
Feel then Fall

Practice already ended a few hours ago but Seungwan wanted to have another round of it by herself so when the other girls’ all cheered as their schedule finally ends, she stealthily went to her manager side and asked him if she could stay behind to practice some more. Her manager agrees and asked what time she wanted to be pick up but Wendy shakes her head saying she could walk herself home as it’s just a few minutes away and citing that she needed a walk to clear her head. Her manager understood as he knows that the girls’ needed a time on their own from time to time to let loose of the burden of the path they decided to walk.


All the other girls have their bags on their hand except for her so Joohyun tilted her head and asked her, a frown making its way on a beautiful face that Wendy wanted to just caress and remove the crease forming on it.


“You’re not coming with?” Joohyun quietly asked to which Seungwan timidly nods.


“Why?” Joohyun prods already mentally listing the pros and cons of staying behind with Seungwan when all the other girls might burn their dorm down if they decided to cook.


“Haven’t gotten the change to go to the gym as of late with all the schedules. I need to build my stamina up again and the only thing I can think of right now is to add more practice time to fill up the gym time.” Seungwan grins because she really just wanted to loose some steam and master their choreography better and this is the best way to do it.


“I’m getting soft unnie.” Seungwan jokes as she tries to flex her biceps which she thinks no longer exists.


“Don’t overthink unnie.” Seungwan adds as she sees Joohyun pondering on the things she just said.


“I just- I just really want to a few run downs before heading home. I’ll text the soonest the I’m done okay. You won’t even notice that you guys went home first.” She smiles at her almost pleading the other girl to let her stay.


“Okay.” Joohyun finally says and with a smile and Seungwan’s heart burst as she sees a glimpse of that smile that seems to be reserve for only her.


“I’ll wait for you.” Joohyun said as she pecks Seungwan’s cheeks and walks away.


“Come home to me okay?” Joohyun whispers as she looks back at the younger girl who’s already maneuvering the laptop to start her own dance practice again. Joohyun smiles and let the girl who wears her heart on her sleeve have the alone time she needs to do whatever she needs to do even when all Joohyun wants is to hold the same heart close to her forever.




Kyungsoo doensn’t know why but his feet bring him to the lone lit room in the dark hall. He looks at his watch its 1:47AM but someone is still practicing at this hour. Kyungsoo was almost sure that he would be the last person who leave the practice hall today but the lit room proves him wrong. He peeks at the room and sees the girl and hears the song she’s singing and Kyungsoo can’t help but listen some more. He didn’t even notice it but the song ended and the said girl is looking at him.


“Sunbaemin” She greets and Kyungsoo winces. Drop the honorifics, he wanted to remind her as he said these same words way too many times that he lost count already.


“Wendy-shi.” Kyungsoo greets her back. A smile curling in his lips as Wendy gestures for her to fully enter the practice room and Kyungsoo realizes how creepy he was a moment ago as he listens intently at the girl who captured his attention just with her voice.


“There’s no camera around here.” Kyungsoo said sits not too far but still not too close from Wendy.




“You can stop calling me sunbae Wan. I told you many times already to call me Kyungsoo…” he scratches his neck as he said the next word. “or oppa or whatever.” Way too make everything awkward Kyungsoo wanted to smack his head but then Wendy laughs this small laugh that Kyungsoo can’t help but grin and be proud that he makes her laugh.


“Okay oppa.” Seungwan tried and cringes when she said. That the grimaces she made Kyungsoo laugh at her.


“How much do you hate me that it looks like you wanted to puke just by calling me oppa?” Kyungsoo teases and Seungwan internally panics at she stutters her way to an explanation.


“I-l don’t hate you- why- why wo-would i-“ She stammers and tries to save herself with the hand gestures as she honestly wants to tell him that she doesn’t hate him or whatever.


“I’m just messing with you.” Kyungsoo grins as he can’t help himself to smile at her. Kyungsoo doesn’t know how or why but everytime he sees her it feels like there are million reasons for him to smile.


“What are you doing here so late?” Kyungsoo asks though he knows the answer already. He knows the younger girls stayed behind to practice and to probably think because that’s why he is still here even when the practice for his own group ended early today. He waits for her to answer but decided against it.


“I just need an hour or two for myself I guess. To practice I mean” Wendy answered as she offers a small smile. Kyungsoo mirrors the same smile.


“You do know you’re perfect right?” Kyungsoo said not thinking through his words. He sighed and wanted to take back his words but only true words have been spoken so what’s wrong with that he debates with himself.


“You were singing one of our song right?” Kyungsoo instantly adds before Wendy can asked what he even meant when he called her perfect. Because if she did, Kyungsoo might run of words to explain what he truly means.


“Yes. Its form your winter album.” Seungwan smiles proudly.


“Though I don’t think I give justice to it.”


“No, I think you did. The moment you sang, I think I fell.” Kyungsoo said and sighed because here he is pouring his heart out without him even knowing how he truly feel for this girl.


“I’m captivated by your movements. The harder I try to escape the harder for me to breathe.” Kyungsoo said locking his eyes on the said girl.


“Someone made you feel that right? Because I can feel it with the way you sing it.” Kyungsoo offers another smile, a smile that breaks his own heart. When did it started, when did the stealing glances, offering a tap as way to congratulate her, when did it all started when her voice started to be his anchor to the reality. When did he fall? And when did he fall so deeply for her?


“Maybe? I really don’t know.” Seungwan said not because she doesn’t know but because she doesn’t want to admit it. Not to him, not to anyone.


“Seungwan, have you ever tried telling that person how you truly feel?” Kyungsoo asked and hears his heart further breaking. Because he knows its not him that made him feel that. Because if he is the one that makes her heart race, Kyungsoo will hold her closer and will never let go.


“Hiding away from what you truly feel by drowning yourself with practice and songs you could have sing to them isn’t the right way. Our life, because of the path we take, is lonely and messy but if you find someone, even when you are unsure if they also feel the same, go for it. Don’t have what ifs. It doesn’t matter if your heart wins or it breaks, because love, its worth the try your to stubborn to give.”


“Why are you even telling me this?” Seungwan says because she didn’t know she need to hear those words until it fell from Kyungsoo’s lips.


“Because that person needs to know but more importantly because you deserve it. You love that person truly and even if they say no. You can call me and we can sing all the sad songs together. Or I can also punch them on the gut for you.” Kyungsoo said cause singing with her would be a dream. There are things you can have but at least this one you can have.


“Thank you. Though I really don’t think I needed comforting until you gave me one.” Wendy smiled and at that moment she knows that she’ll have Kyungsoo as a dear friend moving forward. And that same smile cemented the fact that Kyungsoo will never have her more than a friend.


Kyungsoo stands as he rummages through his bag, “Is your manager picking you up?”


Wendy shakes her head to say no and Kyungsoo beams at her.


“I’m giving you a ride then. But can we stop by this café a few blocks from here? I’m starving.” Kyungsoo said. His stomach empty, and his heart bleeding out but it doesn’t hurt as much as he thought it would because when she smiles at her, Kyungsoo realizes it fine for him not to call her his, just seeing her happy makes him happy too. Its funny how one person can be your happiness and sadness at the same time. His heart will heal in time but he’ll let it bleed out for a few more minutes if that means a he gets to spend more time with her.




It was passed 3 in the morning when Seungwan finally gets back to the dorm. She was tired and all she wanted to do was get to her bed and sleep off the exhaustion. Good thing their schedule for the day starts at the afternoon or else she needs to rely on caffeine again all through out the day to survive.


She quickly takes a shower and slips on her favorite pajamas. Her bed smell like Joohyun, did her unnie wash her sheet again without her knowing? Then she felt the familiar warmth and she welcomes another wave of Joohyun’s fragrance. Joohyun was sleeping on her bed. And the said girl is scooting closer to her.


“Joohyun unnie.” Seungwan whispered while Joohyun buries her head on Seungwan’s neck.


“Hmm.” She answered as her breath tickles Wendy’s neck.


“What are you doing here?” She asked not because she mind. And she knows no one wants to be bombarded by questions in this ungodly hour but she just wants to know.


“I miss you and you weren’t here. So I took the 2nd best thing and sleep on your bed.” The older girl answered not leaving the warmth of Wendy’s neck. And the butterflies on Wendy’s stomach flips as the older girl leaves ghost kisses on her neck everytime she spoke a word.


“Unnie,” Seungwan called.


“Hyun-ah” She says as she pulls Joohyun closer to her. As she puts her hand on her face and make her look at her.


“Joohyun.” She said again and Joohyun never heard her name so lovely as the way Seungwan says it.


“I think I’m in love with you.” Seungwan said with a small smile and she sees Joohyun’s eyes flutter open with the confession.


“scratch that I’m definitely in love with you.” She said firmly this time and courage flows like a dam when she sees Joohyun smiles like she’s been waiting for Seungwan to say the same words she just uttered. So before Joohyun can say something she kissed her like her life depends on it. It was sweet but Seungwan felt like she’ll never wanted to stop kissing her but air is a need and at some point they have to part.


“Were you that confident that you didn’t even let me say anything?” Joohyun teases but before she prods further, Seungwan kisses her again.


“I love you.” Seungwan says between kisses.


“I love you.” Joohyun says for the first time that night but definitely not the last.



Kyungsoo sits in the couch pondering what just happened tonight. Rethinking words he should have said. How can he tell her to confess when he himself can do it? How can he tell her to chase her dream when he can’t even hold his own footing when it comes to what his heart desires?


“You okay?” Chanyeol sat beside him as he offers him a hot chocolate.


“You saw her?” He asked as Kyungsoo nods.


“She’s so beautiful.” Kyungsoo said as he sips from his cup.


“I know.” Chanyeol smirks at him.


“You didn’t answer my question. I asked you if you are okay?” Chanyeol asked as he looks to wherever Kyungsoo is looking at.


“She is. And one day I’ll be too.” Kyungsoo sighed and Chanyeol believes him. Because once upon a time he was pining for someone he will never have.


They sat in silence and knowing that one day, the love they deserve would come along barging in, overflowing and they’ll both be happy.

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I really love Kyungsoo's voice and I'm probably one of the few people who would give everything for a Kyungsoo-Seungwan duet.
I honestly want them to interact more often. *I lowkey ship them too*


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16 streak #1
Chapter 1: Rereading this now, it's still so good and hits hard. I'm just laughing at my past comment (2018) about begging SM for a WenSoo collab that is still not coming true and maybe forever will be a just a wish
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Still good
Chapter 1: im glad i had the chance to read this one...

i am happy for wenrene and kyungsoo's a good guy
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 1: Kyungsoo is very good, I hope they are in real life close friends
1737 streak #5
Chapter 1: I never knew i needed this kyungsoo x wendy pairing ubtil you wrote this fic. Omygad now i need and kyungdy fic ㅠㅠ
16 streak #6
Chapter 1: Aww Wenrene they're so sweet that confession scene is just perfect!! I love it and WenSoo my fave members of each group their voices would blend well together that would be heaven hoping for a collab soon please SM at least grant us this wish. And also I lowkey ship them too I mean I'm fine with D.O being with any of the girls tbh like he's just so kind and cute with his interactions with the girls. Author this is so great thank you for this! :)
ChaseTheSun #7
Chapter 1: :')
hoolee #9
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful, so bittersweet... you got me shedding tears
smarty0821 #10
Chapter 1: This is so good. I can't explain it properly, but I'm really satisfied on how it ended. I never knew that I'll be needing a wensoo/wenrene fic until I read yours. Thank you for sharing this!!