Part 4 - 2:34

Sweet Smiles and Liquor

Although he had given Jinki his, Jinki had yet to call or text, so he still did not have his number. He sighed, wiping another cup dry before placing it back on its shelf. Was this Jinki's way of saying he didn't really want to see Minho again?
By now he knew exactly which days to expect Jinki at the bar. Yesterday had been one of them, but he had been a no show. Today should be another, but he was already running late. His mind battled between being sad over how short their relationship seems to have been and being worried about Jinki. What if he wasn't coming in because something happened to him, and it had absolutely nothing to do with Minho or relationships? His ego almost felt bruised there for a moment, but he pushed it aside in favour of once again thinking over the possibility that something had happened to his one time date that was preventing him from contacting Minho.
After he had finished closing the bar, which had felt uncannily lonely, Minho decided to attempt finding Jinki's work place. How many free clinics could there be in Itaewon?

The answer was one.

Finding the clinic was far from a hard task. After asking only a few people, Minho found himself in a narrow street at the entrance of a narrow building with a small sign above the door, announcing the shabby looking building as a "Clinic".
Taking a few calming breaths, Minho worked up the nerve to enter the building. It was late, so there was a good possibility of Jinki not even being there. He opened the door into a narrow dimly lit corridor, two doors to each side of it and a set of double ones with frosted glass windows at the end of the short expanse.
He opted for the lit room on the other side of the double doors, feeling it was his safest bet at this hour. Pushing through the opening he was greeted with the sight of frenzied movement and a wave of antiseptic assaulted his nose. Gaining his bearings, he glanced around the room, taking in the chairs and sofas to his left, currently holding a multitude of patients with different degrees of visible injuries or sickness, before his eyes came to rest on the man he was looking for. Jinki was dressed in his usual button up shirt and slacks, but was now also sporting a white doctor's robe, which Minho couldn't deny was somewhat of a turn on. However, said man seemed to be in a somewhat overly intimate conversation with a light haired, eager eyed, boy. The boy was slightly taller than his love interest, with light auburn hair that needed a trim to keep out of his eyes, the cutest little pout on his lips and the faintest blush covering his cheeks as he intently listened to Jinki, who had an arm wrapped around his shoulder as he spoke. Minho couldn't deny the boy was good looking, as well as adorably cute. Was this why Jinki hadn't stopped by? Had he found someone younger and prettier? They hadn't actually talked about being exclusive, it had just been a date. One Minho obviously enjoyed much more than Jinki had.
He let his gaze leave the hugging pair to roam the room once more, taking in the hectic rush of doctors and nurses ushering patients into various areas of the small clinic. He sighed and turned towards the door, only to be halted by a kind looking nurse. "Can I help you, sir?" Minho shuffled uncomfortably, deciding the lady wasn't at fault and answered as politely as he could "No, thank you". His voice, however, made it to Jinki's ears, who lifted his head from his hushed conversation to notice the tall man at the entrance.
"Minho!" The called man stiffened, yet turned to face Jinki and the boy he'd had in his arms. He really had no interest in meeting him. Who would?
"What a surprise! Here, you should meet Taemin. Minnie, this is Minho." Minho's heart clenched at the nickname. He had called him Minnie, just how close were they? "Minho, this is my cute little Dongsaeng Taemin. If I were a real doctor, he would be my intern. That said, there are days when he makes me feel like I am" he beamed at the boy, who was muttering what sounded like "not a big deal" under his breath while staring shyly at the floor.
Not another boyfriend then. Relief washed over him and he did his best to hide the relieved smile that came with it. "What brings you here? Is something wrong?" the slight concern was audible in Jinki's tone. Minho relaxed and let a warm smile grace his lips. "No, nothing wrong. I came to see you, and the place that seems to have swallowed you up and hidden you away. It's been several days since you've been to the bar" He wanted to add since their date, but thought the situation was hardly appropriate.
"Ohh, is he the tall handsome bartender you were talking about?" Jinki instantly reddened, placing his palm over Taemin's mouth. "Tae~" he whined at him. Minho couldn't help enjoying how cute Jinki became when embarrassed, allowing a small smirk onto his face. "So I'm tall and handsome, hmmm?" "Oh my god, not you too" Jinki's hand lightly slapped his arm as he aimed his cute whining at him. Freed from Jinki's hand, a small giggle escaped from Taemin's mouth, setting off a set of chortles from Minho as well. "Yes, yes. You two just keep laughing at the embarrassed old man". "Aww Hyung, 27 is not that bad, you still have a couple of years till you are officially old" he ducked under the hand which had been aimed at the back of his head, smirking as he backed away. "don't you have patients to take care of, Doc?" Jinki sighed and turned back to Minho. "he's right, I do have patients to get back to" The taller nodded in understanding. "when do you finish? I'll wait" They exchanged soft smiles, then Jinki sighed once more "I'll finish when I finish. you should go home and get some sleep". Refusing to take no for an answer Minho insisted on staying, finding a vacant sofa seat to settle down in as he waited. It was fascinating watching Jinki become a doctor after that. It was almost like he was watching someone else. Controlling the flow of patients, yet directing them with quiet words, he was assertive and serious, yet still the soft and caring man Minho was familiar with.
He only realized he had nodded off when Jinki was shaking him awake.
"Minho, it's time to go home now". Minho muttered a few incoherent words before stretching his arms with a big yawn. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with one hand, he used the other to lever himself off the sofa, leaving behind a small depression in the cushion on which he'd been seated. They headed towards the door, Jinki stopping for a moment to instruct his Dongsaeng. "Taemin-ah, I'm heading out, make sure to close the lights before you lock up". A muffled "'kay Hyung" came from one of the rooms.
"Wait, you let that fragile boy walk around here alone at night?" Jinki had stepped out the door, yet halted once again, to answer Minho's question. "He can take care of himself you know, he's not that much younger than you." He chuckled at the taller man's baffled expression. "How, he looks 17." Jinki's smile only widened. "he does, doesn't he." he mused, his smile turning sly "He's 24 though". Minho's wide eyes and gaping mouth were almost comical to look at "What??" Guiding the shocked man out the door he chuckled once more "What can I say, He has the gift of youth".

Perhaps it was because he had been tired, and his mind hadn't quite registered the information, yet the realization hit him as he was walking beside Jinki, their arms lightly brushing, heading back towards the shorter man's apartment. "Jinki, did Taemin say you were 27?" his lips curved slightly as he replied. "yes, he did". Minho stopped, surprising Jinki, who had taken several more steps before sensing the lack of Minho's presence. He turned back to stare at him questioningly. The bartender's mouth worked itself open and closed a few times before he finally figured out how to frame his thoughts into words. "I should have been calling you Hyung this entire time! You look so young, I didn't even think to bother asking your age and to think you are older, I've been so disrespectful to yo-" He was cut off by a pair of lips on his own. Pulling away, Jinki just gave him the sweetest smile "I don't mind, it was nice actually. But if you really want to, you can call me Hyung" Minho shifted his weight from one foot to the other, eyes darting bashfully between the ground and Jinki's face "Are... are you sure?" A small nod and dazzling smile was all he needed, relief chasing away his anxious thoughts.
Resuming their walk, Jinki slipped his hand into the taller's, giving it a gentle squeeze, and they exchanged soft smiles. All too soon, they reached the squat apartment building, stopping before it's entrance. They turned towards each other, each softly biting their lip. Seeing the other mirroring their action, they both burst out into quiet chuckles. "Good night Minho, thank you for walking me home" he squeezed the hand once again, gazing into Minho's eyes. Gazing back, Minho leaned forward, connecting their lips in a gentle kiss, before pulling away. "Good night Jinki-Hyung" They both smiled at the new addition. Jinki turned towards the door, pushing it open when he was stopped by Minho's voice "Hyung?" He turned his head towards him. "Could I possibly get your number?" the bartender was unconsciously twiddling his fingers "I gave you mine, but I never got yours" he ended his sentence by slightly biting his bottom lip. "Oh" Jinki fumbled his phone out of his pants pocket. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize. I should have called shouldn't I have?" Minho placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's ok Hyung, as long as you still want me to have it" He said in a tender voice. "Of course I want you to have it! Here." Jinki finally found Minho's number and pressed the dial button. A second later, the bartender's pocket lit up, the ringing phone softly buzzing against his leg. He smiled a huge grin at Jinki. "Thanks Hyung." He quickly leaned in again to peck Jinki on the lips then stepped back, allowing the smaller man to head into his building. Giving a small wave over his shoulder he disappeared into the building, leaving Minho to stare at the semi opaque glass door. He sighed, turned around and headed back towards the bar. He needed his ride home.


I am so sorry again for the huge delay >.< (It was only 5 months this time *puppy eyes*)
Excuse: I have 2 final assignments for this semester, and although I haven't finished them, I managed to finish the chapter while procrastinating them XD

Personal update (you don't have to read these if you aren't interested): I have a girlfriend!!!! ^.^ (we met at Uni and she is very small and cute, although she denies it) So I might get date ideas for my stories in the near future XD

I am looking for an Idea Beta - the job is really to help me bounce ideas, tell me if they are any good, and read over the chapters to see if they make sense. I'd really love the help (It might even make me update faster :P )


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Um, just writing here to let you know the story has not been abandoned and will hopefully be updated soon (exam season is almost over and I think I'll be able to sit down and write ^.^ )


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970 streak #1
Chapter 4: At least Jinki is still interested despite the lack of contact.
970 streak #2
Chapter 1: I love this Minho. So forward.
And this Jinki. So honest.
Reading on.
Chapter 4: Aaaah this is so cute
Chapter 4: Finally~
I was so glad to see the update! :3

And this chapter was so sweet (I love sweet chapters), Jinki was ah I can't even tell you how much I loved him here (too), and Minho was so cute when he learnt that he should call him hyung haha

Oh my I am happy for you and your girlfriend!~ You two are really lucky :3

Thank you for the chapter, and I can't wait to read the next one^^ (I missed this story~)
shojinryori #5
Chapter 4: Aww, so cute! It has been a while but it’s nice to see a new chapter. Congrats on the new love! <3
Chapter 3: This is so soft can't wait for next
Chapter 1: Omg onho story ?? it is so hard to find thank you so much ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ plz update fast whenever you are free
oconje #8
Yeah! Better late than never! Look forward to reading more on how Onho relationship progresses.