For Those That Have Patience

For Those That Have Patience

Joy felt more than heard the soft breathing in the darkness, she noted that the short breaths were released erratically, confirming that her lover was awake beside her. She struggled to turn over in the confined space of the single bed to flick the switch to her bedside lamp, the room illuminating with a soft orange glow.

“Lisa?” She whispered, snuggling into the girl facing away from her. She realised sadly that the blonde’s shoulders were tense and every so often a small quake rippled the skin. She splayed a warm palm over the flesh of Lisa’s back and watched as the taut muscles relaxed immediately beneath her touch. She began to gently massage the remaining tension out of the girl’s body before Lisa rolled over to face her.

Watery hazel eyes held her own for a moment before the blonde wrapped her right arm tightly around Joy’s waist and buried her head in the crook of her neck. Lisa continued to cry softly and Joy did what she could to soothe her girlfriend, her fingers threading through soft golden brown hair. She ignored the slight pang of desire in the pit of her stomach that ignited at the feel of their bodies pressed so intimately together.

“Love, what’s the matter?” Joy cooed, her voice betraying the usual Park Joy confident exterior.

Lisa mumbled an answer but it was lost somewhere against Joy’s chest, so the brunette gently raised herself from the bed. She continued to hold Lisa to her until they ended up sitting close together, the comforter protecting their bodies from the cool April air. She hummed quietly, pushing a few errant strands of hair behind Lisa’s ear, encouraging her to repeat her admission.

“I saw my father today.” Lisa whispered, the words catching due to the tears that were still falling at random intervals.

Joy attempted to keep her features nonchalant but could not stop a slight frown from gracing her face. "What did he say?” She asked, kissing Lisa’s open palm before cradling it in her own hands.

“That I’m a disgrace.” She paused, watching Joy’s reaction carefully. “That my baby, me and you… are going to Hell.”

Joy reared back at the words as if she’d been physically slapped, her eyebrows furrowed and she sputtered a few times before she was finally able to find her voice. “That vile, abomination of a man, I am going to go to that house tomorrow and politely, but firmly state that he severely reconsider his stance as a member of the Christian faith. How dare…”

“Honey, it’s okay.” Lisa stated quickly as to dissipate Joy’s growing rage, “I’m not upset because of what he said to me. I’m upset that I once respected him, I have never been happier than when I’ve been with you and it saddens me that there are still people in this world that would disregard happiness for some decrepit sense of propriety or whatever.”

Joy met her gaze, “I love you.” The words were almost inaudible, but held more emotion than even the final note of the singer’s strongest ballad.

Lisa brought their mouths together in a searing kiss, lips moving together in a well rehearsed rhythm. She allowed her weight to fall forward until Joy’s back was pressed to the pale pink sheets and her body rested weightlessly above her, supported by her forearms on either side of the brunette’s head. “Why don’t you show me how much?”

Joy grinned beneath her and reconnected their lips, pulling back abruptly at the sound of static and a distinctive cry. Lisa rolled off of her lover with a heavy sigh but Joy just chuckled, already out of the bed and pulling on a tank top and sweatpants. She looked around their bedroom quickly, her eyes settling on the small baby monitor that had fallen to the floor beside the bed. “I’ll go,” She said to Lisa.

She left the room quietly, slipping through the door opposite hers. Not being able to contain her smile, she crossed the floor of the nursery and looked over the wooden rails of the crib her fathers had bought for Lisa as a moving in gift.

“Hey baby,” She whispered in a sing song voice. “Couldn’t sleep huh?”

The infant gurgled and shimmied a little so Joy lifted her tenderly out of the crib. She rested the baby’s head against her shoulder and rubbed lazy circles against her back. “Mommy is still in the bedroom, she’s frustrated because you interrupted her y time.” She laughed when she heard a tiny hiccup. “I know it’s only 10, but your Mommy is insatiable I swear.”

“Are you giving my daughter the birds and the bees talk already?”


Read the rest on my BlackVelvet Tumblr blog! It's called BlackVelvetShipShots. Here is the url: Enjoy!

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wenderpfan #1
Chapter 1: Wow! this is great and also cute. hahaha I love this!