The Healing

Lion and Hound(or puppy?)

There was silence in the room as they stood a few meters apart. Hyejin stared at Wheein, taking in her appearance at the moment. The whole hallway was empty as the two stayed back in class that spring day, a little later in the evening than usual. If it were any other day, Hyejin would’ve been mesmerised by the setting sun rays that bathed one side of Wheein’s face. She would’ve marvelled at her brilliant hazel eyes that were dilating and constricting, adjusting to the sun’s light. She would’ve commented on Wheein’s brilliant hair that appeared a beautiful bronze colour beneath the deceiving red hue. But the intense glare Wheein was giving her at the time was bringing chills down her spine.


What should she do? Stern or gentle approach?


Wheein brushed her hair back and folded her arms. She looked away.






“You can’t do this,” Hyejin pleaded.


“I’m fine, Hyejin.” She replied, turning her head away and brushing her hair out of her face again. Hyejin recognised that as something Wheein would do if she has something in her mind, something that irritates her.


“You can say that, but you can’t possibly be telling me that this...” Hyejin went up to her to grab her wrist, only to reveal her milky white arm stained by purples and reds and angry veins; the girl hissed in pain, “ normal.”


Wheein quickly snatched her hand off and backed away, forming a tight fist and tucked it in her folded arms once more. “It was a slight miscalculation. I thought I had him under control--”


“Well clearly you haven’t, seeing yourself in such a state,” she scoffed a humorless laugh.


“He didn’t mean to!”


“Do you take me for a fool Wheein-sshi?”


“I’m not some weak girl that needs protection.”


“I’m not saying that you are!”


“Well, it really is none of your ing business isn’t it, Ahn Hyejin!”


“Look,” Hyejin inhaled. Her fingers went up to massage the bridge of her nose, “I’m your friend, Wheein-ah. Not your enemy,” she tried again, gently this time. “I’m here to help you.”


“I can handle it on my own.” Wheein muttered under her breath, cursing her own body for betraying the strong front that she was putting up at the sound of Hyejin’s concerned voice.


Hyejin walked a few steps to her. “I have no doubt that you can. I’ve seen you do it. You can control the student council just by snapping your fingers.” Hyejin gave a small, endearing smile at that. “But you and me, we are a team, remember?”


Another step.


Wheein still refused to make eye contact, still looking at the ground, still gritting her teeth and Hyejin could see her jaw clenching and unclenching.


“Wheein-ah…” Directly in front of her now, she coaxed her folded arms off and pried her fist open, seeing the marks there on her skin. “You are a strong woman, no doubt about it,” her hand gently traced over the blues and purples, “but your brother needs to go to jail.” Hyejin whispered.


“You don’t understand…” Wheein mumbled back. “He was just a little too drunk last night.”


Hyejin’s travelling fingers lingered on the darkest shade of purple. “He hurt you.” she whispered.


Wheein shook her head from side to side.


“He has been hurting you and your mom for months now.”


Another reluctant headshake and Wheein looked like she was in pain.


“He is the breadwinner of the family…” Wheein politely removed herself from Hwasa, and rubbed the length of her own arm up and down. Hyejin had never seen her look so vulnerable, so incredibly… human. “My family, my mother, dongsaeng and I, we rely too much on him. He pays the bills in our house. He c-can’t go to ja--... He--... He must’ve been so pressured to take care of us ever since dad left maybe that’s why--”


Hyejin cooed and shushed her.


Wheein choked a sob, “He’s my brother, Hyejin-ah. We used to make mud castles and drew our dream houses together.”


Hyejin stayed close and rubbed her back in slow circles, an attempt to ease the crying woman.


“He used to call me every day...” her voice cracked and her tears would not stop no matter how hard she willed it to, “ make sure I was studying well. And we used to run around the house pretending every table and chair and sofas were performance stages.”


“But ever since my dad left…”




“This is all dad’s fault.” Wheein spat out and slammed one of her fist on the table next to her. “If he hadn’t been such an irresponsible father, oppa wouldn’t have--” her voice cracked and she was unable to finish the sentence as tears travelled down her cheeks uncontrollably. Hyejin watched her take her moment in silence. She wouldn't have thought it to be this complicated.


Wheein laughed a dry laugh after a few painful seconds of silent sobbing. “I'm such a mess, aren't I?”


“No, Wheein-ah.” Hyejin instinctively pulled the girl into a hug and kissed her temple. “No, you're doing so well. I'm so proud of you.” That was the first time Hyejin and Wheein hugged each other; she never noticed this before, but she realised that within one year of friendship, they've never been as intimate as how they were at the moment. And it made her wonder how long it had been since Wheein had suffered on her own; how long did Wheein shoulder all of those responsibilities by herself; how long had she actually wanted to just hide her face in someone's neck as the sun politely gave them the privacy that they needed. Hyejin breathed slowly and wrapped her arms around Wheein’s torso, her hair and whispered words of encouragement in her ear. Wheein’s trust issues made sense now that Hyejin knew of her father’s abandonment. And Hyejin would let her know right there and then that she will never do what her father did, and that she would never break like how her brother did. Her grip tightened slightly and she promised that to herself. It is one of their first biggest non verbal form of communication that they both thankfully understood, and appreciated from each other. It was the first time Wheein could actually learn to trust again; it marked the beginning of her healing.



Hey. I'm back. So I wanted to make it clear that this is a work of fiction and is in no way related to Wheein's real life.

Hope you enjoyed it. If you think my content is worthy or your criticism and subscription, please feel free to do so.



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cjmoo_ #1
Chapter 5: I love this chapter so much? I love how Hyejin was attentive towards Wheein. Their conversation makes my heart melt. Thank you for this!
cjmoo_ #2
Chapter 5: Will comment on this soon ;-;
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 5: Will read this soon!
michey #4
Chapter 5: Thank you author!
Karinavidz #5
Chapter 5: Yay, another update! Hope another one comes soon
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 4: I appreciate you writing this fic. The way you wrote about how Hyejin sees Wheein and her personality/feelings in the first chapter to her handling Wheein getting beaten, it's very well-written. Really like it that there's more show than tell.
Chapter 2: Yeeees I love this too. The fanart is beautiful as well. I hope you certainly continue this.
Chapter 1: I think you’ve captured, what we’ve been able to see/read/know about Wheein and her battle with depression/loneliness, quite well.

Wheesa is to me, by far, WAY more interesting and cute than Moonsun and deserves just as much love and appreciation as that pairing gets. I love them so much that I will fight people too.