Count down


A few days later, Suga and Jungkook were getting ready to talk to the school board.

"Hey baby, ready to see what they're going to say?" Jungkook asked.

Suga stayed quiet.

"Suga?" Jungkook asked.

Suga sighed.

"Uh...look...I don't think this will work. I don't want you to trade in your admission for me." Suga said slowly.

Jungkook stared at him.

"What are you saying?" He asked, getting slightly anxious.

"I'm saying I want you to keep your admission and go to the school. I'll go back to South Korea, but we will stay together." Suga said.

Jungkook nodded slowly.

"B-but why can't you just get a job up here? School doesn't start for another few months anyway. That gives us time a-"

"Jungkook, I want us to live together. I do. But right now I can't. I don't have the time or money. But as soon as I do, I will come live with you. Where ever you go, I will follow. Okay?" Suga said, softly.

Jungkook started to tear up.

"B-but...h-how do you know we will stay together?" He asked, sadly.

Suga watched him for a few seconds, he carefully held Jungkook's face in his hands and kissed his head.

"Because, if we truly love each other, anything is possible." He whispered.

Jungkook hugged Suga tightly in his arms and kissed his lips softly.

"I love you. Are you sure? Are you willing to make this work?" Jungkook asked, worried.

Suga nodded.

"Yes, my love. I love you." He answered.

Jungkook smiled slowly. Finally, he took a deep breath, and started to calm down again. A few days passed, and the two were on their way back to South Korea.  They played games and talked to entire plane ride, laughing at their inside jokes, so loud, that they were asked a few different times to quiet down by flight attendants. Eventually, they made it to the airport. They ran towards Suga's parents and hugged them as if they would never see them again.

"So? How'd it go?" His mom asked, urgently.

Suga looked at Jungkook, nervously. Jungkook squeezed his hand gently.

"U-uhm...well...Suga did amazing and he-"

"Ooh I knew it! I just knew he'd get in!" His mother said, excitedly.


"We have to start packing!" She said.

"Mom!" He said, loudly.

"What?" She asked.

Suga sighed, sadly.

"I didn't get it." He muttered, disappointed.

"What?" She asked, sadly.

He nodded.

"B-but... Jungkook did!" He said, managing a smile.

"Aww well that's great! At least one of you got it. Maybe Suga can visit or something." She stated.

The boys nodded.

"I need to call my parents." Jungkook said, kissing Suga's cheek and leaving the room.

"Are you okay?" She asked, hugging him tightly.

He nodded, slowly.

"I'm fine, mom." He replied.

"Aww no you're not. I know my son better than that. You're upset because you didn't get in?"

"No. Well, yea. But I...." He said, tearing up.

"I love him. So much. And I'm going to miss him. I can't just leave here. I have a job. I need to save up more before I can move." He answered.

She nodded.

"Aww honey, I know everything will work out." She insisted.

He sighed, wiping his tears.

"I hope so." He muttered.

A few minutes later, Jungkook came back out to join them. Suga hugged him immediately. Jungkook Chuckled and hugged back, tightly. Later that night, Suga and Jungkook were laying on Suga's bed, snuggling.

"You know, it's going to be real lonely without you." Suga muttered.

Jungkook nodded.

"Yea, but not for long. We'll be okay. I promise." 

Suga smiled.

"I hope so, babe." He replied.

Jungkook kissed his head. Jungkook felt nervous, but excited. He already couldn't wait until Suga and him could move in together. Over the next couple months, Suga picked up extra hours at work to save more, Jungkook started packing his stuff up and it was all becoming too real. Would him and Suga really have the strength to make it with such a long distance between them?

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 20: Wow that was nice. Love it
Chapter 20: This is finish ? It's romantic story
inkbun #3
inkbun #4
Chapter 4: im reading this in class lolol
joanna20 #5
Chapter 15: I pray they will! I hope there is miracle for Suga.
Alexa5331 #6
Chapter 5: It's really cute thank you for the fluff