Part 2 - Dress Up

Sweet Smiles and Liquor

Jinki straightened his collar one more time in front of the mirror, his long hair combed to the side, giving him an elegant look.

Was he too dressed up?

Maybe a button up and slacks were too formal, maybe he should have gone with something more casual? He'd never paid much attention to clothing before, as long as it had fit and was comfortable it had worked.

He was coming to regret that now. His wardrobe choices were limited to formal attire, loose workout sweats and a couple of t-shirts and sweaters that didn't fall into the two categories.

He opted for pulling a plain sweater over the shirt, in the hopes it wouldn't get too hot, and folded the shirt's collar around its neck.

It would have to do.

He glanced at the clock above his bed, still 45 minutes before he needed to leave.

He paced around nervously, wondering how early he could be without it being weird. Which led him to thinking about the gorgeous young man, Minho, who's lips hadn't left his mind since they had shared that beautiful intimate moment two nights ago.

Was he nervous too? Was he also fretting about what to wear and when to arrive?



Minho closed the cupboard door and glanced at his watch. As he'd expected, he had finished getting ready in half an hour and had some time to stop by the florist on the way in order to buy a rose for his date.

Everything had been easy, automatic almost. He was a girl magnet, with his good looks and cool charm and had therefore been on more dates than he could count. The process of getting ready for a date came easily to him, the choice of clothing a no brainer. The only difference between all those dates and this one was that he actually cared this time.

He'd never once gotten attached to or had feelings for any of the girls he'd gone out with.

He'd never really tried to impress them, at most just wooing enough to get them in bed.

He'd never had a second date.

He wanted a second date with Jinki.

He had never dated a man before. He hoped he wouldn't screw this up, this was not just another girl after his body, this was someone he had been building a silent bond with for months, both too shy and nervous to attempt revealing their feelings until the other night.

He zipped up his leather jacket and headed for the door, he hoped thirty minutes wasn't overly early for this date.


Jinki stepped into the small restaurant, a small bell above the door dinging his arrival.

He scanned the room nervously, wondering if Minho had somehow beaten him to the restaurant, despite being twenty five minutes ahead of schedule.

His eyes widened and jaw dropped when he saw the tall man rise from a chair and head towards him, a beautiful white rose in hand.
A white rose... Don't those mean...

Minho stopped in front of him, holding out the rose. A shy smile decorated his handsome features. With a shy smile of his own Jinki accepted the flower, making Minho's smile widen into a grin, which, of course, caused Jinki to grin in return.

A small cough from the waitress trying to get by made them realize they were blocking the entryway.

Minho stretched out his arm towards the table he had been sitting at "after you". Jinki nodded mutely and headed over to the table with Minho on his heels. He reached out to pull back his chair, but another hand was there first, already pulling it out for him.

"Ah, oh, thank you" he muttered. He felt his cheeks warm, it was surely noticeable.

Minho sat down across from him, a cute goofy smile on his lips, which Jinki was pretty sure he himself was mirroring. They looked at each other, grinning stupidly, eyes locked, hearts pounding in their chests. Jinki couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence.

"So, um, you're early"

"So are you"

He's not wrong. Where was his witty humor when he needed it? "Did you wait long?"

"No, not long"

Jinki looked down, fiddling with the rose in his hands. Was Minho implying something that he chose to give him a white rose?

"First awkward questions for the night off the table, now tell me, what is it you do? You mentioned a volunteer clinic?" Minho leaned forward, truly eager to hear about his life, his interests.

"Yes" Jinki was leaning forward too, just as eager to share as Minho was to learn. "It's the Hoenamu clinic down in Itaewon, we help those in need who cannot afford to pay regular hospital bills or health insurance."

Jinki's eyes were alight as he described his experiences at the clinic, the daily routine, the patients, the ones he had helped, the joy at seeing the people whose lives had been changed for the better by his efforts. Minho couldn't help being interested and excited about this. Jinki's world was completely different than his.

He got to hear people's stories, would give useful advise once in a while, but most of the time he was a captive audience, an open ear to listen to their problems as they washed away the pain. Yet Jinki, he changed lives, saved lives, he made a difference.

"And the baby was born right into my hands. It was the first time I'd ever held something so precious, the beginning of this baby’s life was in my hands". He stopped a moment. "Oh, um, no pun intended" He really hadn’t been trying to be witty this time. Minho went over what he had just said and grinned when he picked up on it. He'd heard worse.

"It's fine" he smiled, reassuringly placing his hand over Jinki's smaller one. "It was kinda funny"

Jinki blushed, a cute shy smile on his face and looked down, eyes on the table between them. Minho lowered his gaze to follow the other's, landing on their hands, still connected in the middle of the table.

"Oh, sorry" he pulled his hands back to his lap.

Their food arrived just in time to prevent an awkward silence. Jinki had stopped his narration earlier long enough for them to place an order before continuing. They cut into their food, a few moments of silence as each concentrated on their dish.
Jinki glanced at the flower in his lap. A white rose. "I have a question"

Minho looked up "yes of course, what is it?"

"Why..." Why a white rose? "Why bartending?"

Minho's gorgeous smile made his heart miss a beat. The rose could wait, he wanted more of this mesmerizing expression. "It's all the things I enjoy in one job"

"Oh, how so?" Jinki leaned forward a little, not taking his eyes off Minho's face.

"Well, I get paid to play around with alcohol" he smirked "I get to work later hours and best of all I get to meet and talk to people everyday. Every once in a while I get to hear amazing stories, touching stories, heartbreaking stories, each one new and different from the last." His gaze is happily distant "Sometimes I can even help, give advice, and feel the happiness of the other person." He brought his eyes back to meet Jinki's "and sometimes I meet the most amazing people, who I want to hear more from than just a single small slice of their life over a drink."
Jinki felt his face heating and attempted to cover it by taking a sip from his water glass.

As he did, the menus stacked at the edge of the table caught his attention and an idea formed. He placed his glass back on the table and made eye contact with their waiter, who quickly came over to see what he wanted.

"I’ll take a bottle of your bordeaux” He said with a smile. He’d rather just a glass each, but few places offer such luxuries. So very few places offer wine to begin with. The waiter nodded and rushed away to fetch his order. Jinki caught Minho’s puzzled look from the corner of his eye and turned back towards him, a big sunny smile now on his face.

"I wanted to do something special for you” his hands nervously fiddled with the rose in his lap but he kept his eyes on Minho’s. “You are always the one providing me with drinks, taking the time and care for me, so now it’s my turn.” Minho was left speechless as the waiter swiftly returned with two glasses and a bottle. After placing the glasses in front of the men he presented the bottle to Jinki, who nodded, then opened it, but was stopped before he could pour Jinki’s glass.

"Let me, please” The waiter nodded and handed the bottle over to Jinki, who first poured into Minho’s glass and only then into his own. Once the waiter was gone, he raised his glass towards Minho. “To you, my charming and caring bartender who never lets my glass stay dry” He smiled goofily. Minho raised his glass as well, returning the smile “to my best customer” he joked. With soft chuckles they clinked their glasses and took a sip. Minho’s eyes lit up “this is pretty good”. Jinki’s eyes turned into cute crescents as he smiled in relief “Glad you like it”.

Minho took a few more sips, letting the fruity liquid roll on his tongue, before asking “what kind of wine was this again?”

"It’s a Bordeaux” he handed Minho the wine menu he had spotted earlier “I don’t know much about wines, but I know this one is usually good and fruity” he rubbed the back of his neck, a bit embarrassed “you probably know more about it than I do”.

"Wines are less my area of expertise” the taller smiled sheepishly ”though ask me anything about cocktails and there is nothing I don’t know” he finished with a slightly cocky grin.

"You’re on” a spark of mischief appeared in Jinki’s eyes. “What goes into a screwdriver?”

Minho’s grin only grew “starting easy are we? Orange juice and vodka, on ice with an orange slice on top”

"How bout a White Russian” Jinki challenged, leaning forward, eyes never leaving the bartender’s face. “Are you making this easy on purpose?” Minho chuckled, also leaning in. “Vodka, cream and coffee liqueur, on ice, stirred nice and slow” Minho took a sip of his wine, an aura of pride and victory surrounding him.

Jinki took a sip of his own wine “Well, this time you have to say how much of each ingredient as well. So, what about a Bloody Mary?”



After finishing the meal, and a bottle of wine between them, a short argument had ensued over who would pay the bill, which was resolved by both agreeing to split it. They exited the restaurant into the cool night air. They looked at each other nervously, each gazing at the other with a stupid grin on his face before ducking his head in embarrassment, both unsure whether to say their goodbyes or to offer a way to prolong their date.

"Let me walk you home” Minho offered before he could chicken out. The shorter could only nod sheepishly, biting his lip to contain a squeal of joy that wanted to escape his mouth. “It’s this way” he gestured with his hand down the road.

"After you”


"You said you were volunteering" Minho broke the silence before it could get awkward. "Do you have a day job as well?"

"Yes, I do, I have to somehow pay for all those drinks you serve me" he chuckled softly, hoping the taller man would not push for more details. Minho was either not very perceptive or too perceptive, for he asked "What is it that you do though?" He was genuinely curious. How did such a nice and gentle man spend his days?

"I'masecretary" Jinki mumbled under his breath.

"I didn't quite hear that" Minho said softly, wondering maybe he should change the subject before he screws something up. As he was about to, Jinki repeated himself.

"I'm a secretary. At a clinic." He sighed, looking at the houses they were passing. He waited for Minho to let out that disappointed 'oh' people made when they found out what he did. It never came.

"So wait, you work at a clinic and you volunteer at a clinic? Wow. That's just amazing. You're basically helping people 24 - 7" Minho sounded awed, which he was. This soft man beside him really gave himself to helping people. How did he have the good fortune of meeting him? Of dating him??

Jinki raised his gaze to Minho's face beside him, eyes full of wonder. He thought, he, the plain, boring, not amounting to much, Lee Jinki, was amazing? He studied the handsome face smiling bashfully down at him, butterflies swarming in his stomach at the thought of having someone so nice and kind by his side.

He was so lost in Minho's face that he stopped paying attention to where he was going.
The soft noise left his throat as his toe caught on a protruding piece of paving and he lost his balance, plunging face forward towards the hard concrete before him.
A hand around his arm halted his decent. Another was placed on his shoulder as Minho gently helped him get upright.
“You ok?” Minho stood in front of him searching his eyes for any pain. “I’m fine Minho, thank you for catching me” He glared at the floor, feeling his face burn.
“Any time” Minho stepped away, slowly sliding his hands off of Jinki. Instead of completely letting go though, he gently clasped the other’s hand, whom, to his relief, didn’t pull it away. He peeked sideways to gage the shorter man’s reaction. Jinki was looking at the ground, face flushed and now all smiles. Minho released the breath he didn’t realize he was holding and tightened his grasp slightly, receiving a soft squeeze in return.
They resumed walking in silence, both occupied with the feeling of their fingers in the tight warm grip, shivers and sparks running up their arms from the contact.

The walk was over all too soon as they reached a squat apartment building which Jinki announced as his place. Minho was reluctant to let go of the older, already addicted to the sensation of the slightly smaller hand in his.
Jinki gently withdrew his hand from the younger’s, bringing it to twiddle with the rose along with the other one. “Thank you, Minho. It was really fun tonight, I… I hope we can do this again soon” He smiled while slightly biting his lip.
“I had a great time too” Minho returned a warm smile. “We should definitely do this again”
“So… Um… Good night” Jinki shuffled slightly, wanting to linger, but knowing that their enjoyable outing was coming to an end.
“Good night Jinki”
Jinki turned to go inside, the door halfway open when he noticed Minho was still in the same spot, focus on his black shoes, biting his lip. “Minho… Is-” The words died on his lips as Minho stepped forward. “Jinki, I… Can I… Can we-” He his lips nervously and tried again.

“May I kiss you?”




Firstly, I’d like to apologize for the HUGE delay with this chapter (8 months??? >.< ), I was going through a rollercoaster of SHINee related emotions which hindered my writing.

This originally started out as a 2 shot, which kind of wound up a 3 shot, and I’ve even got the next chapter more or less planned out in my head. But, I am horrendously indecisive (as you will be able to see if you keep reading my stories) and would like your (my lovely readers <3 ) input about how to continue this story.
Should I keep it a 3 shot? (next chapter would include )
Or should I do something different?

I would like to add that I had quite the hard time writing their date because, for the life of me, I can’t remember my last date, let alone any before that (It’s been at least… 3 years? 4?) so I seriously do not remember what you do on a date. Hope it came out ok ^^’

Also comments are awesome, cuz they tell us authors how we are doing and gives us motivation to keep writing :)

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Um, just writing here to let you know the story has not been abandoned and will hopefully be updated soon (exam season is almost over and I think I'll be able to sit down and write ^.^ )


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970 streak #1
Chapter 4: At least Jinki is still interested despite the lack of contact.
970 streak #2
Chapter 1: I love this Minho. So forward.
And this Jinki. So honest.
Reading on.
Chapter 4: Aaaah this is so cute
Chapter 4: Finally~
I was so glad to see the update! :3

And this chapter was so sweet (I love sweet chapters), Jinki was ah I can't even tell you how much I loved him here (too), and Minho was so cute when he learnt that he should call him hyung haha

Oh my I am happy for you and your girlfriend!~ You two are really lucky :3

Thank you for the chapter, and I can't wait to read the next one^^ (I missed this story~)
shojinryori #5
Chapter 4: Aww, so cute! It has been a while but it’s nice to see a new chapter. Congrats on the new love! <3
Chapter 3: This is so soft can't wait for next
Chapter 1: Omg onho story ?? it is so hard to find thank you so much ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ plz update fast whenever you are free
oconje #8
Yeah! Better late than never! Look forward to reading more on how Onho relationship progresses.