
Dream come true
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Seungwan first meets Seulgi in an empty practice room. Wandering around in the SM building, she was attracted to the lights of a single practice room, still lit among the dark halls.


She never forgot how her breath was hitched at the sight of a slender girl, messy hair tied in a bun and dancing to the beats of “Into the new world”. Her body flowed along with the tune of the song with a grace Seungwan has never saw in any of the other trainees, her movements sharp and clean. If there was a dancing god, Seungwan was sure she was looking at one.


She didn’t realise she was staring in awe until said girl approached her and grinned so wide till her eyes disappeared.


Reaching out an outstretched hand; “I am Kang Seulgi, you must be the new trainee, it's nice to meet you!”


She stutters at the sight, blushing red and flustered from the fact that she was caught staring for so long. Quickly she grabs Seulgi’s hand and shakes it furiously. “I am Son Seungwan! It’s nice to meet you too!” she manages without stuttering too much.


Hands still clasped together, Seulgi’s eyes twinkles and laughs with genuine friendliness. Seungwan's heart flutters at the adorable sight and soon she finds herself laughing along, a warmth of familiarity spreading over her.


Seungwan is not one that usually believe in fate, but she decides this meeting was more than a of luck.




Seungwan stirs to the sound of her handphone ringing, absentmindedly reaching for it before rubbing the sleep away from her eyes. Barely surviving another gruelling day of practice a few hours ago, she fell into a deep slumber the minute she collapsed on the bed.


Sleep that now seemed to be a luxury of the past.


The cold winter air wraps around her as she soon as she sits up, adding to her already soured mood. “Who calls at 3.34am?!” Seungwan wonders but her irritation fleets the second she sees who woke her up. “Of course.”


“Seungwan! Its Seulgi! You got to get up now!” Seulgi’s excited voice cuts the still air of her dormitory room


“Ugh Seulgi you better have a good reason for calling me so late…”


“Look out the window wan-ah!” grumbling whilst rubbing her eyes, Seungwan drags her aching body towards the window, her mind still in a state of fogginess.


“So Seul, what’s u-” is all she says before her voice gets caught in as she stares up in the sky, her mind instantly cleared of fog.


Snow. Thousands of the minuscule ice crystals fall gracefully from the sky, painting the streets below white. The image itself was picture perfect, Seungwan instinctively reaches out her hand, catching a snowflake in the palm of her hand before it melts away. Seungwan breaks out into a grin, laughing in happiness as she swipes at snowflakes.


A distinct voice registers in the background before she realises Seulgi is still on the line.

“So, wan-ah, I hope you are not mad at me for waking you up.” Seulgi giggles. “But it's the first time it's snowed since you arrived in Seoul, and I wanted you to see it.” Seulgi pauses, before quietly adding: “I thought it might remind you of home too.”


“It’s beautiful, Seulgi” she turns back to the phone resting in her hand. “Thank you for waking me for this.” Seungwan giggles as she lets a snowflake land on her nose. “If you were here I would hug you right now.” she adds.


“Am I your teddy bear now wan-ah?” Seulgi teased in response


Seungwan splutters, blush rising to her cheeks in the chilly winter. “I-I, what?!”


Seulgi laughs heartily in response, “Well then Seungwan, I hope you enjoy the rest of your night and see you tomorrow!”


Her chests heaves, warm breath forming visible streaks in the cold winter air as she imagines Seulgi, dressed in comfortable pyjamas and looking at the same sky she’s staring at.


Seungwan chuckles at her imagination and prepares her reply, but Seulgi beats her to it.


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Hopefully I can get this out before school begins?


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Chapter 1: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ this was sweet and lovely! too much fluff and cheese for my weak heart. author, you got me smiling at my phone feeling warm and feeling \giDdy/ while reading your cute story. congrats on your debut as a writer, i will patiently wait for more of your written fluff attacks. thank you, this was a very nice start. *i support the weulgi tag*
Chapter 1: this is long-overdue (actually just read rn) but ;; ;; haven't read anything as pure and warm as this... really love how ideal wenseul's relationship here is. looking forward to more ws from you~
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 1: Seungwan is Seulgi's dream, and Seulgi is Seungwan's dream and angel, and my heart feels full and warm after reading this :')
Chapter 1: this is so cute thank you for posting it.
Chapter 1: im so happy i got the chance to read this! it's very soft and cute, and fills my heart up to the brim with warmth. it's perfect, a story of found love and reciprocation, and it makes me very happy :) thank u so much for taking the time to write this story and posting it for all of us to see!
Bannedd567 #6
Chapter 1: There are tears TT great job, really, I liked this a lot!
Chapter 1: This is so cute!!! I really love this Author-nim <3
Chapter 1: such fluff my poor hearteu :( gratz on your debut as an aff author! hope to see more of your works :D
hwaiting! will look forward to it ^_^