these brothers considering she already met them both in a span of 45 mins. She immediately walks up to him and covers his eyes.

"Guess your favorite noona?" As she whipsers quietly hoping that it'll change her voice.

"Irene noona?" The 22 yr old says quite quickly

"Hehhh whoo??!!"

He takes of her hands and grins at the older girl. Smiling down upon her as he was taller than her and the girl was tiptoeing by a bit just to cover his eyes.

"Afternoon Seulgi-noona, what's my second favorite noona doing here?" Implying on the second part because he knew that it would make her curious and angry.

"Second favorite? What second favorite? Shouldn't I be first?" Hitting him lightly arguing back because she knows that Taeyong doesn't know alot of older women or women in general due to his saying 'I have no time for women. I have to provide my time to Jisung and I.' So if he did know someone she'd know. Why? Because as she already stated they're friends, good and close ones. His friends are my friends and vice-versa.

But a grumble was heard from a certain person's stomach.


"Noona you didn't eat lunch or breakfast have you." He says with a smirk on his lips. "Let's go back to the suite and I'll cook something for you and don't worry I'm on my lunch break."

​​And they both leave the supermarket with alot of grocery bags because Seulgi remembered that she too has to restock her food when they were just about to leave the parking lot. Which makes then leave 10 mins later.


After how many minutes of cooking food and the very little minutes spent to eat it (Seulgi was hungry and when she was she'll eat quick). She was able to ask him.

​​​​​​"Do you know what day it is today?"

​​​​​​"Hmmmm it's Feb 5 today and a saturday." He replies as if that was the simplest answer to give.

​​​​"See, that's what I replied to Jisung awhile back and he looked quite disappointed when he heard my answer."

​​​​​​"Ahh noona you slow bear. It's his birthday today. Did you already forget that after spending 3 yrs of it with him?" And with that Seulgi stopped whatever she was doing.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! It's his birthday??? Wah I'm really the worst noona! I need to buy him a gift." She states hurried as she leaves his room and leaves with a quick goodbye and thank you.

"See this is why you're my second favorite noona!!" He says loudly hopefully she heard him but with the quiet response he got, she didn't hear.

Taeyong thinks to himself 'To think, Irene-noona remembered Jisung's birthday when she only arrived a month ago.'



*Ring* *Ring* *Beep*

"Oh hello Seulgi-yah, why are you calling when you're supposed to spending the day hibernating?"

"Hello to" ah "You too" hehh. So tired, running to the mall was a bad idea. She was gasping for oxygen.

"Hahaha you sound tired" Wendy laughs over the phone.

"I am. And I need to ask you what do teenage boys like these days? I need to give a gift to someone and it's very important or else my friendship with him is over." Seulgi knew she shouldn't have exaggerated but she had to to make Wendy answer quickly. 

"Ahhh I didn't know you like younger boys Seulgi, didn't know you were that type of girl. Now I have to cancel your blind date." Wendy says with a sigh.

"First of all I am not like that, second it's for my friend's younger brother's birthday. And lastly, you were setting me up in a blind date?!?"

"Haha, I'm just kidding you. Anyways I'd recommend giving him a video game, a sport equipment like a basketball or something, or clothes."

"Do you think he'll like an album instead?" She says as soon as she enters a music store which was on sale.

"Sure, find what he's musically intersted in." After chatting for a few hours and picking which album to buy they both decided on NCT Dream's mini album (which was cheaper among the other full albums with like 12 songs) and they ended the call.

Checking the time on her phone it was 5:21. Wow, who knew that picking a gift would take long, Seulgi made sure to buy Jisung's favorite chips "Honey Buddha Chips". And made her way back to the building.



She entered the building greeting anyone who was present and made her way to the elavator. Singing to herself


"Haru Iteol mirwotteon bucket list deo neutgi jeone feel again."

"You have a nice voice."

"Ahhh. Don't scare me." Seulgi claims while turning with her hand on her chest to the other direction to which where the same pink sweater ponytail girl stood.

"It's your" ~yawn~ "fault for not observing your surroundings. And the elevator is pretty small, I'm amazed you didn't notice me." The girl responds.

"Sorry" she bows her head 90 degrees. "I just have a very bad attention span and I promise you that you are worth noticing."

"Mhm ok. But if you fail to notice me again you're buying me milk." The girl smiles lightly...wait smiles!! Her smile, omo, it was innocent, small, sweet, and Seulgi promised to the lord that she'd protect it. Wait why would she think this it's just a smile? But her brain decides that her smile was so beautiful that it could cure anything or even stop wars. 'Stop exaggerating'.

"Okay then, what milk do you like?" Seulgi says hoping to keeep the conversation going but mostly wanting to keep the smile on her face.

"..." her smile drops instantly

'Ahhh no what did I do' seulgi thinks

"You asked what milk I liked which means you do plan on not noticing me." She says sadly. And upon hearing that and realizing her mistake Seulgi tries to turn the conversation around.

"Not that I want to not notice it's just that so when I want to meet up with you and hang out or yeah. Uhhhh never mind don't tell me I don't need to know... I did promise that you worth noticing."

".... you're a dumb bear." The girl mutters to herself.

"What did you say?"

"You're not going to the 18th floor? But the 15th?"

"Oh yeah, I'm visiting a friend in that floor, it's his birthday but I forgot and didn't notice and it made hime upset so I'm making it up to him."

"I can tell why, you really don't tend to notice."

"Ahhh please let that go, I'm sorry it won't happen again." Seulgu steps forward to the girl to let her know she's truly sorry but then the elavator opened to the 15th floor and Seulgi had to go out. And as the door closes she heard a clear voice, not soft, not like a whisper, but the same clear voice she heard the last time she met this girl and parted ways.

"You're forgiven, you bear."


The door closes. While Seulgi stares at it still she thinks that she really need to step up her game to be friends with this girl and decided that she'd be the one to win the game and plans on finding out tomorrow. Not tonight because she'll focus on a certain Jisung who's probably still angry at her.



*knock*  *knock*

The door opens to see Taeyong with a smile. "Knew you'd come."

She enters the room which was now filled with birthday decorations, balloons, confetti, lots of food, and 2 cakes. No Jisung around though.

"He's on his way back, his friends had a suprise birthday for him." Taeyong smiles to himself with the thought that his brother is happy with lots of friends. "I would say he'll be her in exactly 12 seconds." He moves to light the candles of one came and signals Seulgi to turn off the lights. 

"Why would you think that though." Following the orders of her friend.

"He has curfew at 6, he plans everything to make sure he gets time to spend with his friends and still make in time for his curfew. He's a smart kid."





The door unlocks revealing Jisung in his uniform with a paper crown on his head and lots of gifts around his arms. "Taeyong-hyung I'm home"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Taeyong and Seulgi shouts with smiles on their faces.

"Whoahh" Jisung states as he accidentally drops everything on his hands and stares at them. Taeyong stands infront of him urging him to make a wish whike Seulgi gets a bit of whipcream and puts it in his nose and cheek. Jisung had tears coming out of his eyes, 'this happens every year why do I keep crying?' He thinks.

He blows at the candles hugs his brother and awkwardly hugs Seulgi. "Thank you noona, I didn't mean what I said. You're the best noona for me."

They sing songs, play games, and eat lots. Jisung doesn't forget to thank Seulgi for the chips; and they open gifts. Jisung mentions that his friends suprised him this year and they had so much fun, Taeyong pretends as if he was suprised and asks his brother about what happened. They were talking about hiw Jisung went to the arcade and dokaraoke but Seulgi's thoughts were on the elevator girl, and how she'd like to know her more even though she barely talks to her but the way she interacts with Seulgi made her intersting.



"You said I'm your favorite noona but Taeyong's favorite isn't me." She glares at the older brother. 

"Mhmm yeah Taeyong made friends with this nice lady whose older than him. But she's really nice she makes us borrow her video games and she baked me this cake. She even greeted me first then you." Jisung says with his mouth full.

"Ahh don't eat with your mouth full" Taeyong gets a napkin and quickly wipes of the mess on Jisung's mouth. "Sorry Seulgi, she seems to be a better noona than you for me even though we only known her for so little. She helps Jisung in his studies when you're away."

"How long have you known her?" Seulgi says curiously wondering if this is the same girl she's thinking about.

"A month."

Oh dang it's her, I get to know her name and I'll win the game. But most of all she'll be able to talk to her normally, having conversations when you don't know the person's name is sad in her opinion.

"What's her name?"



"Bae Irene, why?"



"Oh nothing just wondering how a month staying girl gets to be your favorite noona compared to me a 3 yr friend." She says kicking Taeyong in his foot. And after she's done she gathers her things and heads for the door.

"Well I have to go it's late. Thank you for letting me stay. Happy birthday Jisung!"

"Bye and thank you Seulgi-noona!" Jisung says waving a goodbye. 

She rushes to the elavator excited and presses the 34th floor, Bae Irene, such a nice name perfectly fit for her, and she couldn't wait until she could call her by name until realization hits her like a ton bricks 'I don't know her room number' as much as she'd love to win she doesn't dare to knock on every door in that floor just to find her. All lost in thought.






......sigh? Seulgi turns around quickly to see who caused the sound and there. There. Stood the girl she wanted to see but before she could say anything the girl beats her to it.

"You owe me milk, Kang Seulgi." ~yawn~ A smile plastered on her face afterwards. But her eyes didn't match her smile, Seulgi was confused. Her eyes showed no happiness.

Silence took over the space. Seulgi couldn't find the words to start and neither did Irene have to words to lighten the mood. The familiar sound of the door both caught their attention as it now was in the 34th floor. Irene steps out first, Seulgi doesn't know whether or not to stay or follow her.

"I win the game....; however, you forgot to notice me...again."

And guilt stung in her chest as Irene walks away before looking over her shoulder to meet Seulgi in the eyes before she continues walking. She finally saw the emotion in Irene's eyes. It was sad, Seulgi once again forgot to notice her presence. Seulgi even promisd her twice that her presence was worth her notice, stupid Seulgi. Now she had to make it up to her, Seulgi thought, she would have to follow her to her room.

Irene stops at the door turns her head to Seulgi and tell hers goodnight. But before she could open her door or even touch the doorknob, hands held her from grasping the metal sphere. Irene could feel heat and warmth in her hands and she looked up to see Seulgi with a sad expression. 'Ah, I didn't mean to make her sad' Irene thinks. 

"I'm so terribly sorry for not noticing you again. Please forgive me, I was just excited because I finally got to know your name and I couldn't wait to tell you and win the game. I'll make it up to you I promise, tomorrow morning at 8:00. I'll bring you somewhere, to the mall wherever you like, I'll buy you your milk and I'll treat you out for lunch."

Seulgi didn't mean to sound desperate but she really wanted Irene to know that she was truly sorry.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow morning Seulgi."

"Yes tomorrow. See you then Irene." A smile on Seulgi's face could not be hidden. For one, she has the chance to redeem herself and be a better person, and second she got to hangout with her. Seulgi leaves and heads to the elavator remembering the room number and the meet up tomorrow. 

Seulgi leaves so quickly that she wasn't able to see the smile on Irene's face. A small but genuine smile.








Waaaah im sorry if you were expecting more. I was supposed to make the chapter about then finding out each others name but I remembered its Jisung's birthday and wanted to put him in the story. Sorry for grammatical and spelling errors.

Yeri and Joy will come out in the story really late forgive me.


Irene: 26


Wendy: 23

Joy: 21


Taeyong: 22

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Happy second anniversary to this story! Thank you so much for those who read and are still reading. It's amazing how much we've grown, 70+ upvotes 830+ subscribers 22k+ views. I love you all so much, thank you for your support! <3


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Chapter 33: waiting for your update author-nim :((
cupcaketree123 #2
Chapter 33: Wtf, joohyun‘s father is ed up on a whole nother level. Like the heck is his problem? You don‘t follow what i‘m saying? Then i don‘t need you anymore. Like the heck?! Hopefully joohyun will find the truth out about her father. Man, i‘ve always been a seulrene shipper but joy is just really...idk, i just really like her and i feel so sorry for her, how everything went for her too i mean
Wtf I’m starting to think that mr bae has a manipulative tendency or something. It’s like he is making overly happy face to manipulate joohyun’s decision, even now
Chapter 33: BRO FREAKING MR. BAE!! I knew he caused it
MaxTheCatnip #5
Chapter 33: WTF???
20 streak #6
Chapter 33: This escalated quickly..
cupcaketree123 #7
Chapter 32: Wtf is wrong with her dad. He must be insane!! Anyways, after reading this, i‘m starting to ship joyrene a bit more. Ahh sorry to seulgi but joy seems like such a sweetheart. Smt mustbe wrong about her family but she seems like a genuinely good person. And their friendship with yeri too is so heartwarming. I can‘t wait to see what else happened in the flashback.
Ohh and about the concert, damn i saw so many pictures and videos. I believe they performed bing bing too but it would‘ve been great to hear ladies night and ELHL live! Nevertheless, i‘m happy about all the solo performances (bae joohyun was on fire!!) and kingdom come, be natural, automatic and all. The outfits were better this time too :)
Chapter 31: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1322218/31'>LDR</a></span>
I was lost for a moment there. (Am I on another fic?)

That prick. I thought he was nice. Well, that was too good to be true. WAIT i think i am confusing this with another fic. Oh gosh.

Edit: No this is that fic where they visited Joohyun's home and saw a ghost on video. Welp. Still, he's a prick. Hopefully we get what really happened soon.

Thanks for the update!!!
Chapter 31: thnaks for the updateee. I really like this story