Entry -5


Perhaps obsession is just love that has no place to go? 

A deserted field of feelings so intense that it becomes fragile. Maybe love and obsession are two sides of the same coin and Im the air in between the toss. 

Is that how love works?  

I like the feeling of being in love with you. I like the sappiness and butterflies i get in my stomach and I dream of thid place we can go to and just be.

Or maybe..its the heartbreak settling in. Taking hold on my heart and forcing me to feel this..pain? Desire? No. I know that I want you. I know that i need you. 

But my heart is telling me one thing while my head says another. 

Im not sure anymore. 

Im not even sure if i want to be here anymore. The lonliness is getting to me. 

I might call you again.

You wont pick up.

I know you wont.

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yekyu3424 #1
Chapter 5: It sadden me to see yesung, i hope he will find someone to get him happy
Chapter 5: My heart is not calm reading this fanfic, I want Yesung together with Kyuhyun TT_TT
Alyblankspace_281507 #3
Chapter 5: You came baaaaccckkk !!!
I re-read this again and it still hurts af but I still want to read it ㅠㅠ
Thank you for updating ❤️
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 4: This is so sad.... :(
Alyblankspace_281507 #5
Chapter 4: Why does it hurt so much but I still wanna read it? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: I was confused whose pov this was up until it mentions snoring. This is beautiful, I hope you'll continue it.

Yesung does sound obsessed but it's also Kyuhyun's fault for leading him on. He should have made a clear separation without shutting him off completely, unless he actually likes him and is having conflicted feelings I suppose that's a possibility but I'm not seeing this ending well.
TaiShanNiangNiang #7
Chapter 3: Sorry your year away wasn't good! Thank you very much for the update. Hope YeYe finds his strength.
LongBanana #8
Chapter 3: Is this over? it's quite short, but it's amazing <3 I think.. this story looks more like 'oneshoot' than 3shoot
But don't worry it's still amazing <3
402 streak #9
Chapter 3: oh author-nim~ It's really great to see you here. I thought you are abandoning this fic. Since I know you're still here tho you have a lot in your life, fighting author-nim~ Take your time~
402 streak #10
Chapter 2: wait, where's the ending? T______T I'm dying to know it~ Don't tell me it just ends like that T^T