1. Charcoal


In a large dark room sat what appeared to be a young man at a large dark mahogany desk, with long black hair slicked back out of his face and round glasses sitting on the bridge of his sharp nose, a scold itched into his handsome face. A feather quil tightly in his grasp as he scribbled down scratchy unreadable words onto a scroll of paper that was running off the front of his desk and halfway across the floor in front of him.

In that dark, dingy room sat Jeon Wonwoo, second in the chain of command for the army of Death Reapers based in South Korea, and the keeper of the sinseonghan scroll that held the names of everyone in South Korea who had died that day. Everyday the scroll would fill with names, Wonwoo's job was to read the name, find the location of the souls passing, assign the death reaper to said soul and from there the information would be sent to the third in command who would send them on their missions. 

Your standard Death Reapers task was simple, the second in command would assign you your task, the third in command will send you your papers for your mission and from there you were sent to the world above, you complete the souls last wish (depending on how reasonable it is) then they are sent to purgatory and your job is completed. 

He stopped writing and dropped the quil on the desk as he ran his fingers through his long black hair. For some reason today the scroll seemed to be longer than usual. The thing about the scroll was it never stopped growing or filling with names because every five minutes someone was crossing over to the otherside, usually the work load was manageable but for whatever reason today the list was too long, the more he crossed off a name, ten more would appear something wasn't right.


Loud knocking echoed throughout his office disturbing Wonwoo from his thoughts. His dark, cat like eyes lifted slightly as the two large oak doors separated. Inside strod a tall man with golden skin and jet black hair combed back out of his face. His white dress shirt was tucked neatly into his black suit pants, he was fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeves when he finally met the man at the desks eyes. 

Kim Mingyu. Third in command, and notably a lot more relaxed and well liked compared to the rest of the command chain. Mingyu was the person who met with each death reaper and sent them on their missions, he was the one that was put on the front line when they had to deal with stubborn souls who didn't want to leave the world above. He was the one who had been to earth the most even out of their best on the field Death Reapers.

Every Death Reaper had once been a living person. They were usually selected once they were placed into purgatory. Death Reapers were neither completely good or completely bad, their selection was based off of their work ethic before they passed on and their unbiased behaviours. Jeon Wonwoo couldn't remember how he had died anymore, he couldn't remember his family, he couldn't remember anything from the world above because he hadn't been apart of it for almost a thousand years. Never once had he grown curious to head back up there either, he was more than content with sitting at his desk and sorting through the paperwork everyday and night.

They held each others gaze in silence till the tall raven haired man dug his hands in his pant pockets "Did you hear?" he asked in a playful tone hunching over ever so slighty

The man at the desk shot him a bored expression "Hear what?" he questioned 

"There's a contaious disease outbreak within Severance hospital in Sinchon-Dong, Seodaemun District" He said casually "Hundreds upon hundreds reported dead" 

Scratching his forehead Wonwoo looked back at the scroll, the end of it was now down by his feet the list was getting longer the more he looked away from it "Well now it all makes sense" he mumbled playing with the feather on his quil 

Mingyu leant against Wonwoo's desk casually scanning the scroll even though it appeared as blank parchment in his eyes "I've sent out all the Death Reapers you assigned but we have no more left" Mingyu sighed 

Wonwoo's headed snapped up from his work as his brow furrowed "No more" he demanded "How do you run out of Death Reapers? There should be a bigger influx with all the people dying now more so than ever, not just that but it's not exactly a hard task to get them to purgatory in the first place what is taking them all so long" 

"Most are being accepted into heaven from what i've heard from the big bosses upstairs" Mingyu said pointing up at the high ceiling of the office "You know you can't fight with the bosses, from what the captains in the field have been telling me is a lot of the souls have become dangerous and reckless unwilling to accept that they have died, and are wreaking havoc on innocent civilians" 

Letting out an annoyed sigh Wonwoo pinched his nose bridge "Well what has first in command said?" 

"Oh Kwon? He doesn't seemed too phased" Mingyu shrugged "We've dealt with worse than this" He scrunched up his face and said in a mocking tone

Taking off his glasses to clean them on his black dress shirt, Wonwoo looked up at Mingyu giving him his full attention "So what is our attack plan then? Will you be going to the world above to assist with the Death Reapers up there currently?"

A large puppy like grin grew on Mingyu's face "Oh it's much better than that! That's why i came here the second Kwon told me our plan" 

"You both spoke without me?" He didn't bother to hide the anger in his voice "The agreement was that we would meet as three when it came to creating plans of attack or strategizing"

Rolling his eyes the raven hair man stood up properly "It was impromptu, i went to meet with him about the lack of death reapers and the conversation came about"

Not accepting that as an excuse Wonwoo let his anger fester inside his chest as he placed his glasses back on his nose bridge "Well what's the plan then anyway" he demanded loudly

The same smile came back to Mingyu's face "We're both going up" 

Mingyu studied Wonwoo's face carefully, never once in his life had he ever seen Wonwoo's face blank. His usual scold or stone like expression was gone, completely faded off of his face. He had never looked so young and innocent in the entire time that Mingyu had known him, he almost looked scared. 
Furrowing his brow again the image before Mingyu disappeared within a flash "Why me?" he question "Who will watch the scroll?"

It took Mingyu a second to come back mentally to the conversation he still was in shock with what he had witnessed "Kwon is in discussion with God and Satan currently about recuriting more Death Reapers, and well who knows how long that meeting could potentially go for, he said" Mingyu coughed loudly as he got into character to mock their first in command "Wonwoo will assist you, i will watch over the sinseonghan scroll until the outbreak of death had calmed down and my discussions with God and Satan are completed" 

The young mans eyes went noticably darker as he looked through his eyebrows at Mingyu "What if i refuse?" he challanged

"Are you going against the first in command?" Mingyu asked scratching his head in annoyance, he was itching to get to the surface again.

Unlike Wonwoo who prefered to waste away their sad excuse for an afterlife Mingyu enjoyed being on the surface. All of it he found fascinating, the way culture had developed, how mindsets had changed, the buildings, the food, the people. Mingyu was a social creature and enjoyed immersing himself in it while he was up there. It was the only time he didn't have to be Kim Mingyu third in command to the army of Death Reapers.

Wonwoo tipped his head back against his chair as he thought about the plan more. It was simple enough he guessed. How hard could it be to fufill some petty request and then kick them into purgatory? Obviously not that hard if Mingyu could do it of all people.

Rising from his seat he rolled the scroll up gently, he tied the golden ribbon around it. Balancing it in the palm of his left hand, he snapped his right fingers and the scroll vanished into thin air. Looking over to see Mingyu resting both his hands on the edge of Wonwoo's desk, an almost sinister grin on his face, Wonwoo began rolling up the sleeves of his black dress shirt "Let's get this over with" 





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