
number 17
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july. —  

hyukjae slowly wakes up to the sun seeping through the curtains and a warm body by his side. hyukjae blinks and then rubs his eyes before curling closer to donghae, savouring the feeling of donghae’s body pressing against him.

he’s quite surprised at how close donghae is to him. the man had far too much to drink last night — though hyukjae is probably sure siwon had drunken twice as much — and donghae is a talented at a lot of things, but holding his liquor is not one of them.

hyukjae had dragged donghae back to his apartment and the man had just crawled into his bed and had fallen dead asleep. hyukjae didn’t want to wake him, and he also didn’t want to sleep on the couch, so he had just gotten into bed with donghae.

he hopes the man doesn’t mind.

hyukjae relaxes further into his matress. almost in response, donghae snuggles closer to his chest. with his face lax in sleep, his mouth slightly open, donghae looks innocent and beautiful.

hyukjae reaches up, running his finger down the smooth skin of donghae’s pale cheek. he marvels at the way the light illuminates the man’s face, highlighting his features and deepening the shadows.

donghae stirs at his touch and opens his eyes. hyukjae drinks in donghae’s adoring gaze, sleepy and unguarded, meeting hyukjae’s own eyes.

“good morning, hyung,” donghae mutters — he doesn’t seem too bothered by waking up next to hyukjae. hyukjae smiles.

“good morning, donghae,” hyukjae says. they don’t say anything more to one another, content in basking in each other’s warmth. unfortunately, that doesn’t last long, because nature’s call becomes far too much for him to hold in. he slowly and reluctantly untangles himself from donghae’s grip and rolls out of bed.

“i’ll be right back,” he says, because it’s saturday and he’s not willing to get out of bed completely just yet. he grimaces when his leg makes it’s discomfort known from his less than stellar exit, but manages to limp to the bathroom without too much trouble.

he makes quick work of his business and after washing his hands, hyukjae pulls open the mirror to reveal his medicine cabinet. hyukjae grabs his painkillers, ignoring the fact that donghae’s empty prescription bottle from almost a month ago is still tucked in the corner of the cabinet.

swallowing one pill dry, hyukjae limps back outside and slides underneath the warm covers. he looks over at donghae to see the other man sitting up, a frown marring his features, looking rather troubled.

“donghae?” hyukjae says. donghae doesn’t look at him.

“yes, hyung?” he replies, but it sounds automatic, his voice distant.

“are you okay?” hyukjae asks. donghae snaps out of his stupor at that, turning over to him.

“yes, why do you ask?” he says. hyukjae shakes his head and pulls himself up so he is sitting upright beside donghae, their arms touching.

“you look troubled,” hyukjae says.

donghae wraps his arms around himself, his hand rubbing up and down his bare arm.

“i —” he says before trailing off. hyukjae waits. “the olympics are in two weeks.” hyukjae nods.

“yes,” hyukjae says. “you’ll do fine.”

“but… but what if i don’t?” donghae says. “you’ve trusted so much to me, you’ve spent so much time on me, what if i screw it all up? what if… what if…”

hyukjae shakes his head.

“you won’t,” hyukjae says. donghae glares at him.

“you say that with such certainty,” he says. “but there’s no guarantee that i will do well, that i would do even the semblance of justice that you need.” hyukjae shakes his head once again, and with a gentle hand, turns donghae to face him.

“donghae,” hyukjae says.

“hyung,” donghae replies.

“i —” hyukjae starts and then stops again. then he pinches the bridge of his nose. “is that how you really feel?”

“well, yeah,” donghae says slowly. “you’re a legend, hyung. you’re lee hyukjae, the man who brought the south korean volleyball team into international spotlight. there is no one who can replace you.”

“and who is looking for a replacement?” hyukjae says. donghae glances over at him incredulously.

“you gave me your number, hyung,” he says. “anyone who looks at me will think i am supposed to be your replacement. who would think otherwise?” hyukjae sighs.

“even so,” he says. “you’ll do fine.”

“hyung,” donghae whines. “hyung, you keep saying that. but i don’t believe you.”

“and you keep doubting yourself,” hyukjae says. “when i know at this point, you’re a better player than i am.” donghae startles, straightening i

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sweetylailai #1
Chapter 10: Read again!💙💙
Chapter 10: C'était une superbe fic, tu écris tellement bien, j'étais immergée dans l'histoire c'était palpitant. Merci merco💙⭐
This is one of the very few sports au I have read in AFF and I absolutely adore this 😭 thank you for sharing this story with us 💕
Chapter 10: I'M SUCH A ER FOR ANY SPORTS AU AND FOR EUNHAE TO HAVE ONE... UGH I'M INLOVE T__T I love how you wrote this, it made me feel I'm also playing with them!! I love details of the games! You did a good job there and the small eunhae soft moments uwu. Too bad it's only a short chaptered fic. I would love to read more cause, well i love long chaptered fics too hehe. Hoping you could write another sportsau. Lookinv forward to it! Kudos for your work!
faeris #5
Chapter 10: this is so so wonderful, thank you for this. ❤️
ehkm137 #6
Chapter 10: Thats so good. Such a great ff. Thank you for sharing!
Chapter 10: I just read it in one go and omg it's soo amazing. I love how Hyukjae was believing in Hae even tho he had his doubts at first. Great story judt had to finish it in one go. Thank you for writing it^^
Hi! I tried to join your crowdfund but it didn't register me for your tier :(
970 streak #10
Chapter 10: I love the way you described the volleyball games. I can see the game in my mind.